Illustrated key to the tribes of subfamilia Ichneumoninae and genera of the tribe Platylabini of world fauna (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
A. M
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
Heinrichiellus hildegardae
(Plate 58)
Heinrichia hildegardae
- Entomofauna
(5): 90-96,
,Ƌ. D i s t r i b u t i o n:
F e m a l e,M a l e
F l a g e l l u m: Flagellum bristle-shaped, very long and slender, gradually attenuated toward apex, with 38 segments, beyond middle slightly widened, with white annulus on segments (7)8-11(12) of females and on 14-16 of males; basal segments very long, first segment 7 times longer than width at apex laterally, square from lateral segments absent. Flagellum 1,2 times longer than the front wing. Flagellum of males without tyloides.
H e a d: Head contour from front rectangular, only just transversal, only 1,1 times wider than height, slightly linearly narrowed downwards, internal margins of eyes parallel; genae from front very long, equal almost 0,5 height of eye, straightly narrowed downwards; head contour from above thick, rounded 1,6 times wider than length of males and only 1,3 of females. Vertex roundly curved to occipital carina; temples from above very strongly roundly narrowed behind eyes, long, 1,4-1,6 times shorter than longitudinal diameter of eye in middle, from side parallel to hind margin of eye; occipital carina sharply expressed all round, from above gradually and slightly impressed to hind ocelli far not reach level of eyes, almost straight, meeting with hypostomal carina far from mandible base; malar space many times longer than mandible base width; mandibles narrow, gradually narrowed from base to apex, lower tooth small, situated approximately in same plane with upper one; clypeus strongly convex, transversal, 1,8 times wider than length with straight front margin, separated from middle field of face by impression; clypeal foveae large and deep; labrum very narrow, triangle, protrude from under clypeus; maxillary palps with very thin and long segments; middle field of face distinctly limited, slightly elevated, narrow, in middle only just narrower than lateral fields; antennal cavities not expressed, with distinct tooth between antennal fossae; antennal fossae large with front margins high elevated above lateral fields of face; ocelli small, ocellar triangle not elevated. Surface of clypeus slightly shining, with sparse small punctures; middle field of face matt with developed microsculpture.
T h o r a x: Collar of pronotum long, its dorsal part from front almost straight. Mesonotum strongly convex, completely matt; notauli strongly developed, deep, sharp up to middle of mesonotum; surface of mesonotum with rough sculpture; subalarum normal not sharpened; area of mesopleural fovea moderately and broadly impressed; sternauli distinct, sharp, practically reach middle coxae; surface of mesopleurae with microsculpture, slightly shining; middle furrow of mesosternum (mesosulcus) very deep, strongly broadened backwards; postpectal carina absent; scutellum high elevated above postscutellum, of both sex carinated laterally and from behind, dorsal surface of scutellum practically not convex. Hind margin of metanotum with triangle projections opposite lateral longitudinal carinae. Propodeum from lateral gradually slanted to hind coxae practically from area basalis; set of carinae of propodeum complete, with exception of lateral carinae of apical area, carinae high; area basalis long; area superomedia of females long, hexagonal, 1,3 times longer than width, of males practically square, costulae before its middle; areae dentiparae at apex with very strongly developed sharpened apophysises practically perpendicular to surface of propodeum; coxal carina developed; spiracles three times longer than width.
L e g s: Very long and slender; of males hind femora long, sharply narrowed at base and at apex, at middle uniformly thickened.
W i n g s: Areolet big, pentagonal with wide base, asymmetrical (external vein of base considerably shorter than internal); stigma narrow, dark; radius straight, long; nervulus interstitial or slightly postfurcal; ramulus slightly marked; membrane of wing hyaline, veins dark; nervellus of hind wing interrupted at hind third, discoidella pigmented. Front wings 1,3 times shorter than body length.
A b d o m e n: First tergite from lateral practically straight with only just visible bend to postpetiolus; petiolus very long, rounded in cross-section, not flattened, with approximately equal breadth and height, petiolus of males at base only just visible higher than breadth; petiolus long, four times longer than width at base; lateral carinae of petiolus practically not developed; from above petiolus rather sharply broadened to rectangular postpetiolus; middle field of postpetiolus expressed slightly, three times wider than lateral fields. Gastrocoeli slightly impressed, in form of longitudinal groove; thyridia punctiform, far removed from base of second tergite; lunulae large, distinct; tergite 2 with dense microsculpture, almost matt, with only just visible punctures, tergite 3 matt; tergites 3-6 laterally bent-under. Sternites of abdomen in most part not sclerotized; hypopygium angle-shaped with longitudinal fold in middle; sheath of ovipositor slightly protrude behind apex.
C o l o r a t i o n: Basic color of body black or dark-brown; of females face black, clypeus with white spots laterally; front coxae with small white spot dorsally; 6th tergite of abdomen with white spot, 7th completely white. White coloration of males presented more broadly: frontal orbits, face, with exception of middle field, clypeus and genae completely, collar and pronotal base and corners of upper margins of pronotum, subalarum, apex of scutellum, tergite 7 and paramerae, front coxae and trochanters completely, and also 2-4th segments of hind tarsi.
S i z e: Body length: 7,2-7,5; front wing:
5,5-6,2 mm