Nine new species of Bennelongia De Deckker & McKenzie, 1981 (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Western Australia, with the description of a new subfamily Author Martens, Koen Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Freshwater Biology, Vautierstraat 29, B- 1000 Brussels, Belgium (corresponding author) E-mail: koen. martens @ naturalsciences. be & University of Ghent, Department of Biology, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B- 9000 Gent, Belgium Author Halse, Stuart Bennelongia Environmental Consultants, 5 Bishop Street, Jolimont WA 6014, Australia Author Schön, Isa Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Freshwater Biology, Vautierstraat 29, B- 1000 Brussels, Belgium (corresponding author) E-mail: koen. martens @ naturalsciences. be & University of Hasselt, Research Group Zoology, Agoralaan Building D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium text European Journal of Taxonomy 2012 2012-03-07 8 1 56 journal article 21831 10.5852/ejt.2012.8 6cfac628-b07b-421d-9102-f47c8306fd58 2118-9773 3857965 A8804F82-A49A-481E-BB04-2CB4D004EB01 Bennelongia kimberleyensis sp. nov. ( Figs 23 , 24 ) Etymology The species is named after the area in which it occurs, namely the Kimberley in the northern part of Western Australia . Diagnosis Cp with pronounced anterior rostrum, posteriorly bluntly pointed; rounded in right lateral view, LV overlapping RV on all sides, external valve surface centrally almost completely smooth and devoid of setae. LV with pronounced anteroventral beak, and highly arched, rounded dorsal margin. RV in lateral view rather elongated, with highest point of dorsal margin at about 1/3 of the total length; lapel on RV absent, but valves building a triangular bulbous expansion in the same location, this expansion very pronounced; anterior selvage with flange-like expansion and with additional inner submarginal list. Hemipenis symmetrical, heavily sclerotized. ms forming a three-dimensional structure, embracing ls along three sides (proximal, ventral, distal). ls a large, slightly curved lobe, with almost parallel sides, distally bluntly pointed in ventral direction. About halfway the hemipenal body, one additional lobe present. Rpp with distal segment short and triangular, with a distinct dorso-apical corner, and with blunt tip bearing a sensory organ. Lpp with distal segment sickle-shaped, very curved, and short. Measurements (all measurements in µm) Male: RV: L = 1998; H = 1159. LV: L = 2093; H = 1230. Cp: L = 2150-2177 ; H = 1289; W = 1298. Female: RV: L = 2068; H = 1243. Cp: L = 2139-2230 ; H = 1300; W = 1223-1268 . Type locality Taylors Lagoon, Broome, collected by the authors on 21 July 2011 , approximate coordinates: 17º 49’ 184” S 122º 41’936”E (KIMB-01). Type material Holotype Male ( WAM.C49432 ), with soft parts dissected in a sealed slide, valves stored dry in a micropalaeontological slide. Allotype LV and RV of a female ( WAM .C49433) stored dry in a micropalaeontological slide. Paratypes Two males ( WAM .C49434, OC.3322) dissected and stored as the holotype ; three female ( WAM .C49435) and three male ( WAM .C49436) carapaces stored dry in micropalaeontological slides; RV +LV of a male ( WAM .C49437) stored dry in micropalaeontological slides. Several specimens in EtOH ( WAM .C49438). Other material investigated (all from Kimberley) Parry Lagoons , collected by Andrew Storey on 21 Sep. 2000 , approximate coordinates: 15º 34’ 00”S 128º 17’ 00”E (sample NS-028). Specimens from this locality: two males, dissected and stored as the holotype (OC.3323; WAM .C49441); RV +LV of a male ( WAM .C49440); soft parts of a male ( WAM . C49442); RV +LV of a female ( WAM .C49439). Small dam beside natural wetland along Great Northern Highway , collected by the authors on 21 July 2011 , approximate coordinates: 17º 45’ 05”S 122º 56’ 14”E (KIMB-04). Roadside pool E of Fitzroy River, Willare , collected by the authors on 21 July 2011 , approximate coordinates: 17º 44’ 19”S 123º 38’ 30”E (KIMB-05). Roadside pool containing cane grass, E of Fitzroy River along Great Northern Highway , collected by the authors on 21 July 2011 , approximate coordinates: 17º 44’ 22”S 123º 37’ 54”E (KIMB-06). Myall Bore , E pool , collected by the authors on 22 July 2011 , approximate coordinates: 17º 20’ 53”S 123º 39’ 59”E (KIMB-10). Pool N side of Gibb Rd , collected by the authors on 22 July 2011 , approximate coordinates: 17º 21’ 09”S 123º 44’ 11”E (KIMB-11). (Identification of KIMB 04,06,10 & 11 was confirmed using barcoding). Differential diagnosis The present species is slightly larger than B. strellyensis sp. nov. (up to 2.2 mm in Kimberley, up to 2.0 mm in Pilbara), and has a slightly larger antero-ventral beak in the LV, while also the antero-ventral bulbous expansion in the RV is slightly larger. The second segment of the Rpp in B. kimberleyensis sp. nov. is more triangular, i.e. with a clear dorsoapical corner. The second segment of the Lpp is less curved, but this also depends partially on the position of this segment relative to the first segment (the second segment can hinge). The hemipenis has a broader ls, while in some Kimberley populations, lobe ms2 is hardly visible, but still present (visible at least on the ventral side at high magnification). Additional description Valves in lateral view ( Figure 23 A-D) with rounded dorsal margin, LV overlapping RV on all sides ( Figure 23K, L ), greatest height in the middle; in dorsal and ventral views ( Figure 21 E-H) with greatest width in the middle of the carapace; anterior rostrum well-developed, posterior side bluntly pointed, LV dorsally only anteriorly ridge-like; external valve surface centrally almost completely smooth and devoid of setae. LV ( Figure 23A, C ) in inner view with rounded dorsal margin, greatest height situated in front of the middle; antero-ventral beak-like expansion large. RV ( Figure 23B, D ) in inner view with greatest height situated well in front of the middle, dorsal margin rounded; posterior selvage submarginal; lapel on RV absent, but valves building a triangular bulbous expansion in the same location ( Figure 23I, J ); anterior selvage with flange-like expansion and with additional inner submarginal list dorsally merging with selvage. Most appendages as typical of the genus and without special features. Rpp ( Figure 24A ) with first segment c . twice as long as central width, subapically with one longer (but less so than in species of the previous lineage), and one short sensory organ; second palp segment triangular, broad, with clear ventro-apical corner and almost straight distal margin; apically with one small sensory organ. Fig. 23. Bennelongia kimberleyensis sp. nov. (all from Taylors Lagoon, Kimberley, type locality). A . LVi (allotype ♀, WAM.C49433). B . RVi (♀, Idem). C . LVi (♂, WAM.C49437). D . RVi (♂, Idem). E . Cp dorsal (♀, WAM.C49435A). F . Cp ventral (♀, WAM.C49435C). G . Cp ventral (♂, WAM. C49436A). H . Cp dorsal (♂, WAM.C49436B). I . RVi (detail anteriorly, allotype ♀, WAM.C49433). J . RVi (detail anteriorly, ♀, Idem). K . CpRe (♀, WAM.C49435B). L . CpRe (♂, WAM.C49436C). Scales: A-H, K-L = 500 µm; I-J = 200 µm. Fig. 24. A -C , E , F . Bennelongia kimberleyensis sp. nov. (♂, OC.3323, Parry’s Lagoon, Kimberley); D. B. strellyensis sp. nov. (♂, WAM.C49421, Strelley Station, Pilbara). A . Right prehensile palp. B . Left prehensile palp. C . Hemipenis outline. E. T2. F . A1, without chaetotaxy, showing strongly sclerified dorsal margins of segments. D . Right prehensile palp. Scales: C, E, F = 232 µm; A, B, D = 92 µm. Lpp ( Figure 24B ) with first segment elongated, more than 2.5 x as long as central width, subapically with one large and stout sensory organ, apically with rounded outgrowth, without sensory organ; second palp segment sickle-shaped short, and asymmetrically curved over c . 180º, distally with a small sensory organ. T2 ( Figure 24E ) a hirsute walking leg. Hemipenes ( Figure 24C ) symmetrical, ls protruding well beyond ms, distally bluntly pointed towards the ventral side, proximally with nearly parallel sides; ms actually consisting of three lobes: distal part of ms (ms1) produced into a three-dimensional lobe, embracing the ls on proximal and distal sides (this not visible in drawing, which is made of a flattened hemipenis in a slide) and with a small additional dorsal lobe; ms2 with distal margin nearly straight, ms3 straight and incomplete. Ecology and distribution This species occurred in a third of all our localities (pools, clay pans) sampled during 2010 in the southwestern Kimberley and was also found in the north-east near the mouth of the Ord River. The species appears to be common through the Kimberley and occurs in fresh, clear or slightly turbid water. No further environmental data are available.