Review of the rove beetle species of the subtribe Gyrophaenina Kraatz (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from New Brunswick, Canada: new species, provincial records and bionomic information Author Klimaszewski, Jan Natural Resources Canada, Québec, Canada Author Webster, Reginald Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre, Charters Settlement, NB, Canada Author Savard, Karine Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, Quebec ,, Canada text ZooKeys 2009 2009-09-28 22 22 81 170 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.22.219 dd8eeac0-1118-4cdc-b424-363728ad760a 1313–2970 576536 7BA263D5-0C39-4EAD-AD7F-77F12D76776D 19. Gyrophaena ( Gyrophaena ) gilvicollis Casey Figs 18, 118–124; Map 15 Gyrophaena ( Gyrophaena ) gilvicollis Casey, 1906 , 296; Seevers 1951: 709 ; Moore and Legner 1975: 429 ; Campbell and Davies 1991: 106 [cited doubtfully from Ontario with no locality records from Canada ]. Description . Body length 1.8–2.2 mm , narrowly elongate; head piceous to black; pronotum flavate; elytra piceous to black with testaceous humeri and irregular small spots dispersed posteriorly; abdomen flavate, apical part of abdomen darker. Punctation: vertex of head with about 10 large umbilicate punctures on each side, pronotum with a few dispersed large punctures, elytra with fine and sparse punctures. Microsculpture: reticulate throughout except for pronotum, strongest on head. Antennae as illustrated (Fig. Map Ι5. Collection localities in New Brunswick , Canada of Gyrophaena givicollis 18). Pronotum 1.2 times as wide as long. MALE: tergite 8 with two short medio-lateral lobes and two small median teeth, occasionally reduced to small tuberosities or absent, apical margin of disc emarginated medially (Fig. 120); sternite 8 emarginate apically (Fig. 121). Median lobe of aedeagus with elongate tubus bearing two short baso-ventral projections near crista apicalis (Fig. 118), flagellum projecting externally, sinuate in shape (Fig. 118). Paramere as illustrated (Fig. 119). FEMALE. Tergite 8 truncate apically (Fig. 123); sternite 8 rounded apically (Fig. 124); spermatheca as illustrated (Fig. 122). Bionomics . Macrohabitat: mixed forest, hardwood forest, on ridge with red oak in silver maple forest, oak and red maple forest, and spruce forest. Microhabitat: on/in gilled mushrooms on forest floor, on decaying fleshy mushroom (one adult). Collecting period: August and September. Collecting method: sifting mushrooms and aspirating specimens. Distribution (Map 15). CANADA : New Brunswick ; UNITED STATES : District of Columbia , Indiana , Michigan , New York , Pennsylvania , Virginia , and West Virginia .