Revision of the poorly known Neotropical butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), with descriptions of nine new species Author Nakahara, Shinichi A7240997-442C-41C7-9B20-D8D4AE31AED9 McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA. & Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA. & Departamento de Entomología, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Author Zacca, Thamara EBE99273-B02D-4A17-AD52-5BB3DFBA6C85 Departamento de Biologia Animal and Museu de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Author Dias, Fernando M. S. FA0950D9-DC58-4230-8180-F26CB5788E55 Laboratório de Estudos de Lepidoptera Neotropical, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Author Dolibaina, Diego R. 0A762FB6-AF41-4A09-9DF8-6F3954BA8956 Laboratório de Estudos de Lepidoptera Neotropical, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Author Xiao, Lei 4233F498-4D30-428A-B2A4-A6A76DC5FCA4 McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA. Author Espeland, Marianne 00D6F9F9-3902-4A8B-846F-720AB32922A6 Arthropoda Department, Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Adenauer Allee 160, 53113 Bonn, Germany. Author Casagrande, Mirna M. Laboratório de Estudos de Lepidoptera Neotropical, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Author Mielke, Olaf H. H. Laboratório de Estudos de Lepidoptera Neotropical, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Author Lamas, Gerardo Departamento de Entomología, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Author Huertas, Blanca Life Sciences Department, Natural History Museum, London, UK. Author Kleckner, Kaylin McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA. & Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA. Author Willmott, Keith R. McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2019 2019-09-13 551 1 67 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2019.551 98f587bb-3baf-4961-89a0-5679c0dcf731 2118-9773 3476676 C3C851C3-0F12-412C-A15B-56F0F263CD00 Zischkaia argyrosflecha Nakahara, L. Miller & Huertas , sp. nov. D67B48E9-3E2F-42BE-B6AC-01AA0EBD2C48 Figs 2 Q–R, 4 F, 14 Euptychia saundersi [sic] – D’Abrera 1988: 781 , fig. [11] [misidentification]. Euptychia mima D’Abrera 1988: 78 , fig. [12] [misidentification]. Diagnosis This species is most similar phenotypically to Z. arenisca sp. nov. , and characters that distinguish the two species are discussed in the Diagnosis of that taxon. Etymology This specific epithet is based on the Greek word ‘ argyros ’, meaning ‘silver’, appended to the Spanish word ‘ flecha ’, meaning ‘arrow’, alluding to the arrow-shaped silvery markings along the basal side of the VHW ocelli. This specific epithet is considered to be a Latinized feminine noun. Type material examined Holotype PERU ; “ // [Peru], Pebas Amazones M. de Mathan fin Xbre & 1 er Tr. 1880// Ex Oberthür Coll. Brit. Mus. 1927-3.// BMNH (E) 1718075 //”; NHMUK . Paratypes ( 7 ♂♂ ) PERU Loreto 1 ♂ ; ‘ Cavallo Cocha’ [= Caballococha]; [ 3°55′ S , 70°31′ W ]; 90 m , May– Jul. 1884 ; BMNH(E)-1718078 ; NHMUK 1 ♂ ; Iquitos ; [ 3°45′ S , 73°15′ W ]; 100 m , H. Whitely leg.; BMNH(E)-1718079 ; NHMUK 3 ♂♂ ; Pebas ; [ 3°19′ S , 71°51′ W ]; 120 m ; Dec. 1879 Mar. 1880 ; M. de Mathan leg.; BMNH(E)-1205410 , BMNH(E)-1718076 , BMNH(E)-1718077 ; NHMUK 1 ♂ ; Río NapoEcuador’ [error]; H. Whitely leg.; BMNH(E)-1718074 ; NHMUK 1 ♂ ; Yurimaguas ; [ 5°54′ S , 76°6′ W ]; 120 m ; P. Hahnel leg.; MNHU . Description Male FOREWING LENGTH. 25.5–28 mm (n = 3). HEAD. Eyes naked, frons brownish; labial palpi covered by brown and scattered white large scales, long hair-like whitish scales at base; second segment with a mixture of brown and white hair-like thin scales; third segment about one-third of second segment in length, covered with brown and white scales; antennae approximately two-thirds of FW length, with ca 44 segments (n = 1), distal 16–17 segments composing club, club not prominent and with dark ocher color at the base. THORAX. Covered with bright iridescent brown scales. LEGS. Foreleg brown with whitish scales, foretarsus slightly shorter than tibia, femur similar to tarsus in length; midleg and hindleg covered with whitish scales at the base, tarsus and tibia brown and a pair of tibial spurs present at distal end of tibia. ABDOMEN. Not examined. WING VENATION. Basal half of forewing Subcostal swollen; base of Cubitus swollen; forewing recurrent vein absent; origin of M 2 nearer M 1 than M 3 ; hindwing humeral vein well-developed. WING SHAPE. Forewing subtriangular and elongated towards apex, apex somewhat angular, costal margin convex, outer margin slightly convex (almost straight), inner margin straight, but rounded towards thorax near base; hindwing slightly elongate, rounded, costal margin almost straight, angled towards thorax near base, outer margin slightly undulating, inner margin slightly concave near tornus, anal lobe convex, slightly round. DORSAL FOREWING. Ground color brownish, distally slightly paler; black androconial scales present in middle of DFW from base to submedian area, except for immediately adjacent area around swollen Subcostal and Cubitus, in addition to area anterior to Radius about distal one-fifth of DFW; trace of submarginal band invisible. DORSAL HINDWING. Ground color similar to forewing, black androconial scales present around distal half of discal cell, extending to adjacent area, trace of submarginal band invisible. VENTRAL FOREWING. Ground color chestnut brown; submedian line invisible; dark brown narrow median line, somewhat indistinct, extends from near costa to Cu 2 -2A, bent outwards and fading after passing Cu 2 , concolorous slightly sinuate submarginal line extending from apex towards tornus, terminates at 2A; concolorous marginal line, narrower than submarginal line, extending from apex towards tornus, terminates at 2A; fringe dark brownish. VENTRAL HINDWING. Ground color similar to forewing; regular dark-brown submedian line almost straight, extending from costal to inner margin; median line almost parallel to submedian line, concolorous, similar in width, passing origin of M 3 ; submarginal line extending from apex towards tornus, anterior end fused with submedian line in Rs-M 1 , slightly jagged, posterior end fused to median line in 2A-3A; marginal line, concolorous, slightly undulating along outer margin, thinner than submarginal line; submarginal ocelli from Rs to 2A, roughly oval but somewhat screwed distally, pupil appear as scattered silver scales placed distally, black central spot ringed with orangish ring then with thin dark brownish indistinct ring; silverish-purple scales along basal margin and distal margin of ocelli in M 1 -M 2 , M 3 -Cu 1 and Cu 1 -Cu 2 , in addition to distal side of marginal line; fringe dark brownish. GENITALIA ( Fig. 4F ). Tegumen rounded in lateral view, elongated posterior projection of tegumen developed, apparently slightly shorter than uncus, tapering posteriorly and hooked at terminal point; combination of ventral arms of tegumen and dorsal arms of saccus sinuous, broadens towards saccus; appendices angulares present, but somewhat reduced; saccus straight, similar to uncus in length; fultura inferior (i.e., juxta) present; uncus long and narrow, sparsely with hair-like setae, curved ventrally, rounded and slightly inflated at terminal point, posterior end of ventral margin appearing as small projection; either side of base of uncus with hair-like setae; brachia similar to uncus in length and width, curved in lateral view, tapering posteriorly and crossing over each other near terminal point; valva subtriangular, apical process triangular, dorsal margin almost straight, ventral margin concave, scarcely covered by hair-like setae, costa developed and triangular, dorsal margin slightly sinuous; phallobase about half of phallus in length, almost straight, ductus ejaculatorius coming out higher than anterior end of coecum; aedeagus straight with manica covering approximately one-fifth, two winglets present, distal opening located ventrally where vesica is visible. Female Unknown or unrecognized. Variation The posterior end of the submarginal line is completely fused to the median line in 2A-3A in some specimens, whereas it is detached in others; the intensity of the silvery-purple scales around the VHW ocelli and distal margin of the marginal line is variable. Distribution ( Fig. 14 ) This species is known from the western Amazon basin in northern Peru . Remarks Although we do not have DNA data for this taxon, morphological differences between this species and Z. arenisca sp. nov. documented above support its specific status.