Russell A. Mittermeier
Don E. Wilson
Lynx Edicions
Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 5 Monotremes and Marsupials
book chapter
Long-fingered Striped Possum
Dactylopsila palpator
French: Triok a longs doigts / German: LangfingerStreifenbeutler / Spanish: Falangero rayado de dedos largos
Other common names: Long-fingered Triok
Dactylopsila palpator Milne-Ed-wards, 1888
“la cote sud de la NouvelleGuinée” (= south coast of New Guinea).
This species was placed in its own genus, Dactylonax, by O. Thomas in 1910; that genus, however, is not currently recognized by most authorities. Monotypic.
Distribution. New Guinea Mts, from Arfak Mts in Bird's Head (= Vogelkop) Peninsula in the W, through Central Range, including Huon Peninsula, to the extreme SE of the island.
Descriptive notes. Head-body 20-26 cm,tail 17-24 cm; weight 320-550 g. This species is distinguished from other striped possums by the greatly elongated fourth digit on forelimb and byits relatively large head.
Habitat. Primary montane forest. It has been recorded at elevations between 850 m and 3050 m, mostly above 1200 m.
Food and Feeding. This species, like other members of the genus, feeds primarily on insect larvae that it gouges from tree trunks and branches.
Breeding. Little is known of the reproduction of this species. A female captured at Telefomin in July had small pouch young, and other females from Mount Karimaui had single subadult young in April and August. This species’ pouch has a median septum that divides it into two, each subunit having a single nipple.
Activity patterns. There is limited information on the home range and movements of this species. It is known to nest in tree hollows and in underground burrows, which can be shared by 4-5 animals. It has been suggested that, because this petaurid has evolved to feed on large tunneling insect larvae that typically occur on the ground, it may be more terrestrial than had previously been thought.
Movements, Home range and Social organization. There is no information available for this species.
Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. This species has a large distribution and a presumed large population,it occurs in several protected areas, and there appear to be no major threats facing it. It is unlikely, therefore, to be declining at a rate sufficient for it to be considered at risk. The Long-fingered Striped Possum can be common in suitable habitat, but it is a cryptic species difficult to detect. It is occasionally hunted by local people for food and for its pelt; as it is not easily found, however, hunting is considered not to be a major threat.
Bibliography. Flannery (1994a, 1995a), Hide et al. (1984), Leary, Wright, Hamilton, Singadan, Menzies, Bonac- corso, Helgen, Seri, Allison, Salas & Dickman (2008b), Thomas (1910).