New species and new records of hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Chile Author Galea, Horia R. Author Schories, Dirk Author Försterra, Günter Author Häussermann, Verena text Zootaxa 2014 3852 1 1 50 journal article 2fb83006-f93c-4492-aed0-f5f0707f553e 1175-5326 286956 7DE3BCBA-E5F0-4F0D-B2FD-B5B59E4DAE51 Symplectoscyphus semper Galea & Schories , sp. nov. (Plate 3 C; Fig. 7 G–J; Table 9 ) Material examined . Taltal, lat. - 25.38333 , long. - 70.51667 , 24 .iv.2012 , 26 m, sample 07: a colony composed of numerous broken stems and cladia, fragments up to 3 cm high, some bearing gonothecae ( holotype : MHNG-INVE- 86229 ). Description . Colony fragmentary, very brittle, seems to have had originally a coplanar appearance (Pl. 3 C). Less damaged stems monosiphonic, with occasionally a few basal constrictions above origin from stolon, followed by a smooth, straight portion devoid of hydrothecae. Remainder of stem divided into geniculate internodes delimited by rather weak constrictions of the perisarc. Each internode, usually with two alternating hydrothecae, a lateral apophysis opposite to the distal hydrotheca, as well as an axillar hydrotheca (Fig. 7 G 1 ). Cladia regularly alternate, borne of stem apophyses and delimited basally from stem by transverse nodes. Cladia straight, occasionally divided into internodes (Fig. 7 G 2 ); up to second order branches arising irregularly. Internodes of stem 510−625 µm long, those of cladia 460−535 µm long. Hydrothecae alternate on stem and branches, more approximate on the latter. Hydrotheca tubular, less than half adnate (free adaxial side 205−235 µm, adnate part 335−380 µm), conspicuously bent outwards and slightly upwards (Fig. 7 H); abcauline wall concave, 290−315 µm long; base of hydrotheca 170−195 µm wide, and 215−225 µm wide at aperture. Gonothecae, presumably female, nearly tubular, tapering below, provided with 10−12 deep, transverse, independent ridges directed upwards; distalmost ridge either hidden by the rather well-developed, precedent one (Fig. 7 I ), or more or less exposed (Fig. 7 J); total length 1815−1975 µm, and 640−705 µm wide in middle. A terminal plateau gives rise to a moderately long funnel ( 210−230 µm), widening gradually from base ( 150−160 µm wide) towards the distal aperture ( 210−225 µm wide). Remarks . A thorough study of the relevant literature showed that no other species of the genus possesses such tubular gonothecae, with well-developed transverse ridges, whose free parts are almost adpressed to the thecal wall. This species somewhat recalls the widely-spread S. filiformis ( Allman, 1888 ) , but its hydrothecae are bigger in comparison and more approximated, and its gonothecae are almost two times longer. A tabulated list of all symplectoscyphids provided with transversely ridged (not spirally grooved) gonothecae is given in Table 9 . Etymology . From the Latin semper , meaning continuous, making reference to the constant rate of discovery of new species belonging to this widely speciose genus. Distribution in Chile . Taltal (present study). World records . Only known from Chile .