Antochini crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae: Limoniinae) of Korea Author Podenas, Sigitas Author Byun, Hye-Woo text Journal of Species Research 2013 2013-08-31 2 2 167 184 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2013.2.2.167 2713-8615 13145658 Limnorimarga limonioides ( Alexander, 1945 ) Alexander, 1945: 242 ; Alexander, 1954: 287 . General coloration of both sexes black or blackish brown. Body length of male about 7.1-8.0 mm, that of female 8.5 mm . Wing length of male 6.8-7.4 mm , that of female 7.9 mm . Head frontally grey, getting darker behind. Head of specimens in ethanol completely black. Anterior vertex in both sexes narrow, forming low crest, not wider than three rows of ommatidia. Length of male antennae 2.5- 3.7 mm , female 2.2 mm . Antenna ( Fig. 5C ) black throughout. Scape short, cylindrical. Pedicel pear shaped. Male flagellar segments oval, female flagellar segments distinctly narrower than in male, spindle shaped to cylindrical. Apical segment of male antennae distinctly smaller than penultimate. Apical segment of female antennae nearly as long as penultimate, but wider. Flagellomeres covered with short brownish pubescence, which is less dense in female. Longest verticils of male flagellum slightly shorter than respective segments, that of female approximately as long as respective segments. Rostrum black. Palpus very short in both sexes. Basal segment strongly reduced, second palpomere cylindrical, approximately as long as rostrum, third segment elongate in male, rounded in female, distal palpomere oval. Palpus black in male, dark brown in female. Thorax black dorsally and ventrally, sides brown. Pronotum black dorsally, brown laterally, with small hornshaped bump on both sides dorso-laterally in both sexes. Sometimes these bumps could be asymmetrically reduced. Mesonotal prescutum polished black, without stripes, covered with long, but very sparse setae. Mesonotal scutum brownish black with light brown lateral angle. Scutellum uniformly dark brown or blackish. Mediotergite slightly lighter than prescutum, uniformly dark brown. Pleura generally dark brown. Ventral part of katepisternum black, dorsal part dark brown, covered with sparse short setae. Dorsal part of anepisternum light brown, wing base surrounded by obscure yellow. Wing ( Fig. 5A ) with a strong, uniformly blackish tinge, which is slightly brighter at base. Veins brown. Vein Sc 1 ends slightly before branching point of Rs . Sc 2 is situated slightly before tip of Sc 1 . Rs long and straight. Discal cell present. Position of basal deflection of CuA 1 is variable from very slightly before to well beyond branching point of M . In some cases it reaches about one third of discal cell’s length. Both anal veins long and nearly straight. Anal angle big. Stigma long, oval, scarcely differentiated. Haltere elongate. Stem obscure yellow at base, brown distally, knob brownish-black with lighter apex. Frontal coxae brown with obscure yellow fronto-ventral and posterio-ventral surfaces. Second and third pairs obscure yellow. Trochanters obscure yellow with black spot at ventro-median angle. Male femur brownish black with lighter base, tibiae and tarsus brownish black. Entire leg of female brown. Claw elongate, untoothed in both sexes. Male abdomen black, basal sternites brownish yellow. Female abdomen uniformly dark brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 5B ) same color as abdomen. Ninth tergite with two posterio-lateral blunt-apexed lobes. Gonocoxite elongate, without additional lobes. One pair of gonostyles. Gonostylus long and slender, frontal and posterior margins sclerotised, central part less so and is lighter. Thus gonostylus looks as it is composed of two long bars close together and that’s why Savchenko made mistake redescribing and illustrating species, as having two pairs of long rod-like gonostyles ( Savchenko, 1989 , Fig. 142, 3). Eighth tergite of female abdomen yellow with slightly darkened lateral sides, ninth tergite blackish yellow, tenth tergite blackish. Ovipositor ( Fig. 5D ) with cercus long and narrow, rusty brown at base, turning yellowish distally. Hypovalvae long and narrow, reaching one third of cercus length, generally light brown with distinct black longitudinal line. Fig. 5. Limnorimarga limonioides . A. wing. B. male genitalia, dorsal view. C. antenna. D. ovipositor, lateral view. Flight period. lasts from late May through middle of July. Habitat. Surface of wet rocks ( fauna hygropetrica ). Distribution. Known only from Korea , Japan and Far East of Russia . Examined material. Holotype , 1 J , North Korea , Ompo , altitude 300 feet (approximately 90 m ), 1938.05.30 , coll. Fig. 6. Distribution maps of Korean Antochini crane flies. A. Antocha ( Antocha ) bifida . B. A. ( A. ) dentifera . C. A. ( A. ) dilatata . D. A. ( A. ) gracillima . E. A. ( A. ) integra . F. Elliptera jacoti . G. E. zipanguensis zipanguensis . H. Limnorimarga limonioides . Yankovsky ; 1 ¥ , South Korea , Gangwon-do province , Pyeongchang-gun , Jinbu-myeon , Dongson-ri , Odaesan National Park , N37.73920 , E128.59398 , altitude 794 m , 2012.06.22 , coll. S. Podenas , entomological net ; 7 JJ , South Korea , Jeollanam-do province , Yeosu environs, Manseongni Black Sand Beach , N34.78094 , E127.74765 , altitude 12 m , 2012.06.25 , collected S. Podenas with aspirator from wet rocks. Also compared with the Japanese specimens including the metatype, 1 ¥ , Japan , Shikoku , Omogo-kei , altitude 800 m , 1952.07.14 , coll. Ishihara ; metatypes, 1 J , 1 specimen missing, only labels left, Japan , Shikoku , Omogo-kei , 1952.6.6 , coll. T . Yano .