Figure 6. Typhlotanais Compactus, Female A In Family Nototanaidae Sieg, 1976 And Typhlotanaidae Sieg, 1984 Author Błażewicz-Paszkowycz, Magdalena text Zootaxa 2007 2007-09-28 1598 1 141 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.178692 1175­5334 7604A52C-F935-459C-91DD-F7C7AD9F2CC6 Pulcherella filatovae ( Kudinova-Pasternak, 1975 ) n. comb. ( Figs 26–28 ) Typhlotanais filatovae : Kudinova-Pasternak (1975) 103: 214, 217, 226. Larsen (2005) : 209 . Material examined: Holotype : female, Mc-979, Akademik Kurchatov Sta. 880(D1), 57°07.4'S , 26°40'W , depth 497 m . Other material examined: one female , ( K 41415 ), ANT XIX/3 , PS 61/43-8, 60°27.12'– 60°27.24'S , 56°5.10'– 56°05.25'W , depth 3961.0– 3963.4 m , 04 Feb 2002 ; one female , ( K 41416 ), ANT XIX/3 , PS 61/46-7, 60°38.35'– 60°38.12'S , 53° 57.36'– 53° 57.49'W , depth 2893.2– 2892.8 m , 30 Jan 2002 ; one female in tube, ( K 41417 ), ANT XXII/3 , PS 67/151-7, 61°45.52'– 61°45.42'S , 47°07.68'– 47°08.04'W , depth 1182– 1185 m , EBS, 21 Mar 2005 ; one female , ( USNM 1100139 ), Eltanin 9/724, 54°05'– 53°04'S , 033°43'– 033°37'W , depth 2714–2727 m , 9 Sep 1963 ; one female , ( USNM 1100140 ), Eltanin 6/339, 53°05'– 53°08'S , 059°31'– 059°24'W , depth unknown, 3 Dec 1962 . Diagnosis: Pereopods 2 and 3 merus and carpus with short setae (clearly shorter than half of following article), propodus with two dorsal seta not reaching beyond unguis; pereopods 4 and 5 propodus with distal seta as long as dactylus and unguis combined. Description: Female body ( Figs 26A , 27 A, B ) cylindrical, body long, about ten times as long as wide, 1.8–2.8 mm long (according to Kudinova-Pasternak, 1975 ). Cephalothorax 0.8 times as long as pereonite-1. Pereonites 1–3 longer than wide, pereonite-1 shorter than pereonite-2, pereonites 2 and 3 subequal, almost twice as long as wide; pereonite-4 as long as wide; pereonite-5 little wider than long; pereonite-6 half as long as pereonite-5, almost twice as wide as long; pleon short (including pleotelson only about 12 % of total body length); pleonites subequal, carrying pleopods; pleotelson as long as combined length of two pleonites. Antennule ( Fig. 27C ): Almost as long as cephalothorax; article-1 with one simple distal setae; article-3 1.5 times as long as article-2 that has two long (as long as article-3) simple distal setae; article-3 five times as long as wide, with three simple distal setae and one aesthetasc. Antenna ( Fig. 27D ): Article-2 twice as long as article-3, with one dorsal seta; article-3 with one dorsal seta; article-4 twice as long as article-5, with one pinnate seta, two long and one short simple distal setae; article-5 with one distal seta; article-6 minute, with four distal setae. FIGURE 26. Pulcherella filiatovae . A) Holotype, female, dorsal view, present stage; B) Pereopod-1; C) Pereopod-2; D) Pereopod-3; E) Pereopod-4; F) Pereopod-5; G) Pereopod-6. Scale = 0.1 mm. Mouthparts: Labrum ( Fig. 27E ) flat, with setules on lateral margin. Mandibular molar process broad, longer than incisor, with sharp denticles on distal edge. Left mandible ( Fig. 27F ) lacinia mobilis longer than incisor, crenulated, with four denticles. Labium ( Fig. 27I ) with inner and minute outer processes, both with a few setules. Maxillule ( Fig. 27G ) endite with eight distal spiniform setae; palp shorter than endite, with two terminal setae. Maxilla ( Fig. 27H ) oval, naked. Maxilliped ( Fig. 28A ) basis short (as long as wide), with one long seta at palp insertion; endites with two tubercles and long inner seta on distal margin; palp article-1 naked; article-2 with one outer and three inner setae; article-3 with four bipinnated inner setae; article-4 with one outer and five bipinnate inner setae. Epignath ( Fig. 27J ) longer than maxillule endite, rounded distally. FIGURE 27. Pulcherella filiatovae (ANDEEP material). A) Female dorsal view; B) Female lateral view; C) Antennule; D) Antenna; E) Labrum; F) Left mandible; G) Maxillule; G’) Palp; H) Maxilla; I) Labium; J) Epignath. Scale A-D, I, J = 0.1 mm; E-H, 0.01 mm. FIGURE 28. Pulcherella filiatovae (ANDEEP material). A) Maxilliped; B) Cheliped; C) Pereopod-1; D) Pereopod-2; E) Pereopod-3; F) Pereopod-4; G) Pereopod-5; H) Pereopod-6; I) Pleopod; J) Uropod. Scale = 0.1 mm. Cheliped ( Fig. 28B ): Basis less than twice as long as wide, 0.7 times as long as carpus; merus with one seta ventrally; carpus shorter than propodus including fixed finger, with two ventral and two small dorsal setae; propodus with one seta at dactylus insertion; fixed finger with two ventral setae and three on inner margin, with three prominent denticles on inner margin; dactylus as long as fixed finger. Pereopod-1 ( Fig. 28C ): Coxa present; basis shorter than merus, carpus, and propodus combined, with two dorsal setae; ischium with one seta ventrally; merus shorter than carpus; carpus shorter than propodus, with two short and one long (longer than half of propodus) dorsal setae and one minute subterminal seta on ventral margin; propodus as long as half of basis, with three dorso-distal setae, and one ventral seta; dactylus and unguis longer than propodus; dactylus shorter than unguis; unguis with spatulate tip. Pereopod-2 ( Fig. 28D ): As pereopod-1 except: basis as long as merus, carpus and propodus combined, with one dorsal seta. Carpus with five short distal setae. Propodus with two long dorso-distal setae reaching half length of unguis and one ventral seta. Dactylus and unguis combined shorter than propodus. Pereopod-3 ( Fig. 28E ): As pereopod-2 except: basis with three dorsal seta. Carpus with four simple distal setae. Pereopod-4 ( Fig. 28F ): Clinging type ; basis with two bipinnate ventro-medial setae; ischium with one seta; merus with one simple and one spiniform seta; carpus with flat, large (as long as half of article) prickly tubercles, one simple dorso-distal seta and two spiniform ventro-distal hooks; propodus with two ventro-distal spiniform seta and one dorso-distal setae as long as dactylus and unguis combined; unguis bifurcated. Pereopod-5 ( Fig. 28G ): Similar to pereopod-4. Pereopod-6 ( Fig. 28H ): Similar to as pereopod-5 but propodus with three dorso-distal setae. Pleopod ( Fig. 28I ): Basal article naked; exopod with one inner and seven outer plumose setae; endopod with 13 inner plumose setae, large gap between proximal seta and other setae. Uropod ( Fig. 28J ): Basal article about quarter as long as endopod proximal article; endopod two-articled; proximal article-1 with simple seta distally; distal article with five four setae; exopod one-articled as long as endopod proximal article, tipped with short and long setae. Distribution: West Antarctic: vicinity of the Falkland Islands and North-East of Elephant Island, at depths of 1182 to 3963 m . Remarks: The material of Pulcherella filatovae studied by Kudinova-Pasternak (1975) consisted of five females and one manca-III. From that collection only the holotype was available for study ( Figs 26A–G ). It lacked the carapace, the pleotelson and most appendages. The collection of a few specimens of P. filatovae during the ANDEEP Program enabled the redescription of the species. P. filatovae can be distinguished from the other members of the genus by having short setae on the merus, carpus and propodus of pereopods 2 and 3, and relatively long distal setae on the propodus of pereopods 4–6 (see remarks under P. pulcher ).