Reports on the results of the N. Oc. “ Prof. W. Besnard ” expeditions to the southern coast of Brazil under the Revizee Program: Chirostylidae and Galatheidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) Author De, Gustavo A. S. Author Melo-Filho text Zootaxa 2006 1238 1 22 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.172833 9495bafa-1e3f-4a15-a2d0-97f6f1d28861 1175­5326 172833 Munida pusilla Benedict, 1902 Munida pusilla Benedict, 1902 : 268 , fig. 16; Haig, 1956 : 2 ; Springer & Bullis, 1956 : 15 ; Williams, 1984 : 256 , fig. 171; Abele & Kim, 1986 : 35 , figs. f–g,; Melo­Filho, 1998 : 395 ; Melo, 1999 : 198 , figs. 127–128; Melo­Filho & Melo, 2001b : 1159 , figs. 26–27; 2001c: 48; Melo­Filho & Coelho­Filho, 2004 : 61 . Munida spinifrons . — Coelho & Ramos, 1972 : 171 [ part. ]. Munida brasiliae Coelho, 1973 : 344 [ part. ]. Material examined Brazil : São Paulo — N.Oc. “Prof. W. Besnard”, st. 6666, 163 m , 1 ex. ( MZUSP 13222), 1 ex. ( MZUSP 13223), 1 ex. ( MZUSP 13226); st. 6673, 133 m , 1 ex. ( MZUSP 13202); st. 6681, 168 m , 18 ex. ( MZUSP 13483); st. 6686, 380 m , 5 ex. ( MZUSP 13216). Recognition characters Carapace convex, with anterior margin oblique. Outer orbital spine followed by 6 lateral spines. Gastric area with transverse row of 4 spines. One parahepatic spine on each side of carapace. Branchial areas armed with 1 spine on each side. One postcervical spine on each side of carapace. Remainder of carapace unarmed. Rostrum short and obscurely spinulated on margin. Abdominal tergites 2 unarmed, or armed with 1 pair of spines on anterior margin. Remaining abdominal tergites unarmed. Peduncle of antennule with inner terminal spine longer than outer one; outer lateral margin with 2 spines. Peduncle of antenna with only first segment armed, with 1 outer terminal spine. Third maxilliped with at most 2 spines on ventral (flexor) margin of merus. Chelipeds short, palm longer than fingers. Sternum unarmed. Distribution Western Atlantic: the Carolinas, Florida (temperate east coast), Gulf of Mexico (northeast and southeast coast), Mexico , Colombia , Venezuela and Brazil (Amapá, Ceará, São Paulo). Between 38 and 168 meters depth. Collected at 380 meters at N.Oc. “Prof. W. Besnard” st. 6686.