A new genus and species of the tribe Apameini from the Russian Far East (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Xyleninae) Author V, Ато text Zootaxa 2012 3590 16 22 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.283160 3f8418cc-24ea-49e2-9529-dabe35ad3060 1175-5326 283160 Minigrapta basinigra ( Sugi, 1982 ) , comb. n. ( Figs. 3, 4 , 9 , 13) Xanthograpta basinigra Sugi, 1982 , Moths of Japan 1: 822, 2: 384, pl. 198: 8 (Type-locality: Japan : Hokkaido, Tokachi, Taiki). References: Kononenko 1990 :10 ( Xanthograpta ); 2005:92, 155 ( Xanthograpta ); Kononenko et al. 1998 :169, fig. 439 ( Xanthograpta ); Matov et al. 2008 :273 ( Xanthograpta ); Kononenko & Han 2007 : 111, Pl. 131:1, Pl. 266: 2 ( Xanthograpta , male and female genitalia). Material examined. 2 males , Russia , Primorye terr., De Friza pen. near Vladivostok, 20.vii.1955 , 19.vii.1960 (M.A. Omelko); female, Primorye terr., Ugolnaya, Peschanka river, 5.viii.1960 (L. Anufriev); 2 males , Primorye terr., Vladivostok vicinity, biological station, 26.vii.1963 (M.I. Falkovich) ( ZISP ); 3 males , 2 females , Primorye terr., Khasansky distr., Sukhanovsky Pass, 20–23.vii.2002 (V.S. Kononenko). Diagnosis. Wingspan 16–17 mm . Head, thorax and basal half of forewing blackish-brown; outer part of medial field pale yellowish-red, darker to subterminal field; orbicular not expressed, reniform indistinct, relatively large, pale yellowish, with dark nucleus; terminal field and cilia dark blackish-brown; hindwing pale grayish-brown. Male and female genitalia as described for the genus. Compared with related species M. minimoides sp. n. male genitalia differs by reduced peniculi, stronger and wider harpe, fully reduced harpe, thin aedeagus with single spine-like cornutus. Female genitalia differs from M. minimoides sp. n. by broader papillae anales, longer apophyses anteriores and posteriors, and very small antrum. Distribution and bionomics. Manchurian, nemoral. Russia : Amur reg., south of Khabarovsk and Primorye terr.; Korea, North China , Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu). A meso-hygrophilous species, occuring in wet meadows, lakes or sea shores, grassy hills, valleys of creeks and rivers with grasses ( Poaceae : Calamagrostis and Miscanthus sinensis particularly) in abundance. The moth flies from late June to mid August. The early stages are unknown.