High richness, new occurrences, and threatened species in a savanna grassland remnant in the largest Brazilian metropolis Author Camargo Keller, Victor Author Lopes Pereira-Silva, Erico Fernando Author Hardt, Elisa text Check List 2021 2021-03-16 17 2 507 549 http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/17.2.507 journal article 10.15560/17.2.507 1809-127X Andropogon leucostachyus Kunth Figure 17D Identification. Perennial tussock grass, 0.25–1.05 m height. Leaf-blades linear, glabrous, or scabrous on both sides, 5–40 cm long and 0.1–0.3 cm wide, ligulate. Distinguished by its inflorescence with 2–7 branches conju- gated or digitated, 2.5–5.0 cm long, densely covered with white, silky hair. Common name. Campim-colchão; Capim-membeca Remarks. A common species on roadsides and disturbed sites. Brazilian range. All Brazilian regions. Materials examined. BRAZIL São Paulo Franco da Rocha , Parque Estadual do Juquery ; 23°20′11″S , 046° 42′07″W ; 27 Oct. 2017 ; collection number vck113; HU- FABC2016 same collection data as for preceding; collection number vck114, HUFABC2017 .