The South American genus Protothereva Malloch (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) with description of two new species Author Webb, Donald W. Author Metz, Mark A. text Zootaxa 2003 234 1 12 journal article 51314 10.5281/zenodo.157072 63c1b6a8-e539-4688-8c6e-08d5be816881 1175­5326 157072 Protothereva peruensis Webb spec. nov. Etymology. ­ensis (Latin)= a suffix denoting place, locality or country. This species is named after the country of Peru from where all of the known specimens were collected. This name is treated as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis: Protothereva peruensis is separated from P. g r i s e a in lacking the brown maculations on the wing veins and in having the parafacial pruinescence and the cuticle of maxillary palpus dark brown. It is separated from P. ecuadorensis in having the parafacial pruinescence entirely dark brown; female halter knob dark yellow; male sternite 8 ( Fig. 11 ) quadrate, sides parallel; hypoproct ( Fig. 10 ) with posterior margin deeply emarginate; hypandrium absent; gonostylus ( Fig. 14 ) with basodorsal lobe large; aedeagus ( Figs. 15­ 16 ) with dorsal apodeme narrow, posterolateral corners rounded; ventral apodeme broad; distiphallus elongate, tapered posteriorly with short dorsolateral projection; posterior half of ejaculatory apodeme slightly bulbous; furca ( Fig. 18 ) with anterolateral projection short, narrow. FIGURES 10­19. Protothereva peruensis spec. nov. 10. Tergite 8, epandrium, cerci, and hypoproct, dorsal view. 11. Sternite 8, gonocoxite ventral view. 12. Gonocoxite and hypandrium dorsal view. 13. Gonocoxite left lateral view. 14. Gonostylus left lateral view. 15. Aedeagus dorsal view (inset ejaculatory apodeme cross­section). 16. Aedeagus ventral view (inset ventral apodeme crosssection). 17. Aedeagus lateral view. 18. Female internal reproductive organs. Scale = 0.1 mm. 19. Distribution of Protothereva : triangle= P. ecuadorensis , circle= P. peruensis , square= P. g r i s e a . Description of holotype male (MEI 090036) Body length 7.2 mm . Head . Length 0.88 mm . Frons with pruinescence brownish silver, with dark brown, curved band dorsally; setae black, elongate. Antenna dark reddish brown, scape with pruinescence gray, 0.86 times length of head; scape length 0.30 mm , width 0.13 mm , 2.3 times longer than wide, 3.0 times length of pedicel, width 0.81 times width of flagellum, setae dark reddish brown, elongate, grading in thickness into macrosetae; pedicel length 0.10 mm , width 0.12 mm ; first flagellomere oval, posterior fourth narrow, attenuated apically, length 0.28 mm , width 0.16 mm , second flagellomere length 0.02 mm , width 0.03 mm , third flagellomere length 0.06 mm , width 0.03 mm , flagellum length 0.36 mm , 2.3 times longer than wide, 1.2 times length of scape. Parafacial pruinescence dark brown. Maxillary palpus dark brown, pruinescence gray, length 0.36 mm , width 0.08 mm , 4.5 times longer than wide; setae whitish brown, elongate. Occiput black, pruinescence gray; setae white, elongate, becoming pale gold, lanceolate along margin of eye. Thorax. Mesonotum with pruinescence dull brownish gray, setae black, elongate, intermixed with pale greenish gold, iridescent, appressed setae. Pleuron dark brown, pruinescence gray; scutellum dark reddish brown; setae white, elongate on propleuron, anepisternum, laterotergite, and metanepisternum, pale gold on scutellum; absent from katepisternum. Wing. Membrane opaque, pale brown, veins brown; length 5.5 mm , width 1.8 mm , 3.1 times longer than wide; pterostigma faint brown; cell m3 open moderately. Halter brown. Legs. Femoral setae pale whitish yellow ventrally, elongate; av macrosetae 1:0:4, pv macrosetae 0:0:0. Abdomen. Covered with dense white pruinescence; dorsal setae white, elongate, appressed; lateral setae white, elongate, erect. Terminalia ( paratype MEI 090037) dark yellow. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 11 ) quadrate, sides parallel. Hypoproct ( Fig. 10 ) large, posterior margin deeply emarginate. Hypandrium not evident. Gonocoxite in ventral view ( Fig. 11 ) broad basally, tapering posteriorly to point; setae dark yellow with several moderately thick dark reddish brown setae. Gonostylus ( Fig. 14 ) with basodorsal lobe large, setae dark yellow; apical half curved dorsally to single point, with subapical tubercle bearing several short setae. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 15 ) narrow, posterolateral corners rounded, anterior margin moderately emarginate; ventral apodeme ( Fig. 16 ) broad, apex truncate, not extending to anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus in dorsal view elongate, tapered posteriorly with short dorsolateral carina, in ventral view ( Fig. 16 ) with short, pointed ventrolateral projection, in lateral view ( Fig. 17 ) with apical half bent ventrally at 65º angle; ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 15 ) with posterior half slightly bulbous, anterior half slightly expanded laterally, extending to anterior margin of dorsal apodeme. Variation: Body length 6.0­7.2, 6.8 mm (N=7). Female Similar to male except for following. Body length 6.8­7.5, 7.2 mm (N=3). Head. Frons dark reddish brown, pruinescence brownish gray with ventral fourth silver, extending lateral to antennal sockets with poorly defined dark brown area dorsolaterally. Thorax. Wing. Membrane opaque, faint smoky brown, veins brown; pterostigma pale brown. Halter stalk brown, knob dark yellow. Legs. Femora with av macrosetae 0:0:2, pv macrosetae 0:0:2. Abdomen. Cuticle dark reddish brown, pruinescence whitish gray on lateral corners of tergites 2­3 and across posterior margin of tergites 5­6; dorsal setae dark reddish brown, short with pale gold setae across posterior margins of tergites 1­4; lateral setae dark reddish brown. Terminalia ( paratype MEI 009004) dark reddish brown. Sternite 8 with anterior margin truncate; penal guide absent. Furca ( Fig. 18 ) length 0.48 mm , width 0.28 mm , 1.7 times longer than wide; posterior and lateral margins rounded, anterior margin truncate; anterolateral projections short, narrow. Distribution. Figure 19 . Specimens Examined (N=I0). The holotype male (MEI 090036) was collected from Q. [Quebrada] Huarochiri, 1500 msnm, 30­IV­1970 ( Peru ) by C. Korytkowski, MEUN­ PRIG No. 548­70 and is deposited in the California Academy of Sciences ( type number 17901). PARATYPES : PERU . Q. [Quebrada] Chinche, 30­IV­1970 , C. Korytkowski, 1 male MEI 0 90035 (MEI), 1 male MEI 0 90045 (MEI); Churiti 17­VIII­1952 , 1 female MEI 0 90039 (MZSP); La Beatita, 18­IV­1969 , Korytkowski, 1 male MEI 0 90034 (MSML); 19­ IV­1969 , 1 male MEI 0 90033 (INHS). Departamento Lima: Chosica, 915 m , 20­II­1928 , R. C. Shannon, 1 female MEI 0 90040 (USNM); Huarochiri, 1­VI­1970 , D. Ojeda, 1 female MEI 0 90042 (CAS); Matucana, 27­IV­1974 , 1 male MEI 0 90037 (USNM); 27­V­ 1929 , 1 female MEI 0 90044 (CUIC).