Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes Author Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M. Author Riera, Pamela pamela.riera1@gmail.com Author Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura laurapaninao@gmail.com Author Guzmán, Vicente Valdés vicente.mvg@gmail.com Author Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia phenriquezpi@student.unimelb.edu.au text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-15 4959 1 1 178 journal article 7241 10.11646/zootaxa.4959.1.1 e9fcfa2b-72cd-4826-a7e5-c33cd37bf00e 1175-5326 4693464 3BAB6920-30AC-410A-995B-BBDA9E2A105D Dolichogyna (Nosodepus) reynoldsi Shannon & Aubertin, 1933 Dolichogyna (Conocotamyia) reynoldsi Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 165 * Type locality and data. Río Grande , Tierra del Fuego , Argentina ” (T, , BMNH ) . Material examined. Arica y Parinacota : 1♂ , Arica , 23.XII.1966 , Leg. M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♀ , Parinacota , 07.II.1948 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; Tarapacá : 1♀ , Múcar , 17.XII.1952 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♀ , Lever , 20.XII.1952 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 3♂ , 4♀ , Laguna Colorada , 05.XII.1959 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; Antofagasta : 1♂ , Salar de Ascotan , 09.I.1971 , Leg. Sieldfeld ( MNHN ) ; 1♂ , Silala , 06.XII.1959 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Geiser del Tatio , 11.XII.1966 , Leg. M Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ) ; 6♂ , 7♀ , Aguas Blancas , 09.XII.1966 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♀ , Catarepi , 09.XII.1952 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♀ , Ayquina , 3000m , 12.XII.1966 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Calama , 07.XII.1959 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Puritama , 28.XII.1959 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , Tumbre , no date, Leg. Soza ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Turi , 3000m , 12.XII.1966 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Guatín , 10.XII.1966 , Leg. J . Herrera ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Ojos de San Pedro , 15.XII.1966 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Ojos Hécar , 12.XII.1952 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Ojos de Putama , 03.XII.1952 , Leg. NN ( IEUMCE ) ; Atacama : 1♂ , 1♀ , Las Juntas , XII.1965 , Leg. J. Herrera & Zapata ( IEUMCE ) ; Magallanes : 1♂ , Punta Arenas , 2.XII.1950 , Leg. Cekalovic ( MNHNCL ) ; 1♂ , Magallanes , 02.XII.1950 , Leg. Cekalovic ( IEUMCE ) . References. Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 164–165 (desc. & key); Stuardo, 1946: 129 (cat.); Fluke, 1951a: 475 , fig. 8-9 & 17-18 (desc.); Etcheverry, 1951: 358 (cat.); Fluke, 1957: 122 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1963: 33 (cat.); Thompson et al. , 1976: 98 (cat.). World distribution. Argentina and Chile . Chilean distribution. From Arica y Parinacota to Magallanes region ( Fig. 39 ). Altitudinal range. From coastal to highland ecosystems (10– 4,000 m .a.s.l.). Biology and notes. All basic aspects of its biology and ecology remain unknown in Chile . Conservation status. LC; EOO = 326,907 km 2 ; AOO = 80 km 2 and 18 localities (or subpopulations). Genus Ohmyia Thompson Ohmyia Thompson, 1999a: 342 . Type-species Ohmyia omya (ori. des.).