Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes Author Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M. Author Riera, Pamela pamela.riera1@gmail.com Author Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura laurapaninao@gmail.com Author Guzmán, Vicente Valdés vicente.mvg@gmail.com Author Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia phenriquezpi@student.unimelb.edu.au text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-15 4959 1 1 178 journal article 7241 10.11646/zootaxa.4959.1.1 e9fcfa2b-72cd-4826-a7e5-c33cd37bf00e 1175-5326 4693464 3BAB6920-30AC-410A-995B-BBDA9E2A105D Copestylum ( Phalacromya) azurea ( Philippi, 1865 ) Figs 120–121 Volucella azurea Philippi, 1865: 734 Type locality and data.Colchagua , PropeLlico , Chile ” (T, , MNHNCL ) . Material examined. Coquimbo : 1♂ , Costa Ovalle, 20.I.1945 , Leg. NN ( MNHNCL ); Valparaíso : 1♂ , Horcones, 12.I.1975 , Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL ); 1♂ , El Granizo, 6.I.1964 , Leg. Lineros ( MNHNCL ); 1♂ , Colliguay, 03.I.1967 , Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL ); 1♀ , Leyda, III.1948 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); 1♀ , Quillota, no date, Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ); 1♂ , Perales, II.1923 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ); 1♂ , Río Blanco, 21–29.III.1954 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); Metropolitana: 3♂ , 2♀ , Lampa, 17.II.1965 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ); 1♀ , Quilicura, 23.I.1967 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ); 2♂ , 1♀ , Las Condes, 12.I.1965 , Leg. V. Pérez ( MNHNCL ); 2♂ , Macul, no date, Leg. M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ); 1♂ , El Peumo, 21.IX.1949 , Leg. L.E. Peña ( INIA ); 1♂ , 2♀ , Quebrada de Macul, 26.I.1953 , Leg. L.E. Peña ( MNHNCL ; INIA ); 1♂ , Puente Alto, no date, Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ); 4♂ , 1♀ , La Obra, no date, Leg, NN ( IEUMCE ); 12♂ , 8♀ , El Canelo, no date, Leg. Etcheverry ( CNC ); 2♂ , El Manzano, 05.IV.1966 , Leg. C. Vergara ( MEUC ); 1♀ , El Alfalfal, 26.III.1961 , Leg. NN ( MEUC ); 1♀ , El Arrayán, 13.I.1993 , Leg. R. Trincado ( INIA ); 1♂ , 1♂ , El Volcán, 10.I.1964 , Leg. Montes ( IEUMCE ); 1♀ , El Peumo, no date, Leg. M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ); 1♂ , Guayacan, I.1951 , Leg. NN ( MZUC ); 1♂ , 1♀ , Agua del Palo, no date, Leg. M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ); 2♀ , Quebrada de la Plata, 26.I.1966 , Leg. R.H. González ( MEUC ); 1♂ , Bocatoma río Maipo, 10.I.1968 , Leg. J. Moroni ( MNHNCL ); O’Higgins : Llico ( Philippi 1865 , Shannon &Aubertin 1933 ); Maule : 1♂ , El Coigo, 11–31.I.1960 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); 1♂ , 1♀ , Los Queñes, La Jaula, 14.II.1965 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); 1♂ , Buchen, III.1956 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ); 2♂ , 1♀ , Fundo Malcho, Linares, I.1957 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ). References. Philippi, 1865: 734 (desc.); Williston, 1886: 316 (cat.); Reed, 1888: 297 (cat.); Hine, 1914: 338 (desc.); Curran, 1930c: 8 (key); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 169 (desc.); Curran, 1934: 381 (key); Stuardo, 1946: 129 (cat.); Fluke, 1957: 60 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1963: 96 (cat.); Thompson, 1972b: 109 ( Milesiinae rev.); Thompson et al. , 1976: 72 (cat.); Camousseight, 2005: 93 (cat.). World distribution. Argentina and Chile . Chilean distribution. From Coquimbo to Maule region ( Fig. 144 ). Altitudinal range. From coastal to precordillera ecosystems (10– 1,000 m .a.s.l.). Biology and notes. Copestylum azurea is associated with sclerophyllous forests in the Mediterranean basin of Central Chile . Although this species does not meet the VU classification under the IUCN for EOO subcriterion, its distribution has been affected by land-use change by urbanization and croplands, especially avocado crops, disappearing from several historical localities. These localities are included in this catalog, but in the official local Ministry of Environment red list, these are not considered. Therefore, this species has been classified as VU in the 13 th process of classification of species by the Environmental Ministry of Chile under the IUCN criteria (www. mma.gob.cl/clasificacionespecies). After six years of citizen science project, recently this species was seen alive in precordillera of Santiago feeding on Colletia hystrix Clos (David Bijman, CSP record) and representing the first record in situ of C. azureum . Conservation status. VU under B2ab (iii) using AOO = 124 km 2 and only five historical localities (or subpopulations) remain (originally these were 27); EOO = 22,724 km 2 .