Species of Nepalomyia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Guangxi, China, with a key to Palaearctic and Oriental species Author Zhang, Lili Author Yang, Ding text Zootaxa 2005 1058 51 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170148 06fefa92-2a6f-410b-8b0c-bddcef3e08cd 1175­5326 170148 Nepalomyia spiniformis Zhang and Yang , sp. nov. ( Figs. 4–7 ) Diagnosis. Belonging to longa ­species group. First flagellomere elongate, 1.6 times longer than wide, with thin lower apical corner. Hind tibia thickened apically; hind tarsomere 1 shortened and thickened, with long spine­like basal spur. Aedeagus with hook­like process apically. Description. Male. Body length 2.3 mm , wing length 2.3 mm . Head dark metallic green with gray pollen. Face rather narrow, slightly narrower than first flagellomere. Hairs and bristles black; postocular bristles black. Ocellar tubercle weakly raised, with 2 strong oc. Antenna ( Fig. 4 ) black except first flagellomere dark brown; first flagellomere much elongated, 1.6 times longer than wide; arista dark brown. Proboscis brown with black hairs; palpus black with black hairs and 1 black apical bristle. Thorax dark metallic green with gray pollen. Hairs and bristles black; 5 strong dc, 6–7 irregularly paired acr, short and hair­like; 1 h, 1 ph, 2 npl, 1 sa, 1 pa; scutellum with one pair of strong bristles. Propleuron with 1 black bristle on lower portion. Legs [hind tarsomeres 3–5 broken off] yellow; all coxae yellow; tarsi from tip of tarsomere 1 onward brown to dark brown. Hind tibia thickened apically. Hind tarsomere 1 ( Fig. 5 ) distinctly shortened and thickened, with long spine­like basal spur. Hairs and bristles black; fore coxa with 3 distinct bristles; mid and hind coxae each with 1 outer bristle. Fore tibia with 2 apical bristles; mid tibia with 1 ad, 1 pd and 3 apical bristles; hind tibia with 1 ad, 2 pd and 3 apical bristles. Relative lengths of tibia and 5 tarsomeres LI 0.8: 0.5: 0.45: 0.25: 0.2: 0.15; LII 1.1: 0.7: 0.45: 0.4: 0.2: 0.1; LIII 1.4: 0.15: 0.65:?:?:?. Wing hyaline, tinged with grayish; veins dark brown, costa with basal section weakly thickened. Calypters brown with black hairs. Halter dark yellow. FIGURES 4–7. Nepalomyia spiniformis sp. nov. (male). 4. Antenna; 5. hind tarsomeres 1–2, inner lateral view; 6. genitalia, left lateral view; 7. hypandrium, ventral view. Ce—Cercus, Sdl—Surstylar dorsal lobe, Svl—Surstylar ventral lobe, Pg—Postgonite, Aed—Aedeagus, Hyp—Hypandrium, El—Epandrial lobe. Abdomen dark brown with gray pollen. Hairs and bristles black. Male genitalia ( Figs. 6–7 ): surstylus with nearly straight dorsal lobe and curved ventral lobe bearing 3 apical bristles; cercus with pair of narrow processes apically, basally with one group of 4 bristles; postgonite simple and club­like; hypandrium wide and furcate apically, and narrow basally; aedeagus thick and complex in structure, apically with a hook­like process. Female. Unknown. Type Material. Holotype male, CHINA : Guangxi: Tianlin, Langping, Linaoshan ( 1300m ), 14.VIII. 2002 , D. Yang. Etymology. The specific name refers to the spine­like basal spur of hind tarsomere 1. Comments. This new species is similar to N. crassata Yang and Saigusa and N. furcata Yang and Saigusa from Yunnan. It can be separated from N. crassata by the distinctly shortened and thickened hind tarsomere 1 with its long spine­like basal spur, and from N. furcata by the first flagellomere 1.6 times longer than wide. In N. crassata , hind tarsomere 1 is rather short and thick with a short basal spur ( Yang and Saigusa 2001a ). In N. furcata , the first flagellomere is more elongated, 2.5 times longer than wide ( Yang and Saigusa, 2001a ). Distribution. Guangxi.