Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes Author Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M. Author Riera, Pamela pamela.riera1@gmail.com Author Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura laurapaninao@gmail.com Author Guzmán, Vicente Valdés vicente.mvg@gmail.com Author Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia phenriquezpi@student.unimelb.edu.au text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-15 4959 1 1 178 journal article 7241 10.11646/zootaxa.4959.1.1 e9fcfa2b-72cd-4826-a7e5-c33cd37bf00e 1175-5326 4693464 3BAB6920-30AC-410A-995B-BBDA9E2A105D Allograpta pulchra Shannon, 1927 Fig. 167 Allograpta pulchra bifasciata Enderlein, 1938: 221 * Allograpta pulchra nigribucca Enderlein, 1938: 222 * Allograpta pulchra shannoni Enderlein, 1938: 222 * Type locality and data. Anglo , Chile ” (HT, , USNM ) . Material examined. Atacama : 1♂ , Paipote , 15-18.X.1969 , Leg. L.E. Peña ( MEUC ) ; Coquimbo : 11♂ , 5♀ , El Pangue , 2. XI.1961 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 1♀ , Puerto Oscuro , 23.X.1961 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 13♂ , San Pedro de Quile , 8 km North , 16.XI.1961 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 2♂ , 3♀ , El Naranjo , Tilama , X.1968 , Leg. J. Molina ( MEUC ) ; 19♂ , 16♀ , Ovalle , 1.VIII.1960 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 4♂ , 2♀ , Estero Canela , 24.X.1961 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; Valparaíso : 1♂ , Algarrobo , 9.II.1985 , Leg. M. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♂ , Quillota , La Palma , 5.II.1970 , Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♀ , Guardia Vieja , 15.I.1973 , Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♂ , Caleu , TilTil , 10.X.1993 , Leg. M. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♂ , La Dormida , 29.I.1982 , Leg. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; Metropolitana : 1♀ , Cuesta Barriga , 15.XI.1960 , Leg. Boyes ( CNC ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Curacaví , 15.XI.1970 , Leg. J.W. Boyes ( CNC ) ; 4♂ , 1♀ , Cerro San Cristóbal , 15.XI.1970 , Leg. J. W. Boyes ( CNC ) ; 7♀ , El Canelo , I.1953 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 2♀ , Puente Río Colorado , 13.XI.1970 , Leg. Boyes ( CNC ) ; 1♂ , Calera de Tango , 21.IV.1962 , Leg. Ignaco Osses ( MNHNCL ) ; O’Higgins : 1♀ , La Cruz , no date, Leg. NN ( SAG ) ; Maule : 1♂ , Bullileo , Linares , 15.XII.1960 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 1♀ , Estero La Jaula , I.1964 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 1♂ , 5♀ , El Coigo , Curicó , 1.II.1960 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 1♂ , 3♀ , Villa Alegre , Linares , 5.XII.1960 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 3♀ , Tregualemu , 12.XII.1953 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; Ñuble : 1♀ , Puente Comadres , Chillán , 20.I.1993 , Leg. S. Roitman ( MNHNCL ) ; Biobío : 2♀ , Caramavida , 10.II.1953 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; 2♀ , Pillim Pilli , Arauco , 18.I.1954 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; La Araucanía : 1♂ , 2♀ , El Manzano , 30km W of Angol , 8–9.XII.1972 , Leg. L.E. Peña ( MEUC ) ; 1♂ , Parque Nacional Contulmo , 23.I.1996 , Leg. M. Cerda ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♀ , Termas de Tolhuaca , 15.I.1959 , Leg. L. Peña ( CNC ) ; Los Ríos : 2♀ , Santo Domingo , 29.I.1978 , Leg. E. Krahmer ( UACH ) ; 1♂ , 3♀ , Valdivia , 17.I.1982 , Leg. E. Kramer ( UACH ) ; 2♀ , Chan Chan , 27.I.1980 , Leg. E. Krahmer ( UACH ) ; 1♀ , Paillaco , 12.XI.1970 , Leg. J. W. Boyes ( CNC ) ; Los Lagos : 2♂ , 2♀ , Caulín , Chacao , Chiloé ( Smith-Ramírez et al. 2005 ; CSD ) . References. Shannon, 1927: 25 (desc.); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 133 , figs 24b, 24b’ & 25b (desc.); Curran, 1936: 12 (key); Enderlein, 1938: 221 (desc.); Fluke, 1942: 15 , fig. 51 (desc. & key); Stuardo, 1946: 123 (cat.); Fluke, 1956: 210 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1963: 13 (cat.); Rojas, 1966: 175 (cat. of predators of aphids); Boyes et al. , 1973: 371 (karyotypes); Thompson et al. , 1976: 37 (cat.); Zúñiga et al. , 1986: 480 (predators of aphids); González & Coscarón, 2005: 347 (distr.); Smith-Ramírez et al. , 2005: 412 (pollinator study); Mengual et al. , 2009: 15 (distr.); López et al. , 2012: 14 (key); Smith-Ramírez et al. , 2014: 6 (ecological study, supplementary material). World distribution. Argentina and Chile . Chilean distribution. From Atacama to Los Lagos region ( Fig. 170 ). Altitudinal range. From coastal to highland ecosystems (5– 3,000 m .a.s.l.). Biology and notes. Allograpta pulchra is a hemysinanthropic species that could be used as biological control and has been recorded in several ecosystems. It has been mentioned as a predator of Myzocallis coryli (Goeze) in hazelnuts ( Aguilera & Pacheco 1995 ) and other aphid species ( Rojas 1966 ). Smith-Ramírez et al. (2005) have recorded this species on Amomyrtus meli , G. avellana , Luma apiculata , Myrceugenia ovata var. ovata , Myrceugenia parvifolia (DC.) Kausel and T. stipularis . This flower fly species has also been observed visiting flowers of B. rapa (Gabriela Germain, CSP record); Colletia hystrix (Orlando Montes, CSP record); L. maritima (Gabriela Germain, CSP record); Orizoë sp. (Daniel Llavaneras, CSP record) and Q. saponaria ( César Martínez, CSP record). Conservation status. LC; EOO = 230,768 km 2 , AOO = 144 km 2 , 31 subpopulations and 32 localities.