New record of moths (Lepidoptera) from India Author Ahmad, Jalil Author Shah, Suresh Kr. Author Mishra, Purnendu Author Joshi, Rahul Author Singh, Navneet text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2023 123 1 13 20 journal article 10.26515/rzsi/v123/i1/2023/172571 2581-8686 10913923 9. Spaniocentra kuniyukii Yazaki, 1994 ( Figure 10 ) 1994. Spaniocentra kuniyukii Yazaki , Tinea , 14 (Suppl): 7 Material examined: Bihar : VTR: Mangooraha , 28.iii.2017 , 01 ex. (Coll. Singh and Ahmad). Diagnosis : It is similar to S. spicata Holloway in the shape Figures 1-7. Adults: 1. Nosophora maculalis (Leech, 1889) , 2. Oreta loochooana Swinhoe, 1902 , 3. Eugoa brun- nea Hampson, 1914, 4. Fossia melanandra ( Černý, 2009 ) , 5. Miltochrista roseogrisea (Rothschild, 1913) , 6. Spilosoma howqua Moore, 1877 , 7. Adrapsa ablualis Walker, (1859) . and size of tornal patch but is having large tornal patch on hindwing. Distribution: India , Bihar (present study); China , Nepal , Hongkong ( Kendrick, 2002 ).