A taxonomic revision of Stibasoma Schiner, 1867 (Diptera: Tabanidae) Author Turcatel, Mauren Author Carvalho, Claudio José Barros De Author Rafael, José Albertino text Zootaxa 2010 2368 1 39 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.275783 2f263c21-0050-47a8-a45b-16a8336f72e1 1175-5326 275783 Stibasoma currani Philip ( Figs. 28–33 ) Stibasoma currani Philip, 1943 : 113 (description); Fairchild, 1971 : 75 (catalog); Fairchild & Burger, 1994 : 113 (catalog). Diagnosis. Predominantly black, with pleural sclerites orange and apex of the wing hyaline. Redescription. Female (Manaus, 15.viii.1948 ). Head. Frons dark brown with sparse dark brown hairs and yellow pollinosity. Frontal callus slightly narrower than frons, dark brown. Scape and pedicel light brown with black hairs and golden pollinosity; flagellum orange with sparse golden pollinosity; basal flagellomere with dorsal spine reaching first flagellomere. Face, parafacia, gena and postgena light brown with dense yellow pollinosity; gena with yellow hairs; postgena with black hairs. Palpus long and slender, dark brown with black hairs. Thorax. Scutum and scutellum dark brown to black, with gray pollinosity and black hairs. Postpronotal lobe light brown with orange hairs. Notopleuron dark brown to black with black hairs. Proepisternum, proepimeron, anepisternum, anepimeron and katatergite light brown with yellow pollinosity and orange hairs. Katepisternum and katepimeron light brown with sparse yellow pollinosity. Leg dark brown with black hairs, except for reddish hairs on the ventral side of the tarsus; fore tibia more inflated than the hind tibia. Wing dark brown, with hyaline apex; proximal part of cell r1 hyaline; venation brown; pterostigma dark brown. Halter brown with whitish apex. Abdomen. Tergites and sternites entirely dark brown to black with black hairs. Measurements. (n = 1, Manaus, 15.viii.1948 ) Body length: 13.14mm . Wing length: 10.71mm . Frontal index: 5,0 4. Divergence index: 1. Description. Male (Manaus, 16.ix.1982 ). Head. Dorsal part of the eye light brown, with large ommatidia; ventral part of the eye dark brown, with small ommatidia. Subcallus light brown, with dense yellowish-orange pollinosity. Scape and pedicel light brown, with sparse golden pollinosity and black hairs, flagellum yellowish-orange, with golden pollinosity, basal flagellomere with a short dorsal spine, not reaching the flagellomeres. Face and parafacia dark brown, with dense yellowish-orange pollinosity and dark brown to black hairs. Gena and postgena dark brown, with dense yellowish-orange pollinosity and dark brown to black hairs. Thorax. Scutum and scutellum dark brown to black, with yellowish-orange pollinosity and black hairs. Postpronotal lobe lighter than the scutum, with yellowish-orange pollinosity and yellowish-orange hairs. Notopleuron dark brown to black with black hairs. Proepisternum and proepimeron dark brown to black, with yellowish-orange pollinosity and black hairs. Anepisternum, anepimeron and katatergite dark brown to black, with yellowish-orange pollinosity and black hairs. Katepisternum dark brown to black, with sparse yellowishorange pollinosity and few black hairs. Katepimeron dark brown to black with sparse yellowish-orange pollinosity. Leg narrower than in female, dark brown to black with black hairs, except for reddish hairs on the ventral side of the tarsus. Wing as in female. Abdomen. entirely dark brown to black with black hairs. FIGURES 28–33. Figures 28–30, Stibasoma currani Ƥ: (28) dorsal view; (29) frontal view; (30) lateral view; figures 31–33, S. currani 3: (31) dorsal view; (32) frontal view; (33) lateral view. Measurements. (n = 1, Manaus, 16.ix.1982 ) Body length: 11.14mm . Wing length: 8.86mm . Type-locality. Venezuela , Auyantepui. Distribution. Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia), Guiana , Venezuela . Examined material. BRAZIL . Amazonas: female, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, AM 0 10, km 26, 1.viii.1978 , without collector, ( MPEG ); female, idem, 15.viii.1948 , without collector, ( INPA ); female, idem, 13.ix.1978 , without collector, ( MPEG ); 2 females , idem, 20.ix.1978 , J. A. Rafael, ( INPA ); male, idem, 16.ix.1982 , without collector, ( INPA ); female, idem, 02º45’33”S 59º51’03”W , 22-31.ix.1997 , R. L. M.Ferreira, A.L.Henriques & J.F.Vidal, ( INPA ); 2 females , idem, Reserva Ducke, AM010 Km 26, 2º55’S / 59º59’W , 08.09. viii.2000 , Ferreira, R.L.M. et al., ( INPA ); female, idem, 21-22.viii.2000 , Ferreira, R.L.M. et al., ( INPA ); female, idem, 26.27. x.2000 , Ferreira, R.L.M. et al., ( INPA ); female, idem, 8-10.viii.81 , without collector, ( MPEG ); female, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 06.ix.1992 , J.B.F.Silva, ( MPEG ); Pará: female, Monte Dourado, ix.1978 , Lainson, ( MPEG ); female, Serra Norte, 13-16.viii.1984 , without collector, ( MPEG ); female, idem, 19-22.viii.1984 , without collector, ( MPEG ); female, idem, 11-14.viii.1984 , without collector, ( MPEG ); Rondônia: female, Guajará-Mirim, R[io] Pacaás Novos 11º11’11”S64º51’21”W , 07-11.ix.1999 , J. Vidal, ( INPA ); 2 females , Ouro Preto do Oeste, 29.viii a 1.ix.1986 , F.F.Ramos, ( MPEG ). Remark. The holotype Ƥ of S. currani currently deposited at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, U.S. A, was not examined in this work.