3141 Author O’Hara, James E. Author Cerretti, Pierfilippo Author Pape, Thomas Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-12-23 3141 1 268 journal article 1175­5334 373 . Nodicornis Rondani , 1843d : 46 . ORIGINALLY INCLUDED SPECIES: Nodicornis wiedemanni Rondani, 1843 (as “ Wiedmani . Mihi .”). TYPE SPECIES : Nodicornis wiedemanni Rondani, 1843 (as “ Wiedmani . Mihi .”) [= Sybistroma nodicornis Wiedemann, 1824 ], by monotypy. CURRENT STATUS: Junior synonym of Sybistroma Meigen, 1824 [ teste Yang et al . (2006: 202 ; as “ Nordicornis ”)]. FAMILY: DOLICHOPODIDAE . REMARKS: Rondani (1843d) used the spelling “ wiedmani ”, while subsequent workers have been using the spelling “ wiedemanni ”. The latter is here considered to be in prevailing usage as demonstrated by the recent usage in the following: Negrobov (1991: 81) , Brooks (2005: 113) , and Yang et al . (2006: 202) . There is no indication in the original work itself for whom the species is being named, thus Article 32.5.1 cannot be invoked to make a mandatory change in the original orthography, and “ wiedemanni ” has to our knowledge never been proposed as an emendation under any of the criteria in Article 33.2.