Illustrated key to the tribes of subfamilia Ichneumoninae and genera of the tribe Platylabini of world fauna (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) Author A. M text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2009 2009-12-18 41 2 1317 1608 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5277083 0253-116X 5277083 20. Cratolabus HEINRICH Cratolabus HEINRICH 1974 - Ann. Zool. Wars. 32 (8): 162-163. Type species: Platylabus insulindicus HEINRICH. D i s t r i b u t i o n: Oriental Region. 4 species. I n t r o d u c t i o n: The species of the genus are characterized by a number of characters, differing its representatives from other genera of the tribe: hypertrophied second segment of the maxillary palps, occipital carina meeting with hypostomal carina far from the mandible base, rather sharp lateral furrow at margins of mesonotum, narrow, elongated spiracles and developed teeth of propodeum, morphology of postpetiolus and second tergite of abdomen and bent metatarsus. Gastrocoeli and thyridia are not very large with interval which wider or equal by breadth to thyridia (in comparison with Dentilabus and Acantholabus ). Moreover, mesonotum is not matt but very densely punctured with shining interspaces between punctures. Thickened second segment of maxillary palps is met only in genus Cratolaboides nov.gen. F l a g e l l u m: Of females long and slender, bristle-shaped, very slightly widened and scarcely flattened ventrally beyond middle. Flagellum longer than the front wing. H e a d: Head contour from front narrowed downwards, genae from front sinuously narrowed. Temples (from above) sharply almost straightly narrowed behind eyes; occipital carina meeting with hypostomal carina far before mandible base; mandibles with form character to tribe; second segment of maxillary palps extraordinary strongly widened; clypeus strongly convex, (with form character to Platylabini ); middle field of face only slightly elevated; antennal cavities slightly impressed, without tooth between antennal fossae. Head surface shining with superficial punctures. T h o r a x: Transverse furrow of pronotum not interrupted by keel; pronotal ridge not thickened; pronotal base gradually sinuous, with strongly acute apex. Mesonotum moderately convex, some longer than width, notauli marked only at base, densely punctured, shining between punctures; subalarum narrow, but not sharpened; sternauli distinct up to middle of mesopleurae; scutellum moderately elevated, rounded in profile, laterally carinated up to apex. Hind margin of metanotum with triangle projections. Propodeum from lateral of broken type , horizontal part of propodeum equal to length of area posteromedia; all carinae of propodeum developed; area superomedia approximately same length and width, hexagonal, some narrowed backwards; areae dentiparae with strong, curved upwards teeth; spiracles narrow, elongated, of moderate size. L e g s: Long; femora rather strong; metatarsus of hind tarsi bent. W i n g s: Areolet quadrangular, roundly pointed in front, asymmetrical; nervulus interstitial; radius slightly sinuous, long. Front wing slightly shorter than body length. A b d o m e n Of females from above broadly-oval, flattened; second tergite transverse; ovipositor slightly protrude. Petiolus distinctly wider than height, from above gradually broadened to postpetiolus; first tergite from lateral without sharp bend to postpetiolus, distinctly carinated; middle field only just marked; postpetiolus with irregular rugosity, shining. Gastrocoeli deeply impressed, triangle; thyridia distinct closed to base of tergite, equal by breadth to interval between them; lunulae distinct of moderate size; tergites 2 and 3 roughly and rather densely punctured, shining. Hypopygium sharpened with longitudinal fold, compressed from sides. C o l o r a t i o n: Body with reach yellow-white pattern. Abdomen with apical bands of all tergites, sixth and seventh from above completely white or yellow. S i z e: 9-10 mm .