A new species of Spinturnix (Acari: Spinturnicidae) from the Turkestani longeared bat Otonycteris leucophaea (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Kazakhstan Author Dundarova, Heliana 0000-0002-3136-6457 Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3136 - 6457 Author Orlova, Maria 0000-0001-7811-4364 Tyumen State Medical University, Odesskaya str. 54, Tyumen, 625023 Russia. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7811 - 4364 & National Research Tomsk State University, Lenina str. 36, Tomsk, 634050 Russia Author Anisimov, Nikolay 0000-0003-1573-3373 Tyumen State University, Volodarskogo str. 6, Tyumen, 625003 Russia. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1573 - 3373 Author Baskakova, Svetlana 0000-0003-0935-0181 Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0935 - 0181 Author Shakula, Georgiy 0000-0001-5594-2431 Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5594 - 2431 Author Shakula, Fedor 0000-0002-4660-8631 Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4660 - 8631 Author Shakula, Stepan 0000-0002-6588-6039 Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6588 - 6039 Author Amirekul, Kudaibergen 0000-0003-3996-0917 Wild Nature NGO, Taldybulak St. 14, Zhabagly, 161310 Kazakhstan & https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3996 - 0917 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-12-22 5222 5 443 456 journal article 54544 10.11646/zootaxa.5222.5.3 f7de0992-a33d-4776-93e2-0e88c8bbc991 1175-5326 7471885 74ED833A-A400-4854-A55A-92E04AD004B3 Spinturnix otonycterisi Dundarova & Orlova , sp . nov . Figures 1–24 . Description Female Dorsal idiosoma ( Figures 1, 2 ). Idiosoma about 840 long and 700 wide, broadly rounded anteriorly, widest at level of coxa II to III, with slightly pointed opisthosoma. Dorsal shield 524 long, 418 wide ( 519, 458 in paratype ), with one anterior and two lateral small rounded projections; surface pitted. Shield widest at level of coxae II–III; with 11 pairs of pores (four of them small, others larger). Peritremes ( 199, 242 in holotype , 215, 239 in paratype ) completely dorsal, with anterior ends between coxa II and III extending ventrally. Podonotal soft cuticle with four pairs of rough setae ( 43–61 in holotype , 39–49 in paratype ) (only two setae on left side of body in holotypeFigure 2 , four pairs in paratype ). Metapodosomal setae ( 36, 56 in holotype ; 47, 51 in paratype ) proximal to stigma. Opisthonotal integument without setae. Ventral idiosoma ( Figures 3, 4 ). Tritosternum not visible. Sternal shield rounded triangular, 116 long, 124 maximal wide in holotype ( 118, 127 in paratype ). Shield with weak cellular pattern and two pairs of setae on borders: St1 ( 25, 28 in holotype , 22, 24 in paratype ), St2 ( 20, 24 in holotype , 28, 31 in paratype ), and two pairs of small circular pores. Setae St3 21, 25 in holotype ( 36, 41 in paratype ) on unsclerotised integument. One pair of endopodal sclerites on ventral surface between coxae I and II. Genital shield wedge-shaped, without setae, 91 long, 54 wide in holotype ( 93, 61 in paratype ). Unsclerotised integument in ventral region with five pairs of setae, in intercoxal region 7–8 setae (13–25 long in holotype , 8–26 in paratype ). Anal shield triangular, with one pair of setae. FIGURES 1–4 . Spinturnix otonycterisi Dundarova & Orlova , sp. nov. , female. 1, photograph, dorsal; 2, drawing, dorsal; 3, photograph, ventral; 4, drawing, ventral. Legs ( Figures 5–8 ). Legs stout, coxae unusually wide (length-width ratio of coxae as in Table 2 ), with wavy linear pattern. Posterior setae of coxae II long ( 211, 218 in holotype , 208, 226 in paratype ), thick and smooth. Chaetotaxy and measurements of legs as in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. Ventral setae of legs mostly short (32–51), lateral and dorsal mostly long (87–373). Tarsal claws long, pulvilli well developed. TABLE 1. Leg chaetotaxy of female and male Spinturnix otonycterisi sp. nov.
Leg Coxa Trochanter Femur Genu Tibia Tarsus
I 2 0 0/4 0 (4) 1 4/3 2 (10) 2 4/2 2 (10) 1 4/3 1 (9) 5 18/5 5 (33)
II 2 1 0/2 1 (4) 1 4/3 1 (9) 1 4/2 2 (9) 1 3/2 1 (7) 3 5/5 3 (16)
III 2 1 1/3 0 (5) 1 3/2 0 (6) 1 4/2 1 (8) 1 3/2 1 (7) 3 5/5 3 (16)
IV 1 1 1/3 0 (5) 1 3/2 0 (6) 1 4/2 1 (8) 1 3/2 1 (7) 3 5/5 3 (16)
TABLE 2. Measurements of legs of adult female Spinturnix otonycterisi sp. nov. (n=2)
Leg Total length including coxa and pretarsus Coxa length Coxa length width ratio Tarsus length
Holotype Paratype Holotype Paratype Holotype Paratype
I 1028 1039 161 141 1:1.4 353 341
II 986 915 108 106 1:2.2 206 224
III 961 956 104 101 1:2 212 224
IV 951 981 153 147 1:1.9 225 206
FIGURES 5–10 . Spinturnix otonycterisi Dundarova & Orlova , sp. nov. , female. 5, leg I, dorsal; 6, leg II, dorsal; 7, leg III, dorsal; 8, leg IV, dorsal; 9, gnathosoma, dorsal; 10, chelicera, lateral. Gnathosoma ( Figures 9, 10 ). Length of gnathosoma 362, width 166 (incl. palps) and 199 long, 61 wide (without palps) (331 by 142 and 141 by 72 respectively in paratype ). Epistome small and short. Hypostomal setae: hyp1 8–9 in length, hyp2 and hyp3 minute. Hypostomal processes pointed. Chelicera with toothed chela.
Differential diagnosis . The females of Spinturnix otonycterisi differ from other Spinturnix species by the dorsal shields having three small projections ( vs oval, diamond-shaped or with one or two large projections in other species), and the absence of dorsal opisthosomal setae ( vs presence of dorsal opisthosomal setae in all other species). Male Dorsal idiosoma ( Figures 11, 12 , Table 3 ). Idiosoma about 830 long and 640 wide, rounded diamond-shaped, widest at level of coxa II to III. Dorsal shield widest at level of coxae II–III; with 11 pairs of pores (two of them large, situated on edges of shield, others on shield). Peritremes with stigma completely dorsal, with anterior ends between coxa II and III extending ventrally. Podonotal soft cuticle with four pairs of rough setae. Metapodosomal setae proximal to stigma. Opisthonotal region without setae. Ventral idiosoma ( Figures 13–18 , Table 3 ). Tritosternum not visible. Sternogenital shield angular, with a constriction in the upper third ( Figure 13, 14 ) or with transverse projections ( Figures 15–18 ). Shield with round pattern and three pairs of setae and two pairs of small pores. Three pairs of endopodal sclerites on ventral surface; one pair between coxae I and II, and two pairs between coxae II and III. Unsclerotised cuticle with weak scaly pattern. Unsclerotised integument in ventral region with four pairs of setae (including one microsetal pair), intercoxal region with one pair of setae. Anal shield triangular, with one pair of setae. Legs . Mostly as in females: stout, with wide coxae having wavy linear pattern. Chaetotaxy of legs is presented in Table 1 , measurements as in Table 4 . Gnathosoma . Generally characteristic of species of genus Spinturnix . Palps 327 long, chelicerae 318 long ( Figure 20 ). Fixed digit slightly curved, 68 long, spermatodactyl massive, 53 long, movable digit rectangular, 62 long. Differential diagnosis . The males of Spinturnix otonycterisi differ from other Spinturnix species by the absence of dorsal opisthosomal setae ( vs presence of dorsal opisthosomal setae in all other species) and by the bizarre shape of the sternogenital shield (presence of constrictions and transversal projections). TABLE 3. Basic metric data of adult males of Spinturnix otonycterisi sp. nov. (n=3)
Structure Measurement Mean
Dorsal shield Length 571, 600, 603 591
Width 440, 459, 471 457
Peritremes Length 224, 235, 258 239
Podonotal setae Length 53–74 58
Metapodosomal setae Length 29–65 46
Sternogenital shield Length 241, 243, 253 246
Width at level of setae St1 51, 82, 106 80
Maximal width (at level of setae St2 ) 171, 182, 183 179
St1 length 18, 26, 29 24
St2 length 24, 29, 32 28
St3 length 24, 29, 29 27
Anal shield Length 35, 47, 57 46
Width 59, 71, 79 70
Ventral opisthosomal setae Length 18–30 22
Gnathosoma including palps Length 306, 338, 365 336
Width 147, 153, 165 155
Gnathosoma Length 194, 206, 244 215
without palps Width 65, 71, 91 76
FIGURES 11–16. Spinturnix otonycterisi Dundarova & Orlova , sp. nov. , Male. 11, photograph, dorsal; 12, drawing, dorsal; 13, photograph, ventral; 14, drawing, ventral; 15, photograph, sternogenital shield; 16, drawing, sternogenital shield. TABLE 4. Measurements of legs of adult males of Spinturnix otonycterisi sp. nov. (n = 3)
Leg Total length Coxa length Coxa length-width ratio Tarsus length
(including coxa and pretarsus)
I 941, 965, 994 124, 135, 141 1:1.4 199, 212, 214
II 824, 882, 947 99, 101, 112 1:2 194, 201, 207
III 776, 858, 912 106, 106, 100 1:2 206, 212, 224
IV 824, 859, 847 124, 123, 129 1:2 229, 229, 218
Protonymph Dorsal idiosoma ( Figures 19, 21, 22 ). Idiosoma about 800 long and 650 wide, obovate, widest at level of fourth pair of podonotal setae. Dorsal surface with two shields. Large podonotal shield (382 long, 374 wide) rounded with almost straight posterior margin, surface pitted. Ten pairs of pores (three of them large, others smaller) situated on podonotal shield. Opisthonotal shield small (153 long, 171 wide), pitted, with three pairs of setae. Peritremes completely dorsal, with anterior ends between coxa II and III, extending ventrally. Podonotal soft cuticle with four pairs of rough setae (111–124). Metapodosomal setae proximal to stigma (135). Opisthonotal region with two pairs of setae (136–147). Ventral idiosoma ( Figures 23, 24 ). Tritosternum not visible. Sternal shield (173 long, 113 wide) weakly sclerotised, with granular pattern and two pairs of small pores. Sternal setae on unsclerotised integument: St1 10 long, St2 12 long, St3 11 long. Unsclerotised integument in ventral region with one pair of setae, intercoxal region with five pairs of setae (11–19 long). Anal shield triangular (53 long, 47 wide), with two posterior setae. Legs . Mostly as in females: stout, with wide coxae having wavy linear pattern. Posterior setae of coxae II long (167), thick and smooth. Leg chaetotaxy as in Table 5 , measurements as in Table 6 . Ventral setae of legs mostly short (18–41), lateral and dorsal mostly long (90–190). Tarsal claws long, pulvilli well developed. TABLE 5. Leg chaetotaxy of protonymph of Spinturnix otonycterisi sp. nov.
Leg Coxa Trochanter Femur Genu Tibia Tarsus
I 2 0 0/2 0 (2) 2 4/2 2 (10) 1 4/2 1 (8) 1 4/2 1 (8) 5 15/6 3 (29)
II 2 0 0/2 0 (2) 1 4/2 1 (8) 1 4/1 1 (7) 1 3/2 1 (7) 3 5/4 3 (15)
III 2 1 1/2 0 (4) 1 3/1 0 (5) 1 4/1 1 (7) 1 3/2 0 (6) 3 5/4 3 (15)
IV 1 1 1/2 0 (4) 1 3/0 0 (4) 1 4/2 0 (7) 1 3/2 0 (6) 3 5/4 3 (15)
TABLE 6. Measurements of legs of protonymph of Spinturnix otonycterisi sp. nov. (n=1)
Leg Total length including coxa and pretarsus Coxa length Coxa length-width ratio Tarsus length
I 875 163 1:1.3 188
II 775 125 1:2 163
III 750 123 1:2 175
IV 825 138 1:2 173
Deutonymph Unknown. Taxonomic summary
Type material . Holotype female, 1 paratype female ; 3 paratype males ; 1 paratype protonymph. Type host . Turkestani long-eared bat Otonycteris leucophaea . Type locality . Kazakhstan : Karatau Mountains , Bazhansay river 43°04.08 N 69°54.18 E , 27 July 2022 , leg. H. Dundarova , det. M.V. Orlova . Etymology . The new species is named after the type host Otonycteris leucophaea .