A report of four unrecorded species of opisthobranch molluscs from Korea Author Jung, Daewui Author Lee, Jongrak Author Kim, Chang-Bae text Journal of Species Research 2014 2014-02-28 3 1 1 6 http://dx.doi.org/10.12651/jsr.2014.3.1.001 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2014.3.1.001 2713-8615 8120252 Stiliger aureomarginatus Jensen, 1993 ( Fig. 3 ) Stiliger aureomarginatus Jensen, 1993: 232-236 , fig. 20-24; Jensen, 1997: 332 . Materials examined. 1 individual, Seogwi-dong , Seogwipo-si , Jeju-do , Korea , 1 April 2013 ( D. Jung ) (KOSPIV0000185831) . Description. Body aeolidiform, very small; living animal 5 mm in length, 1 mm in width; ground color black. Head distinct from body. Rhinophores long and simple; sky blue with deeper in color to tip. Branchial papillae fusiform; numerous; black with orange tips in living animal; ramiform digestive gland appeared in only preserved specimen, not showed in living animal ( Fig. 3C, D ). Metapodium pointed end; sky blue with fade to posterior end. Oral tentacles absent. Distribution. Korea , Japan , Australia . Remarks. This species shows black or dark bluish-green body color with orange or yellow tips of cerata and a band of white dots with a light yellowish tinge below them ( Jensen, 1993 ). Specimen examined here showed black body color and orange tips of cerata. However, it did not show a band of white dots below the ceratal tips.