New species of Steleops (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Psocidae) from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru Author Obando, Ranulfo González Author García, Alfonso N. Author Carrejo, Nancy Soraya text Zootaxa 2011 3139 28 54 journal article 45731 10.5281/zenodo.207655 d7445aa6-4e28-4706-bbd1-936f407b547e 1175-5326 207655 Steleops thorntoni n. sp. (Female) ( Figs. 71−75 ) FIGURES 71−75 . Steleops thorntoni n. sp. Female. 71. Fore wing and hind wing. 72. Left gonapophyses. 73. Front view of head. 74. Paraprocts and epiproct. 75. Subgenital plate. Scales in mm. Color (in 80% alcohol). Body pale brown. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents. Head pattern ( Fig. 73 ) with two ochre diagonal bands from each compound eye, enclosing the antennal fossae, forming a Y on the lower postclypeus, anteclypeus and labrum. Postclypeus with brown diagonal striae; labrum brown. Antennae: scape brown, pedicel pale brown; flagellum creamy white; maxillary palpomeres 1−3 creamy white, Mx4 pale brown distally. Prothoracic coxae creamy, pale brown proximally; meso- and metathoracic coxae dark brown; trochanter, femora and tibia creamy, tarsi brown. Tergal lobes and pleura of meso- and metathorax dark brown. Abdomen creamy white, with brown spots on tergum of each segment, pleura creamy, epiproct and paraprocts creamy white. Fore wings maculate as illustrated ( Fig. 71 ), with a little defined brown transverse band, from proximal end of pterostigma to vein A, interrumpted in CuP. Pterostigma with a dark brown band along posterior end, continuing on cell R1. Hind wings hyaline ( Fig. 71 ). Morphology. Head concave at vertex, almost as long as its maximum width, H/MxW: 1.16, trapeziform in front view, MxW/MnW: 1.32; compound eyes little pedunculate ( Fig. 73 ), C: 95 microns. Antennal flagellomeres with short, sparse setae. Fore wing: L/W: 2.63. Pterostigma much wider posteriorly, lp/wp: 3.04; Rs slightly curved and shorter than R 2+3-R 4+5; cell M rectangular, areola postica trapeziform. Hind wing Rs-M fused, Rs about five times as long as the fused length; R 4+5 1.3 times as long as Rs. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 75 ) broad, setose, with median projection short, posterior border rounded, with a row of setae as illustrated. Ninth sternum broad, membranous; spermapore circular, surrounded by a small, somewhat elongated pigmented area. Gonapophyses ( Fig. 72 ): V1 long, slender, distally pointed, not extending beyond V2 , distal inner margin with a field of short spines; V2 long, stout, distally rounded, with scattered microsetae distally, postero-lateral corner extended, forming a slender, pointed process; V3 broadly triangular, with a row of macrosetae and other setae as illustrated. Paraprocts triangular ( Fig. 74 ), with a dense row of macrosetae along outer margin, sensory fields with 28 trichobothria issuing from basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 74 ) wide anteriorly, the sides converging posteriorly to widely round posterior border, setal field on distal half, as illustrated. Measurements. FW: 4075, HW: 3375, F: 788, T: 1675, t1: 575, t2: 138, ctt1: 24, Mx4: 200, f1: 630, f2: 480, f3: 400, f4: 180, IO: 490, D: 320, d: 320, IO/d: 1.53. Specimens studied . Holotype female. MEXICO . Jalisco, 69 km SW Guadalajara, rd. to Autlán, 1700m ., 15.viii.1987 , I. W. B. Thornton. Beating branches of Quercus sp. CNIN. Paratypes : 2 females , same data as holotype , CNIN. Etymology. This species is dedicated to the late Ian W. B. Thornton, a distinguished British-Australian psocopterologist, as a small tribute to his memory (see García Aldrete et al. 2004 ); he collected the specimens here studied during a field trip in western Mexico with ANGA.