Nine new species of the subgenus Stegana (Steganina) from China, with DNA barcoding information (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Author Li, Bingxue Author Zhang, Yuan Author Chen, Hongwei text Zootaxa 2019 2019-04-01 4576 1 81 108 journal article 27521 10.11646/zootaxa.4576.1.4 a169fa80-80f0-4792-8a01-69b3bac059db 1175-5326 2624686 A521DFD3-564F-4A15-8F59-9E946F169C4A Stegana ( Steganina ) biflava sp. nov. ( Figs 2I , 12 ) Diagnosis. This species resembles S . flavichypeata Chen & Chen in Lu et al. 2011a in the yellow clypeus and palpus, and colour patterns of body ( Fig. 2I ), but can be distinguished by having the face black on upper 2/3, yellow on lower 1/3; aedeagus with triangular opening in ventral view ( Fig. 12B ). In S . flavichypeata : Face black, with yellow band medially; aedeagus with rhombic opening in ventral view (fig. 24 in Lu et al . 2011a ). The minimum interspecific genetic distance to P. flavichypeata is 7.1%, which is smaller than to other species in this group ( Table 2 ). Description. Male and female. Frons black, with orange yellow stripe medially and band submedially. First flagellomere medially grayish yellow on basal half, black on distal half. Mesonotum black, with thin, yellow longitudinal stripes sublaterally ( Fig. 2I ). Katepisternum entirely white ( Fig. 2I ). Scutellum black, yellow at tip ( Fig. 2I ). Veins R 4+5 and M 1 lacking setae on basal section of dorsal surface. Legs white on basal half of all femora, brown on distal 1/3 of foreleg femur, black on distal half of femora and basal half of tibiae of mid and hindleg, yellow on the rest. Fore femur distally with 3 or 4 setae on posteroventral surface. Abdominal tergites 1st to 5th medially brown, laterally yellowish brown, nearly black on 6th tergite in male; all tergites black in female. Sternites yellow to brownish yellow. Male terminalia ( Fig. 12 A–F): Hypandrium anteromedially slightly elongated, about 1.2 times as long as width of epandrium, with a few paramedian setae posteroventrally. Gonopods slightly triangular. Aedeagus slightly expanded distally in ventral view, about 3/5 times as long as aedeagal apodeme. Female terminalia ( Fig. 12 G–I): Epiproct, cercus and hypoproct with dense setae and pubescence. Eighth sternite glabrous on anterior 2/3 region, with dense setae and pubescence on posterior 1/3 region. Measurements. BL = 3.60 mm in holotype (mm in 2♂ and 3♀ paratypes : 3.67–4.13 in , 4.00– 4.13 in ), ThL = 1.73 mm ( 1.53–2.33 in , 1.87–2.07 in ), WL = 3.00 mm ( 2.80–3.47 in , 3.00– 3.87 in ), WW = 1.53 mm ( 1.40–1.87 in , 1.33–1.60 in ), arb = 4/2 (7–8/3–5), avd = 0.50 (0.33–0.89), adf = 2.40 (1.50–1.88), flw = 1.60 (1.40–2.40), FW/HW = 0.51 (0.40–0.50), ch/o = 0.17 (0.16–0.33), prorb = 0.93 (0.82–1.42), rcorb = 0.71 (0.70–1.00), orbito = 1.80 (2.20–3.00), vb = 0.75 (0.18–0.80), sctl = 1.60 (1.25–1.60), sterno = 0.67 (0.50–0.89), sctlp = 1.45 (1.27–1.83), C = 1.92 (1.25–2.00), 4c = 1.50 (1.08–1.40), 4v = 2.38 (1.10–2.00), 5x = 1.50 (1.25– 2.00), ac = 6.00 (6.50–12.00), M = 0.75 (0.50–0.80), C3F = 0.67 (0.67–0.79). Specimens examined. Holotype ( SCAU , No. 111533 ), China : Mulun , Huanjiang , Guangxi , 25°07'N , 108°02'E , altitude 480m , 16.ix.2015 , tree trunk, YQ Liu . Paratypes : China : 2♀ ( SCAU , Nos 111534 , 35), same data as holotype ; 1♂ ( KIZ , No. 0090669), Qimaba , Lühun , Yunnan , 22°49'8''N , 102°17'25''E , altitude 1280m , 3.viii.2016 , tree trunk, HW Chen ; 1♂ ( KIZ , No. 0090670), Yakou , Huanglianshan , Lühun , Yunnan , 22°53'40''N , 102°18'17''E , altitude 1900m , 31.x.2016 , tree trunk, HW Chen ; 2♂ , 1♀ ( SCAU , Nos 111536 –38), Wengang , Libo , Guizhou , 25°13'N , 107°56'E , altitude 754m , 19.ix.2015 , tree trunks, YQ Liu , Y Zhang , L Zhu . Etymology. A combination of the Latin words: bi- + flavus , referring to the yellow clypeus and palpus. Distribution. China ( Yunnan , Guizhou ).