Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Old World jumping plant-louse genus Paurocephala (Insecta, Hemiptera, Psylloidea) Author Mifsud, D. Author Burckhardt, D. text Journal of Natural History 2002 2002-11-30 36 16 1887 1986 journal article 10.1080/00222930110048909 1464-5262 5299071 Paurocephala muiri sp. n. (gures 17D, 18D, 19D, H, M, 20D) Description. Species of the psylloptera type . Adult: similar to P. psylloptera diVering in the darker overall body coloration and Rs vein with 23–28 setae. Measurements and ratios as in table 2A–C . Fifth instar larva: unknown. Host plants . The material examined was collected on Ficus sp. (Moraceae) which could be the host plant. Distribution . Indonesia (Tanimbar Island). Material examined . HOLOTYPE , Indonesia : Tanimbar Island , Larat , December 1907 ( F. Muir ) ( USNM ). Dry mounted. PARATYPES . Indonesia : 1, 5, same data as holotype ( BMNH , MHNG , USNM ). Dry and slide mounted . Comments . P. muiri sp. n. is similar to P. psylloptera Crawford. The best character to separate the two species is the shorter setae associated with antennal rhinaria 8 and 9. The record of P. psylloptera by Crawford (1919: 149 , Tenimbar Island, Larat) concerns this species.