Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes Author Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M. Author Riera, Pamela pamela.riera1@gmail.com Author Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura laurapaninao@gmail.com Author Guzmán, Vicente Valdés vicente.mvg@gmail.com Author Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia phenriquezpi@student.unimelb.edu.au text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-15 4959 1 1 178 journal article 7241 10.11646/zootaxa.4959.1.1 e9fcfa2b-72cd-4826-a7e5-c33cd37bf00e 1175-5326 4693464 3BAB6920-30AC-410A-995B-BBDA9E2A105D Macrometopia atra Philippi, 1865 Figs 111–112 Macrometopia atra Philippi, 1865: 740 Type locality and data. Corral , Chile ” (T, A, MNHNCL ) . Material examined. Coquimbo : 1♂ , Cuesta Alicahue , 15–16.XI.1959 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; Valparaíso : 1♀ , Llay Llay , 27.VIII.1992 , Leg. R. Trincado ( INIA ) ; 1♂ , Mantagua , 01.II.1975 , Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♂ , Leyda , II.1944 , Leg. L.E. Peña ( INIA ) ; Metropolitana : 1♂ , Caleu , TilTil , 28.XI.82, Leg. M. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♂ , La Dormida , 27.I.1982 , Leg. P. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♀ , El Manzano , 21.IX.1965 , Leg. J. Solervicens ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♀ , Las Condes , no date, Leg. Ramírez ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♀ , Peñalolen, no date, Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , El Canelo , no date, Leg. M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ) ; O’Higgins : 1♀ , Las Cabras , 29.I.1955 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; Maule : ( Sex undetermined) Estero de Leiva , 8–12.I.1953 , Leg. Barros-L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 1♀ , Buchen , 8–9.I.1960 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); ( Sex undetermined) El Radal , 26.XI.1957 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 2♀ , Fundo Malcho , I.1957 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); ( Sex undetermined) Río Achibueno , Linares , 16–19.I.1957 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); ( Sex undetermined) Curanipe , 4.XII.1953 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; Ñuble : 1♂ , Laguna Las Truchas , 17–21.I.1992 , Leg. G. Moreno ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♀ , Puentes Comadres , 31.I.1991 , Leg. S. Roitman ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♀ , Las Trancas , I.1967 , Leg. L. Peña ( MNHNCL ) ; Biobío : 1♀ , Cordillera Pemehue , 1365 m , 20–31.I.1941 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Pichinahuel , 10–20.I.1959 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; La Araucanía : 1♂ , El Manzanar , 17.I.1966 , Leg. Wagenknecht ( MZUC ); ( Sex undetermined) Angol , 01.XII.1966 , Leg. Bullock ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , 3♀ , Tolhuaca , 15.I.1959 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); ( Sex undetermined) Termas de Palguin , 12.II.1966 , Leg. J . Herrera ( IEUMCE ) ; Los Ríos : 1♂ , Pichoy , 12.I.1972 , Leg. E. Krahmer ( UACH ) ; 1♀ , Quechuco , 3.III.1977 , Leg. E. Krahmer ( UACH ) ; 1♀ , Valdivia , 3.I.1989 , Leg. Krahmer ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♀ , Santo Domingo , 21.XI.1976 , Leg. E. Krahmer ( UACH ) ; Los Lagos : 1♂ , 1♀ , Estación biológica Senda Darwin , km14, Chiloé , 13.I.2017 , Leg. Rodrigo Barahona-Segovia ( PCRBS ) . References. Philippi, 1865: 740 (desc.); Williston, 1886: 322 (cat.); Reed, 1888: 300 (cat.); Kertész, 1910: 323 (key); Shannon, 1926: 50 (desc.); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 153 (desc.); Stuardo, 1946: 126 (cat.); Hull, 1949b: 373 (key & desc.); Fluke, 1957: 103 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1963: 51 (cat.); Thompson, 1972b: 152 , fig. 9 (head, lateral, male) ( Milesiinae rev.); Thompson et al. , 1976: 116 (cat.); Thompson, 1999a: 347 (key); Camousseight, 2005: 93 (cat.); González & Coscarón, 2005: 347 (distr.); Smith-Ramírez et al. , 2005: 412 (pollinator study). World distribution. Argentina and Chile . Chilean distribution. From Coquimbo to Los Lagos region ( Fig. 70 ). Altitudinal range. From coastal to precordillera ecosystems (5– 1,200 m .a.s.l.). Biology and notes. Macrometopia atra is mainly associated with Mediterranean scrubland, Valdivian forests or Nothofagus forest although is it also likely to be found in open areas (R. Barahona-Segovia, pers. obs.). According to Smith-Ramírez et al. (2005) , this species visits flowers of the endemic trees Eucryphia cordifolia and M. planipes in Chiloé (R. Barahona-Segovia, obs. pers.). Conservation status. LC; EOO = 123,128 km 2 , AOO = 116 km 2 , 25 subpopulations and 27 localities. Genus Sterphus Philippi, 1865 Sterphus Philippi, 1865: 737 . Type-species, S. autumnalis Philippi (orig. des.) = S. coeruleus Rondani. Refs. Kertész, 1910 (cat.); Shannon, 1926: 45 (cat.); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 155 (desc., notes, distr. data); Hull, 1949b: 369 (desc.); Thompson, 1972b: 153–154 (Milesinae rev., desc. & synonms); Thompson, 1973: 1185–240 (phylogenetic rev, keys and taxonomic notes); Thompson, 1999a: 333–334 (key). Crepidomyia Shannon, 1926: 47 . Type-species, C. tricrepis Shannon (orig. des.) = C. jamaicensis Gmelin. Tatuomyia Shannon, 1926: 48 . Type-species, T. batesi Shannon, 1926 (orig. des.). Senoceria Hull, 1930: 144 . Type-species, S. spinifemorata Hull, 1930 (orig. des.) = Xylota coarctata Wiedemann, 1830 . Stherphus Fluke, 1957: 106 . Misspelling.