Revision of some types of Philonthus Stephens and Gabrius Stephens from southern South America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), with nomenclatural notes Author Maus, Mariana Chani-Posse De text Zootaxa 2009 2034 31 42 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.186351 bb17e039-5346-4e01-a9ba-59b87e9e6a4c 1175-5326 186351 Philonthus longicornis Stephens, 1832 (Figs. 331–338 in Smetana 1995 ) Philonthus longicornis Stephens, 1832 : 237 . For complete references see Herman (2001) . Philonthus perplexus Fairmaire & Germain, 1861 : 431 ; Fauvel, 1866a : 345 (= 1866b: 96) (misidentified as varians according to Coiffait & Sáiz, 1968 : 360 ; characters); Fauvel, 1869 : 489 (syn. of longicornis ); Fauvel, 1874a : 255 (= 1874b: 481) (syn. of longicornis ); Ganglbauer, 1895 : 454 (syn. of longicornis ); Bernhauer & Schubert, 1914 : 345 (cat.; syn. of longicornis ); Blackwelder, 1943 : 410 (syn. of longicornis ); Smetana, 1958 : 189 (syn. of longicornis ); Coiffait & Sáiz, 1968 : 360 ( Spatulonthus ; valid species; characters); Sáiz, 1971 : 348 ( Spatulonthus ; notes); Desender & Baert, 1996 : 36 ( Spatulonthus ; list); Herman, 2001 : 2911 (complete references). Chani-Posse, 2004: 231 (list). Type material. Lectotype of Philonthus perplexus (here designated), 3, with labels: “ Chili ” (green), “ Spatulonthus perplexus Fairmaire et Germain ” (unknown handwriting, white), “ Lectotype Philonthus perplexus Fairmaire et Germain, 1861 / Des. Chani-Posse de Maus 2008” ( MNHN ). Paralectotypes : 3, Ƥ, with labels: “ Chili ” (green), “ Paralectotype Philonthus perplexus Fairmaire et Germain, 1861 / Des. Chani- Posse de Maus 2008” ( MNHN ). Males were dissected; in each case the aedeagus was glued on a different plate and attached to the beetle. Additional material. CHILE : 3, Ƥ, Maipo, 12.XI.1972 , Col. G. Arriagada ( MNHN ). Diagnosis. See Smetana (1995: 243) . FIGURES 1–12. Type specimens: habitus and labels; labels with lectotype designation are not included. (1 a–b) Philonthus argentinus Bernhauer (now in Gabrius ), (lectotype with labels*). (2 a–b) Philonthus jujuyensis Bernhauer (now in Gabrius ), (lectotype with labels*). (3 a–b) Philonthus tucumanensis Bernhauer (now in Gabrius ), (lectotype with labels*). (4) Philonthus nidicola Bernhauer (now in Gabrius ), (only labels are shown*). (5 a–b) Philonthus quadraticeps (lectotype with labels*). (6 a–b) P. tenebrosus (= P. quadraticeps ), (lectotype with labels*). (7 a–b) Philonthus bonariensis (lectotype with labels*). (8 a–b) Philonthus weiseri (= P. bonariensis ), (lectotype with labels*). (9 a–b) Philonthus catamarcanus (= P. bonariensis ), (lectotype with labels*). (10 a–b) Philonthus cribriventris (lectotype with labels*). (11) Philonthus catamarcanus var. densior (= P. cribriventris ), (lectotype, labels are not shown). (12) G. chiliensis (= G. nigritulus ), (paratype, labels are not shown). *Labels with lectotype designation are not included (pictures were taken prior to any designation). Notes. Stephens (1832: 237) described P. longicornis based on specimens from London. I have not seen the original material but I have no doubt that P. p e r p l e x u s is the species that Stephens described, as interpreted later by other authors (e.g. Sharp 1885 ; Blackwelder 1943 ; Smetana 1958 , 1995 ). Comments. Philonthus perplexus was considered to be a synonym of P. longicornis since Fauvel (1869) until Coiffait and Saiz (1968) treated it as a valid species. The type material of P. perplexus and the examined material of P. longicornis are similar in all external characters and identical in the shape of aedeagus. Therefore, these names are considered to be synonyms (confirmed synonymy).