Botia udomritthiruji, a new species of botiid loach from southern Myanmar (Teleostei: Botiidae)
Ng, Heok Hee
journal article
Botia udomritthiruji
sp. nov.
Figs. 1–3
248184, 107.0 mm
: Taninthayi division, Tenasserim River drainage in the vicinity of Same,
; K. Jarutanin,
29 March 2007
248185 (2),
58.9–81.9 mm
50984 (14),
55.2–114.6 mm
; data as for
56791 (3),
68.8–97.5 mm
; locality as for
; K. Jarutanin,
February 1993
Botia udomritthiruji
can be distinguished from congeners by its color pattern, which includes five dark vertical bars on the body, with the central portion of these bars paler than its edges; with increasing age, the edges of these bars become more irregular and darker, and irregular dark spots on the pale interspaces begin to form, sometimes fusing with the edges of the vertical bars. It can be further distinguished from congeners in having a unique combination of: body depth 23.4–27.7% SL (vs.
18.9–22.3 in
B. almorhae
and 19.7–24.0 in
B. kubotai
), caudal peduncle depth 15.9–18.7% SL (vs.
11.1–14.5 in
B. dario
), and 12 dorsal-fin rays (vs.
13–14 in
B. kubotai
Morphometric values as given in
Table 1
. Overall morphology as in
. Head and body strongly compressed. Head in lateral view acutely triangular, with gently convex dorsal and ventral margins. Eye ovoid, horizontal axis longest; located on dorsal half of head. Gill openings restricted, extending from just below posttemporal to just anterior to base of first pectoral-fin ray. Slit for erectile suborbital spine extending from vertical through one third distance between posterior margin of posterior nares and anterior margin of orbit to below vertical through posterior margin of orbit. Suborbital spine (part of modified lateral ethmoid) bifid and moderately curved, with long main process and shorter dorsocaudal process; main process extending to vertical through posterior orbital margin; both processes attached to side of head by flap of skin. Mouth horseshoe-shaped, rictus at vertical through anterior margin of anterior nares. Upper and lower lips thick, with numerous plicae. Upper lip with median shallow notch accommodating symphysis of lower lip. Lower lip interrupted at symphysis, with a pair of mental lobes located on either side. Mental lobes with pair of fleshy papillae anteriorly. Six pairs of barbels: two pairs of rostral, one pair of maxillary and one pair of mandibular barbels. Rostral and maxillary barbels of approximately equal length and longer than eye diameter; mandibular barbels shorter, about three-quarters of eye diameter.
Body deepest at origin of first dorsal-fin ray. Scales very small, partially overlapping and deeply embedded. Dorsal profile rising gently from tip of snout to origin of dorsal fin and sloping gently ventrally from origin of dorsal fin to end of caudal peduncle. Ventral profile straight or gently convex to pelvic-fin base, then straight or gently concave to anal-fin base and sloping dorsally to end of caudal peduncle. Dorsal-fin origin located slightly in front of pelvic-fin origin, slightly behind midpoint of body (considered in SL); dorsal fin with iii,9 (20) rays. Pectoral fin with ii,10 (2) or ii,11* (18) rays, reaching to vertical through base of first dorsal-fin ray. Pelvic fin with ii,6 (20) rays, and reaching beyond anus but not to base of first anal-fin ray. Origin of anal fin approximately at vertical through midway between base of last dorsal-fin ray and caudal-fin base; anal fin with iii,5 (1) or iii,6* (19) rays. Caudal fin forked, with i,9,8,i (20) rays; lower lobe slightly broader and rounder than upper lobe.
Morphometric data for
Botia udomritthiruji
Holotype UMMZ 248184 |
Range |
Mean ±SD |
Standard length (mm) |
107.0 |
55.2–114.6 |
%SL |
Head length |
28.2 |
27.5–32.2 |
29.5±1.36 |
Predorsal length |
52.4 |
51.4–55.8 |
53.4±1.41 |
Prepelvic length |
53.4 |
53.1–57.7 |
55.0±1.37 |
Preanal length |
77.7 |
74.8–79.7 |
78.0±1.37 |
Body depth |
24.8 |
23.4–27.7 |
25.6±1.36 |
Caudal peduncle depth |
15.9 |
15.9–18.7 |
17.2±0.80 |
Caudal peduncle length |
15.3 |
15.3–19.2 |
17.0±1.21 |
Body width |
15 |
13.6–16.4 |
14.6±0.76 |
%HL |
Snout length |
60.3 |
50.6–61.9 |
55.2±3.18 |
Interorbital distance |
29.5 |
27.6–33.7 |
29.9±2.08 |
Eye diameter |
14.9 |
14.1–21.5 |
16.8±2.28 |
Base color of all preserved material a light yellowish brown, darkening in time to light brown. In smallest available specimens (ca.
50–80 mm
SL), body with a series of five dark vertical bars: first at nape, second approximately midway between nape and base of first dorsal-fin ray, third below dorsal-fin base, fourth approximately midway between base of last dorsal-fin ray and caudal-fin base, and last at caudalfin base. Dark bars frequently with dark margins and pale central region, causing each bar to appear as double bar. Interspaces approximately as wide as dark bars. Head with vertical mark in shape of irregular inverted
extending over orbit and with dark stripe on dorsal surface extending from just anterior to orbit to tip of snout (
Figs. 2
In specimens about
80–100 mm
SL, sides of vertical dark bars on body becoming more wavy, few faint dark blotches (usually as vertical series of ovoid patches) appearing on interspaces. Dark head markings becoming more extensive, giving appearance of irregular pale lines on head (
Fig. 2
In specimens above
100 mm
SL, dark markings on interspaces more prominent, beginning to fuse with margins of vertical bars. Pale interspaces between dark head markings becoming more diffuse and irregular in outline (
Fig. 2
Dorsal fin with dark broad basal bar, usually continuing from third vertical bar on body, and dark subdistal bar; subdistal bar frequently irregular and broken up into series of irregular blotches, particularly in some specimens above
100 mm
SL. Pectoral fins with two or three irregular dark transverse bands on dorsal surface. Pelvic fins with dark sub-basal spot on dorsal surfaces of branched rays; spot sometimes absent in specimens under
80 mm
SL. Anal fin with dark transverse sub-basal band, and in some specimens above
100 mm
SL dark subdistal spot on second and third branched anal-fin rays; sub-basal band absent in specimens under
70 mm
SL. Caudal fin with two to four dark wavy transverse bands on each lobe, anteriormost band continuous across entire fin.
Live coloration similar to preserved coloration, but may be more coppery in some individuals that show decreased contrast between vertical bars and base color (
Fig. 3
a) and brown in others (
Fig. 3
b). Lips and barbels suffused with strong red hue in some individuals.
Botia udomritthiruji
, holotype, UMMZ 248184, 107.0 mm SL; Myanmar: Tenasserim River drainage.
Botia udomritthiruji
is known only from the Tenasserim River drainage (
Fig. 4
). This represents the first record of the genus from the Tenasserim River drainage, although its presence there is to be expected given that it has been previously recorded in adjacent river drainages.
This species is named in appreciation after Kamphol Udomritthiruj, who provided the author with not only the
material and associated data for this species, but also material and data for other projects.