Two new species of the genus Homogryllacris (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) with the male of Homogryllacris irregularis Lu, Zhang & Bian, 2022 from Yunnan, China Author Duan, Yanhao 0000-0001-9879-7940 College of Life Sciences, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, Hebei University, 071002, Baoding, P. R. China & yhao _ duan @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9879 - 7940 Author Su, Jie 0009-0003-1620-9300 College of Life Sciences, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, Hebei University, 071002, Baoding, P. R. China & iamyushikai @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0003 - 1620 - 9300 Author Zhang, Wenxiang Huanglianshan National Nature Reserve in Yunnan Province, 662599, Lvchun, P. R. China Author Shi, Fuming College of Life Sciences, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, Hebei University, 071002, Baoding, P. R. China text Zootaxa 2023 2023-05-02 5277 2 388 394 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5277.2.9 c5fff65b-c432-492e-b5de-1138f527a22b 1175-5326 7890008 1FB5467E-B5C6-4FBE-B38C-DC9E6B315999 Homogryllacris incurva Duan, Su & Shi sp. nov. , Chinese name DZẆÑDzdz ( Figs. 1 , 3 ) Description. Body medium-sized for the genus. Head oval in frontal view, fastigium verticis about 1.5 times as broad as scape. Eyes ovoid, slightly protruding forward and outward; ocelli indistinct. Pronotum broad and short, anterior margin slightly protruding forward in the middle, posterior margin subtruncate. Lateral areas of second and third abdominal tergites each with two rows of stridulatory pegs. Wings reaching or slightly surpassing apex of abdomen. Tegmen: R releases RS before apical third of tegmen; RS undivided in left tegmen while forked near apical area in right tegmen; MA free from base; MP absent; CuA forks near mid-length of tegmen into two veins, CuA1 and CuA2; CuP undivided, free throughout; with 3 anal veins. Legs: Fore coxa with 1 spine at fore margin. Fore and middle femora unarmed on ventral surfaces; fore and middle tibiae with 4 pairs of moveable long spines and 1 pair of short apical spurs on ventral surfaces respectively. Hind femur with 9–11 inner spines and 5 outer spines on ventral surface; hind tibia with 6 inner spines and 7 outer spines on dorsal surface, bearing 1 pair of dorsal apical spurs and 2 pairs of ventral apical spurs, ventral surface with 1 pair of pre-apical spurs. Coloration. Body light yellow. Inner margin of antennal socket black, base and apex of scape, base of pedicel, and fastigium verticis with black spots. Eyes black. Apical area of mandible black. Pronotum with a broad longitudinal light red stripe in the midline. Tegmen with rosy veins. Fifth to eighth abdominal tergites pink on dorsal surfaces. Apical areas of processes on male tenth abdominal tergite brown. Apical halves of spines and spurs on hind femur and tibia brown. Male. Ninth abdominal tergite slightly broad at base, gradually narrowing. Tenth abdominal tergite very short, the middle of posterior margin with a pair of long processes, curved ventrad, basal areas strongly curved outward, afterwards moderately incurved on the whole, horn-shaped, apical areas sclerotized, tips acute. Cerci long conical with apices rounded. Basal half of subgenital plate broad, apical half gradually narrowing, posterior margin with a U-shaped notch. Styli conical and short with apices rounded, inserted on lateral sides of subapical area of subgenital plate. Female. Unknown. Measurements (mm). Body: ♁20.1–21.5; pronotum: ♁4.6–4.8; tegmen: ♁16.0–17.5; hind femur: ♁11.8– 12.0. Material examined . Holotype : ♁, Qimaba, Lvchun, Yunnan , 26 July, 2022, coll. Yanhao Duan and Jie Su. Paratype : 1♁, Qimaba, Lvchun, Yunnan , 25 July, 2022, coll. Yanhao Duan and Jie Su. Other specimens : 1♁, same data as holotype; 2♁, Wuliangshan, Jingdong, Yunnan , 9 August, 2022, coll. Yanhao Duan and Jie Su. Etymology . The name of the new species is derived from the processes on male tenth abdominal tergite moderately incurved over the whole length, horn-shaped, from Latin in- (inwards) and curv- (curved). Discussion . The new species is similar to Homogryllacris parcibrevipenna Liu, Lu & Bian, 2021 and Homogryllacris curvicauda Du, Bian & Shi, 2016 , but it differs from the former in: wings comparatively elongate, almost reaching or slightly surpassing apex of abdomen; the processes on male tenth abdominal tergite moderately incurved on the whole, horn-shaped, apical areas straight in lateral view; basal half of male subgenital plate is of nearly equal width, narrowing in apical half, subapical area with styli. The new species differs from Homogryllacris curvicauda Du, Bian & Shi, 2016 in: the processes on male tenth abdominal tergite longer, curved ventrad; apical half of male subgenital plate narrower than basal half.