Description of Nasocoris lautereri sp. nov. from the Balkan peninsula, with a review of the genus Nasocoris (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae) Author Kment, Petr Author Bryja, Josef text Zootaxa 2007 1633 39 61 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179468 290aed88-9ae0-44a7-b092-57e68de0d9ef 1175-5326 179468 Nasocoris argyrotrichus Reuter, 1879 ( Fig. 7 ) Lectotype . Male, ‘Chiburgan, Fedchenko’ [= Kyrgyzstan , Hodzha–Chiburgan river, Fedtschenko lgt.] (MZHF) ( Kerzhner 1970 ). = Nasocoris argyrotrichus f. badia Stichel, 1956 (unavailable name, no type material designated) = Nasocoris brevicornis Linnavuori, 1968 (syn. Kerzhner 1970 ) Holotype . Male, ‘Turkestan, Kara-kum’. Holotype data later made more precise by Kerzhner (1970) : male, Kazakhstan : ‘Dzhimbara-Kum, Priaral’skie Kara-Kumy, 7 IX 1930 , na Ephedra , Luppova’ ( ZMAS ). Note. Linnavuori (1968) ascribed N. brevicornis to Kiritshenko. However, the manuscript name N. brevicornis was used in 1963 by I. M. Kerzhner for specimens not conspecific with the Reuter’s syntype of N. argyrotrichus from Sarepta, which in fact belong to N. tesquorum (see Kerzhner 1970 ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Reuter (1879) : 206 (partim, specimens from Chiburgan – see Kerzhner 1970 ). Description, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Reuter (1884) : 318 –319 + Fig. 1 on Tab. 1 (partim, specimens from Chiburgan). Redescription, figures, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Reuter (1887) : 32 –33 (partim, specimens from Chiburgan). Redescription (as sp. n.!), faunistics ( Kyrgyzstan ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Atkinson (1890) : 144 . Catalogue. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Puton (1899) : 71 . Catalogue, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Reuter (1902) : 103 . Differential diagnosis, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Horváth (1904) : 578 . Faunistics ( Kazakhstan ) (not revised). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Oshanin (1909) : 77 . Catalogue, distribution (partim, specimens from Khodzha-Chiburgan – see Kerzhner 1970 ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Reuter (1910) : 83 . Host plant. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Oshanin (1912) : 77 . Catalogue, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Kiritshenko (1938) : 96 . Bionomics, distribution, faunistics ( Azerbaijan : Nakhichevan). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Lindberg (1939) : 18 –19. Key, figure, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Lindberg (1951) : 26 . List of types in Reuter’s collection. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Carvalho (1952) : 64 . Catalogue of genera, type species. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Stichel (1956) : 209 . Diagnosis, key, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus f. badia : Stichel (1956) : 209 . Key. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Carvalho (1958) : 77 –78. Catalogue. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Stichel (1958) : 800 . Distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Asanova (1962) : 120 . Faunistics ( Kazakhstan ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Kiritshenko (1964) : 228 (partim, specimens from Khodzha-Obi-Garm and Rushan – see Kerzhner 1970 : 641 ). Bionomics, faunistics ( Tadjikistan ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Sienkiewicz (1964) : 22 . Faunistics ( Kyrgyzstan ). Nasocoris brevicornis Linnavuori (1968) : 201 –202. Description, key, faunistics ( Kazakhstan ). (See note above). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Kerzhner (1970) : 639 –642. Redescription, lectotype designation, taxonomy, key, figure, bionomics, host plant, ecology, faunistics ( Azerbaijan (incl. Nakhichevan), Georgia , Iran , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Mongolia , Russia (South European Territory), Tadjikistan , Uzbekistan ). Nasocoris brevicornis : Kerzhner (1970) : 640 . Synonymy. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Asanova (1971) : P. 4 of the table. Host plant, faunistics ( Kazakhstan ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Childibaev (1980) : 56 –57. Host plant, ecology, distribution ( Kazakhstan ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Ribes and Goula (1986) : 277 . Catalogue of Wagner’s collection. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Kerzhner and Matocq (1994): 57 . List of types . Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Schuh (1995) : 359 . Catalogue. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Kerzhner and Popov (1996): 271 . List of types , bionomics. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Kerzhner and Josifov (1999) : 375 . Catalogue, type depository, distribution. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Linnavuori (1999): 54 –55, 61–63. Redescription, key, figures, bionomics, host plant, ecology, distribution, faunistics ( Iran , Mongolia , Tadjikistan ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Linnavuori and Modarres (1999) : 224 . Bionomics, host plant, faunistics ( Iran ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Heiss and Linnavuori (2002) : 629 . Bionomics, distribution, faunistics ( Iran ). Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Linnavuori (2004a) : 12–13. Key, figures. Nasocoris argyrotrichus : Linnavuori (2007) : in press. Bionomics, host plant, ecology, faunistics ( Iran ). Distribution. Russia (South European Territory) ( Reuter 1879 , Kerzhner 1970 ), Azerbaijan (incl. Nakhichevan) ( Kiritshenko 1938 , Kerzhner 1970 ), China (Northern Territory) ( Kerzhner and Josifov 1999, no published record known to us ), Georgia ( Kerzhner 1970 ), Iran ( Kerzhner 1970 ; Linnavuori 1999, 2007; Linnavuori and Modarres 1999 ), Kazakhstan (Asian part) ( Asanova 1962 , 1971 ; Kerzhner 1970 ; Childibaev 1980 ), Kyrgyzstan ( Reuter 1879 , Sienkiewicz 1964 , Kerzhner 1970 ), Mongolia ( Kerzhner 1970 , Linnavuori 1999), Tadjikistan ( Kiritshenko 1964 , Kerzhner 1970 , Linnavuori 1999), Uzbekistan ( Kerzhner 1970 ). The record from Turkmenistan ( Sahlberg 1904 ) belongs to N. desertorum . Host plants. Ephedra sp. ( Kazakhstan , ‘Turkestan’) ( Reuter 1910 , Childibaev 1980 ), Ephedra distachya ( Kazakhstan , Russia ) ( Asanova 1971 , Kerzhner 1970 , Linnavuori 1999), E. fedtschenkoae (as E. fedtschenkoi ) (Tian-Shan, Pamir) ( Kerzhner 1970 ), E. procera ( Iran ) ( Linnavuori & Modarres 1999 , Linnavuori 2007 ), E. przewalskii and E. sinica (cited as E. sinensis ) ( Mongolia ) ( Kerzhner 1970 ). Bionomics. According to Kerzhner (1970) , it overwinters in the egg stage and probably has two generations per year. The adults were collected in May ( Kerzhner 1970 , Heiss and Linnavuori 2002 , Linnavuori 2007 ), June (Kerzhner and Popov 1996, Linnavuori and Modarres 1999 ; Linnavuori 1999, 2007), July ( Linnavuori and Modarres 1999 ; Linnavuori 1999, 2007), August ( Kiritshenko 1938 , 1964 ; Linnavuori 2007 ), and September ( Kiritshenko 1964 , Kerzhner 1970 , Linnavuori 2007 ). Ecology. According to Kerzhner (1970) , this species inhabits semi-desert regions as well as foothills and lower mountains in the deserts of Central Asia. Childibaev (1980) classified it as a characteristic species of sandy as well as stony deserts in southeastern Kazakhstan . In dry habitats (Linnavuori 1999); in hilly steppes ( Linnavuori 2007 ).