Taxonomical changes in the genera Hoplasoma and Haplosomoides (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Bezděk, Jan Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Zoology, Zemědělská 1, CZ- 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic; e-mail: bezdek @ mendelu. cz Author Zhang, Lijie Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 25 Bei SiHuanXiLu, Haidian District, Beijing, 100080, People’s Republic of China; e-mail: zhanglj @ ioz. ac. cn text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2007 2007-12-04 47 189 193 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5328311 0374-1036 5328311 Haplosomoides verticalis Jiang, 1988 ( Fig. 1 ) Haplosomoides verticalis Jiang, 1988: 178 , 182. Haplosomoides verticolis : YANG (1993) : 337 , YANG et al. (1997) : 873 . Haplosomoides occipitalis Medvedev, 2000: 29 , syn. nov. Type localities. Haplosomoides verticalis : ‘ Sichuan : Mt. Emei’ ; H. occipitalis : ‘ China , Sichuan , Mt. Emei’ . Type material. Haplosomoides verticalis : HOLOTYPE : J, ‘[ Sichuan Province : Mt. Omei , 760-1100m , 1955.VI. 21 , Huang Tianrong ] [in Chinese , w, combined p and h] // Омейшань, 760-1100M / Сычуань 21 У1 1955 / Хуан Tен- Жyн [ Russian transcription of original label, w, combined p and h] // HOLOTYPE [red label, p]’ ( IZCAS ). PARA- TYPES : , ‘[ Sichuan Province : Mt. Omei , Qingyinge / 800-1000m // 1957.VI. 13 / Coll. Huang Keren ] [in Chinese , w, combined p and h] // ALLOTYPE [blue label, p]’ ( IZCAS ); J, ‘[ Sichuan Province : Mt. Omei , 1955.VI. 23 , Coll. Huang Keren and Jin Gentao ] [in Chinese , w, p] // Омейшань / Сычуань 23 У1 1955 / Хуан КЭ- Жен [in Russian , w, p] // PARATYPE [yellow label, p]’ ( IZCAS ). Haplosomoides occipitalis : PARATYPES : 1 J 1 unsexed specimen, ‘ CHINA : Sichuan / Mt. EMEI , 600-1050m / 5.- 19.5.1989 / Lad. Bocák, leg. [w, p] // PARATYPUS [p] / Haplosomoides / occipitalis m. [h] / L. N. Medvedev det.95 [red label, p]’ ( SMNS , ZMHB ). Additional material examined. CHINA : SICHUAN , Emei Co , Emei Shan , 3000 m a.s.l. , 31.vii.1994 , 1 J 2 ♀♀ , Beneš leg. ( JBBC ) ; Jiulonggou env., near Dayi , 70 km W of Chengdu , , 2 JJ 5 ♀♀ , Z. Jindra leg. ( JBBC ) . Distribution. China ( Sichuan ). Comments. Both species were described from the same type locality ( Sichuan : Mt. Emei). Figs. 1-4. 1 – Haplosomoides verticalis Jiang, 1988 , aedeagus (a – dorsal view; b – lateral view). 2 – Hoplasoma minor Gressitt & Kimoto, 1963 , male abdomen. 3-4. Hoplasoma nigricollis ( Jiang, 1988 ) . 3 – aedeagus (a – dorsal view; b – lateral view); 4 – male abdomen. Scale: 1 mm for Figs. 1, 3 and 4; 2 mm for Fig. 2. Comparison of paratypes clearly showed that both species are identical and must be synonymized. Aedeagus as in Fig. 1. JIANG (1988) used two different spellings in the original description of H. verticalis . In the Chinese (p. 178) and English version (p. 182) of the description, the species name was spelled as H. verticolis but he spelled it as H. verticalis in the legend to drawings (p. 179). Although subsequent authors ( YANG 1993 , YANG et al. 1997 ) cited the species as H. verticolis , we decided to select the grammatically correct name H. verticalis and thereby fix it as the correct original spelling according to Article 24.2.3 of the Code ( ICZN 1999 ).