On the taxonomy of Korean jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea)
Cho, Geonho
Burckhardt, Daniel
Lee, Seunghwan
journal article
Cacopsylla baccatae
Cho & Burckhardt
sp. nov.
Figs. 35−36
Adults of the new species resemble those of
Cacopsylla malivorella
[Matsumura, in (Sasaki, 1915)] and
C. myriacantha
in the forewing with a straight fore margin and a broadly rounded apex, as well as the short broad paramere with a prominent antero-apical beak-like process and two groups of strongly sclerotised peg setae on its inner face. It differs from both species in the narrower paramere whose fore margin is hardly curved in the apical two thirds (rather than strongly curved), and in the strongly inflated apical dilatation of the distal segment of the aedegus (rather than flattened and weakly inflated).—Immatures mostly lack capitate setae, bearing 13‒15 long marginal slightly rod-shaped setae on forewing pad and 11 on caudal plate on either side, the latter also with 2+2 marginal sectasetae. Abdomen with three large lateral and two large and a small submedian free sternites on either side of mid-line. Circumanal ring small, close to posterior margin of subgenital plate, consisting of a single row of pores.
Description. Adult.
Body colour in recently emerged specimens light green with yellow longitudinal stripes on thorax, translucent forewings with light veins (
Fig. 35
); overwintered specimens dark brown to black with lighter pattern on head and thorax, forewing greyish with dark brown veins more or less expanded dark brown pattern in apical half, sometimes restricted to narrow stripes along the veins in overwintered specimens. Antenna light brown, segments 4−8 dark brown to black apically, segments 9 and 10 entirely black. Hindwing almost colourless, transparent. Legs brown; tibiae and basitarsi light greyish. Head (
Fig. 61
) as broad as thorax; vertex subtrapezoidal, covered in microscopic setae; preocular sclerite small and narrow; genal processes 0.7‒0.9 times as long as vertex along midline, relatively evenly conical, subacute apically, their longitudinal axis subparallel. Antenna 1.1‒1.2 times as long as head width; segment 3 the longest but not much longer than segment 4; relative length of flagellar segments as 1: 0.8: 0.7: 0.7: 0.7: 0.7: 0 4: 0.5; segments 4‒8 subequal in length; relative lengths of segment 10 and terminal setae as 1: 0.9: 0.3. Forewing oblong oval, with straight anterior margin and broadly, slightly asymmetrically rounded apex (
Fig. 62
); pterostigma evenly narrowing to apical third of r1; vein C+Sc evenly curved in the middle, cell c+sc broad; vein
imperceptibly sinuous, weakly curved towards fore margin apically; veins M and M1+2 distinctly curved, M3+4 almost straight; cell m1 triangular; vein Cu1a moderately curved in the middle, vein Cu1b short, curved at apex; cell cu1 small and irregularly triangular; surface spinules densely spaced, present in all cells covering membrane up to the veins; veins clothed in very short macroscopic setae. Hindwing simple, membraneous; costal setae not grouped; vein M+Cu developed. Metatibia 0.59‒0.60 times as long as head width, with well-developed genual spine and 1+3+1 sclerotised apical spurs; metabasitarsus with two sclerotised spurs. Terminalia as in
Figs. 63−66
. Male proctiger slender, strongly curved subapically, hairy. Male subgenital plate slightly elongate, hairy in the middle and ventrally. Paramere securiform, slender basally, wide apically, fore margin of apical portion forming anteriorly extended to form narrow, outer lobe, antero-apical edge drawn into obliquely upwards directed point; outer surface covered with simple setae, inner surface with two groups of sclerotised peg setae (
Fig. 65
). Distal segment of aedeagus straight in basal two thirds, strongly dilated apically to form an irregular sphere (
Fig. 66
); sclerotised end tube of ductus ejaculatorius short, weakly sinuous. Female terminalia cuneate (
Fig. 64
). Female proctiger 0.70 times as long as head width, with concave, though slightly sinuous, dorsal outline and narrowly rounded apex; base around circumanal ring membranous; long setae in apical half of proctiger arranged in an irregular longitudinal row on either side; circumanal ring relatively short, consisting of two unequal rows of pores, distally slightly extended to contain three rows. Subgenital plate cuneate, dorsal margin irregularly concave, ventral margin slightly curved at base, otherwise relatively straight, pointed apically, sparsely covered in moderately long hairs except for bare base. Lateral valvulae bluntly rounded apically; dorsal valvulae cuneate, weakly curved; ventral valvulae weakly curved with subapical tooth.
Measurements (in mm;
1 ♂
1 ♀
): head width
0.75; antenna length
0.85; forewing length
2.41; metatibia length
0.44; proCtiger length
Fifth instar immature.
Body green with white longitudinal stripe in the middle, elongate, 1.42‒1.62 times as long as broad (
Figs. 36
). Antenna 7−segmented, 0.92‒1.00 times as long as forewing pad, off-white with dark apices of segments 5 and 6, and entire segment 7. Forewing pad oblong oval, lacking humeral lobes and macroscopic dorsal setae. Legs moderately long, lacking capitate setae. Caudal plate evenly rounded, 1.49‒1.69 times as wide as long, lacking long dorsal setae, 2+2 marginal sectasetae. Abdominal venter with three large lateral and two large and a small submedian free sternites on either side of mid-line. Circumanal ring almost circular (
Fig. 68
), small, close to hind margin, distance between hind margins of circumanal ring and caudal plate about a third of that between fore and hind margins of circumanal ring; composed of a single row of small pores, broken anteriorly. Body margin with following numbers of long simple, slightly rod-shaped setae (one side only): anterior head margin in front of eye 5‒7, on eye 1, behind eye 2‒3, forewing pad 13‒15, hindwing pad 2, precaudal area 6‒7, caudal plate 11.
Measurements (in mm;
4 specimens
): body length 1.88‒2.03; antenna length 0.70‒0.78; forewing pad length 0.75‒0.78; metatibia length 0.30‒0.31; caudal plate length 0.53‒0.56.
South Korea
, GW,
, dry mounted).
1 ♂
1 ♀
, same data as holotype but (
, slide mounted)
; 1 ♂, 2 ♀, 5 immatures, same but Hongcheon-gun, Nae-myeon, Myeonggae-ri,
Malus baccata
(G. H. Cho)
(SNU; slide mounted and 95% ethanol);
1 ♀
, 3 immature, same data but
D. Burckhardt
G. H. Cho
) (
; dry and slide mounted, preserved in 70% and 95% ethanol).
Host plant.
Malus baccata
(L.) Borkh. (
), confirmed by the presence of immatures.
Named after its host
Malus baccata
Cacopsylla baccatae
shares with
C. malivorella
and the Russian Far East and
C. myriacantha
Li, 2011
the shape of the forewing, the peculiar built of the paramere and, with the former, the host
, that of the latter being unknown. This suggests that the three species are closely related.
C. baccatae
differs from the other two species in details of the paramere, e. g. the length/width ratios which are as follows:
C. baccatae
C. malivorella
1.7 and
C. myriacantha
C. baccatae
differs from the other two species also in the more inflated, subspherical apical dilatation of the distal portion of the aedeagus which is more flattened in the other two species.