Updating the knowledge of the flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Chile: Illustrated catalog, extinction risk and biological notes Author Barahona-Segovia, Rodrigo M. Author Riera, Pamela pamela.riera1@gmail.com Author Pañinao-Monsálvez, Laura laurapaninao@gmail.com Author Guzmán, Vicente Valdés vicente.mvg@gmail.com Author Henríquez-Piskulich, Patricia phenriquezpi@student.unimelb.edu.au text Zootaxa 2021 2021-04-15 4959 1 1 178 journal article 7241 10.11646/zootaxa.4959.1.1 e9fcfa2b-72cd-4826-a7e5-c33cd37bf00e 1175-5326 4693464 3BAB6920-30AC-410A-995B-BBDA9E2A105D Fazia argentipila ( Fluke, 1942 ) Fig. 188 Epistrophe argentipila Fluke, 1942: 13 * Stenosyrphus (Metepistrophe) argentipilia Fluke, 1950a: 126 , 140, 145* Epistrophe argentipilia Etcheverry, 1952: 204 * Stenosyrphus argentipilus Fluke, 1956: 204 * Type locality and data. “Oriente: Puyo. Ecuador ” (T, , AMNH ). Material examined. Arica y Parinacota : 1♂ , Putre , 23.II.1948 , Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ); 1♂ , Belén , 21.X.1952 , Leg. M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ) ; Tarapacá : 1♂ , Mamiña , 29.V.1965 , Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , MiñeMiñe , no date, Leg. M. Etcheverry ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Parca, 13.X.1964 , Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ) ; 2♂ , 1♀ , Iquique, 20.X.1946 , Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ) ; Antofagasta : 1♂ , Tocopilla , 7.XII.1959 , Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ) ; 1♂ , Chiapa, 23–24.IV.1969 , Leg. L.E. Peña ( MEUC ) ; Valparaíso : 1♂ , Quebrada San Francisco , 1.V.1960 , Leg. J. Herrera ( IEUMCE ) . References. Fluke, 1942: 13 (desc.), fig. 30; Fluke, 1950a: 126 , fig. 131 (desc.); Etcheverry, 1952: 308 (cat.); Fluke, 1956: 204 (cat.); Etcheverry, 1963: 77 (cat.); Thompson et al. , 1976: 34 (cat.); Mengual et al. , 2009: 15 (distr.). World distribution. Argentina , Ecuador , Peru and Chile . Chilean distribution. From Arica y Parinacota to Valparaíso region ( Fig. 192 ). Altitudinal range. From coastal to highland ecosystems ( 0–3,500 m .a.s.l.). Biology and notes. Fazia argentipila have been observed visiting flowers of Haplopappus sp. (Raúl Dinam, CSP record). Other aspects of its biology and ecology remain unknown in Chile . Conservation status. LC; EOO = 141,810 km 2 , AOO = 36 km 2 and nine localities. This species is widely distributed in all South America.