Two new species of the genus Alloclubionoides (Araneae: Amaurobiidae) in Korea Author Kim, Byung-Woo text Journal of Natural History 2009 2009-11-25 43 47 - 48 2925 2935 journal article 10.1080/00222930903244036 1464-5262 5218298 Alloclubionoides jirisanensis sp. nov. ( Figures 3 , 4C, D ) Type examined Holotype . Male ( NIBR ), Korea , Gyeongsangbuk-do , Mt Jirisan National Park , Ssanggyesa Temple [ 35°16′20′′ N , 127°40′01′′ E ], 8 September 2007 , collected B.W. Kim . Paratypes ( NPRI ), three males , data as holotype . Diagnosis This new species resembles A . napolovi by having long embolus not penetrating the tegulum, median apophysis, conductor dorsal apophysis but can be distinguished by ‘Y’-shaped conductor dorsal apophysis, semicircular tegular apophysis and wound distal part of conductor. Etymology The specific name is taken from the type locality: Mt Jirisan. Measurements (mm) Male. Habitus length 13.0; cheliceral length 3.3, cheliceral width 1.7, cheliceral fang length 1.7; clypeal height 0.4; carapace length 6.7, carapace width 4.5; endite length 2.2, endite width 2.3; labium length 1.2, labium width 1.0; sternum length 2.7, sternum width 1.0; AER 1.2, PER 1.6, AME 0.19, ALE 0.30, PME 0.48, PLE 0.48. Eye formula PLE = PME> ALE> AME. Palp 6.7 [2.3, 0.8, 0.6, 3.0]. First leg 18.4 [4.9, 2.2, 4.1, 4.5, 2.7], second leg 17.4 [5.0, 2.2, 3.5, 4.1, 2.6], third leg 15.9 [4.3, 2.0, 2.9, 4.4, 2.3], fourth leg 20.5 [5.4, 2.2, 4.3, 6.0, 2.6]. Leg formula IV I II III. Abdomen length 6.1, abdomen width 3.9. Description Male ( holotype ). Medium-sized spiders shorter than female, found under stones and fallen leaves on the ground of forests. Carapace elongate, 1.5 times as long as wide, moderately narrowed in eye area, with distinctly longitudinal fovea at middle ( Figure 3A ). Eyes: AER straight, PER slightly procurved in frontal view; AME smaller than other eyes, separated by slightly as long as their diameter, eye ratio 35 ( Figure 3B ). Clypeus: clypeal height 1.9 times as long as AME diameter, with pair of eyebrow-shaped chila ( Figure 3B ). Chelicerae with numerous long setae, lateral condyle yellowish brown, with three promarginal teeth, middle one largest; two retromarginal teeth subequal in size ( Figure 3C ). Endites reddish brown, widest at mid part; labium rectangular, slightly longer than wide ( Figure 3D ). Sternum shield-shaped, widest at second coxae, slightly produced between fourth coxae ( Figure 3E ). Palp without claw; tibia with 15 trichobothria in four rows (7d-2d-4r-2r), tarsus eight on dorsal; femur with three spines, tibia three (1-2 on prolateral), tarsus five (two, 0-1-1 on prolateral; one, 0-0-0-1 on retrolateral; two, 0-0-0-2 on retrolateral). Legs yellowish brown; length of leg I (patella + tibia) always shorter than carapace length; trochanters not notched; tibiae with 21–24 trichobothria in four rows (6p-4d-5d-7r on leg I, 4p-6d-5d-6r on II, 5p-6d-6d-5r on III, 5p-7d-7d-5r on IV), metatarsi seven to nine in one row (nine on leg I, eight on II and IV, seven on III), tarsi nine to ten in one row (nine on leg I, II and III, 10 on IV); tarsal organ situated close to distal end of tarsus, slightly anterior of distal trichobothrium; tarsi with three claws, upper claws with 10–13 side teeth (13 on leg I, 11 on II, 10 on III and IV), lower with one (on all legs). Leg spination: leg I femur with four spines, tibia seven with one small spine half as long as others on inner ventral (one, 0-0-1 on prolateral; 2-2-2a on ventral), metatarsus eight (two, 1-0-1 on prolateral; six, 2-2-2 on ventral), tarsus without spine; leg II femur with four spines, tibia five (one, 0-0-1 on prolateral; four, 1-1-2a on ventral), metatarsus nine (three, 0-1-0-2 on prolateral; six, 2-2-2 on ventral), tarsus without spine; leg III femur with six spines, tibia 10 (two, 1-1 on prolateral; two, 0-1-1 on retrolateral; six, 2-2-2a on ventral), metatarsus 11 (five, 1-2-2 on prolateral; six, 2-2-2 on ventral), tarsus four (two, 0-1-1 on prolateral; two, 0-1 on retrolateral and ventral); leg IV femur with six spines, tibia 10 (four, 1-1 on prolateral and retrolateral; six, 2-2-2a on ventral), metatarsus 17 (one, 1-0-0 on dorsal; 10, 1-2-2 on prolateral and retrolateral; six, 2-2-2 on ventral), tarsus six (0-1-1 on prolateral, retrolateral and ventral). Abdomen ovoid, darkish brown, with indistinct chevrons on dorsal side ( Figure 3A ). Cribellum absent. Figure 3. Alloclubionoides jirisanensis new species from Korea, holotype, male. (A) Habitus, dorsal view; (B) eye area and clypeus, front view; (C) chelicerae, left part, posterior view; (D) endite and labium, ventral view; (E) sternum, ventral view. (F–I) Palp, left part: (F) prolateral view, (G) ventral view, (H) retrolateral view, (I) dorsal view. Abbreviations: CDA, conductor dorsal apophysis; CF, cymbial furrow; CH, chilla; CO, conductor; EM, embolus; ITA, ITA, intermediate tibial apophysis; MA, median apophysis; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis. Figure 4. Scanning electron micrographs of Alloclubionoides spp. from Korea, male. (A, B) Alloclubionoides wolchulsanensis new species , male palp, left part, ventral view (A) and conductor and embolus, anterior view (B). (C, D) Alloclubionoides jirisanensis new species , male palp, left part, ventral view (C) and conductor and embolus, anterior view (D). Male palp ( Figures 3F–I , 4C, D ): patellar apophysis absent; RTA modified with a fine ITA; CFR, 35%, cymbial furrow ( 1.02 mm ) about half as long as cymbial length ( 2.95 mm ); tegular sclerite strongly sclerotized apophysis, situated on middle part of tegulum; conductor hook-shaped with rounded tip, conductor dorsal apophysis present, expanded to upper part of cymbium; embolus long slender, originating posteriorly, wound clockwise direction not penetrating tegulum (left palp); median apophysis present. Female. Unknown. Distribution Korea (Mt Jirisan).