3056 Author Pham, Nhi Thi Author Broad, Gavin R. Author Matsumoto, Rikio Author Wägele, Wolfgang J. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-10-12 3056 1 67 journal article 1175­5334 Xanthopimpla morsei sp. nov. ( Figs 1a , 3a , 5a , 7a , 9a , 11a , 13a , 15a ) Diagnosis . Antennal flagellum with apical half a little thicker than basal half; malar space long, about 0.85x basal width of mandible; scutellum without lateral carina on apical 0.25; submetapleural carina present on anterior 0.5 of metapleuron; ovipositor down-curved, ovipositor sheath 0.6x length of hind tibia. Description ( Holotype female). Body length 7.3 mm , fore wing 5.2 mm , ovipositor sheath 0.85mm . Head . Antennal flagellum thicker apically; first flagellomere 1.7x length of second; diameter of lateral ocellus 0.8x ocellar-ocular distance; frons smooth; face 1.1x as high as wide, with shallow, small punctures; clypeus with apical margin rounded, 0.7x as high as wide; malar space about 0.85x basal width of mandible. Mesosoma . Epomia about 0.3x basal width of mandible; lower anterior corner of pronotum rounded, forming obtuse angle of about 135°; mesoscutum almost smooth, with several small punctures anteriorly; notaulus present on anterior 0.3 of mesoscutum, extending to anterior level of tegula; scutellum weakly convex, lateral carina absent from posterior 0.25; mesopleuron smooth, with some small punctures on lower part; epicnemial carina present on lower half of mesopleuron; submetapleural carina medially forming high flange; metapleuron polished, submetapleural carina present on anterior 0.5, pleural carina extending to anterior margin; propodeum with area superomedia confluent with second lateral area; posterior transverse carina strong, a little concave medially; costula present; lateral longitudinal carina not complete, nearly reaching to above propodeal spiracle; propodeal spiracle oval, 2.0x as long as wide. Hind leg with femur 2.8x as long as wide, 0.85x length of tibia, basitarsus 0.3x length of tarsus, 2.0x second tarsomere, third tarsomere 1.2x as long as wide; mid tibia with two bristles at apex, five bristles near apex; hind tibia with three bristles at apex, five bristles near apex, all bristles stout. Fore wing lacking vein 3 rs -m ; cu-a opposite Rs+M ; hind wing with first abscissa of vein Cu 1 about 0.55x length of vein cu-a ; veins 1 A , Cu 1, M , and Rs indistinct distally. Metasoma . First tergite 1.3x as long as apical width, median longitudinal carina ending at oblique groove, dorsolateral carina complete; tergite 3 onwards densely, coarsely punctate; ovipositor down-curved, lower valve with five apical ridges, upper valve not enclosing lower valve; ovipositor sheath 0.6x length of hind tibia. Colour . Lemon yellow; antenna brown basally, dark brown apically; mesoscutum with three continuous black spots medially; tegula brown, transparent posteriorly; base of propodeum with black band extending little over first lateral area; mid trochanter with basal 0.4 of ventral and 0.6 of lateral side brown; base and apex of mid tibia with dark brown stripes; hind trochanter blackish; hind tibia basally and apically black; fifth tarsomeres of mid and hind legs brown; wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins brown, except basal half of costa yellowish; tergites 1, 3, and 7 with black bands; tergites 4 and 5 with two lateral black spots, tergite 8 with median black spot; ovipositor reddish brown; ovipositor sheath black. Comparison . This species resembles X. flava Ashmead in the following characters: notaulus ending before median level of tegula, area superomedia confluent with second lateral area, and lateral carina of scutellum not reaching apex. However, it differs from the latter species in having black marks on the body, the shorter submetapleural carina (reaching anterior 0.5 versus 0.75), propodeum with lateral longitudinal carina incomplete and apical transverse carina is a little concave medially. Etymology . Named after Morse code, because of its pattern of dots, dashes and gaps. Distribution . Currently known only from Cat Tien NP, Dong Nai province , southern Vietnam (Fig. 19). Ecological notes . The specimens were collected in secondary evergreen forest at low altitude. Material examined . Holotype : ( RMNH ), Dong Nai , Cat Tien NP , 100 m a.s.l. , 15−20.V.2007 , leg. C. v. Achterberg & R. de Vries leg. Paratypes : 1♀ ( IEBR ) , 1♀ ( RMNH ), 13–20.v.2007 , same locality and collectors as holotype .