Isolation and characterization of two unrecorded yeast species in the order Filobasidiales Author Srinivasan, Inyoung Choi and Sathiyaraj text Journal of Species Research 2024 13 1 100 104 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2024.13.1.100 2713-8615 13160988 Description of Solicoccozyma terricola GW 1-3 Cells are oval shaped and budding is polar ( Fig. 1 ). Colonies are convex, smooth, and white cream-colored after 3 days of incubation on YPD agar at 25℃. In the API 20C AUX test, strain GW1-3 is positive for N -acetyl-D-glucosamine, D-raffinose, D-melezitose, D-saccharose (sucrose), galactose, glucose, methyl-D-glucopyranoside, D-xylose, and D-maltose; weak positive for calcium-2-keto-D-gluconate, xylitol, and inositol; but negative for glycerol, L-arabinose, D-lactose (bovine origin), D-trehalose, adonitol, D-sorbitol, and D-cellobiose. Fig. 3. A Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree reconstructed from a comparative analysis of 26S rRNA gene sequences showing the rela- tionships of strain PG1-1-10C with closely related species. Bootstrap values (>70%) based on neighbor-joining methods are shown at the branch nodes. Bar, 0.01 substitutions per nucleotide position. Strain GW1-3 ( KACC 410362 ) was isolated from soil collected in Cheongju City , Chungcheongbuk Province , Republic of Korea .