The Beetle Family Carabidae of Costa Rica: Twenty­nine new species of Agra Fabricius 1801 (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Lebiini, Agrina) Author Erwin, Terry L. text Zootaxa 2002 119 1 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.162803 f514e964-2196-461c-84ff-64243643bc81 1175­5326 162803 Agra turrialba Erwin , new species ( Figs. 6a, 6 b, 6c, 6d) Holotype . Male, COSTA RICA : Cartago, Turrialba , 600m , 09º53'N 83º 38'W , June (J. E. Wappes)( USNM : ADP58598). Diagnosis. This is the only species of the cajennensis species­group in Costa Rica in which males have abdominal sternum IV elongate and medially lobed so that it covers partially sternum V; males also with hind femur deeply excavate and anterio­medially glabrous. Description. Color and luster: Piceous with bright rufous appendages, head rufinistic, femur slightly infuscated. Surface very shiny. Form: Medium­sized and narrow, females with slightly broader elytra. Head ( Fig. 6a ) behind eyes small and narrow, rounded in both sexes, shorter than prothorax. Prothorax moderately short and medially swollen, gradually constricted with sides convergent to anterior collar. Elytron ( Fig. 6 b) narrow and moderately convex; apex markedly oblique, lateral tooth prominent, sutural tooth elongate, markedly acute; interneurs each a series of linear foveae. Abdominal sternum VI ( Fig. 6 c) deeply round­notched in male, V­notched in female. Aedeagus ( Fig. 6 d) with markedly short ostium, apex simple lobe; phallus ventrally with a longitudinal depression. Size: medium, 14.6 to 17.0mm in length, 3.4 to 3.8mm in width. Other specimens examined. Costa Rica : 19 paratypes , 8 male , 7 females , from the following Conservation Areas: Cordillera Volcánica Central, Guanacaste, Huetar Norte, Tortuguero. Costa Rica , Cartago, 1f, A.C. Amistad, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, Turrialba, 1100m , LN 217200,570300 #3202, September, (G. Fonseca) ( INBIO : CRI002­ 039094), 1f, June, (G. Ekis)(USNM: ADP47280), 1f, February, (H.F. Howden & A. Howden)(UASM: ADP54795), 1f, Turrialba , 3.0 km SE, CATIE , 83°38'W 9°53'N , December, (F.T. Hovore)(FTHC: ADP6381), 1m , August, (D.W. Alsop)(CUNY: ADP58621), 1m , June, (J.E. Wappes)(USNM: ADP58598), 1m , June, (E. Giesbert) (FSCA: ADP 103115 ), 1m , Tuis, 732m , 83°48'W 9°50'N , (C.H. Lankester)(USNM: ADP10014), 1f, Tucurrique, 83°43'W 9°51'N , (P. Schild & Burgdorf)(USNM: ADP10013); Guanacaste, 1m , P.N. Guanacaste, Estacíon Pitilla , Santa Cecilia, 9.0 km S, 700m , 85°25'40'W 10°59'26"N , LN 330200,380200, November, (C. Moraga & P. Rios)( INBIO : CRI000­ 112744 ), 1m , vcn. Dos Rios, January, (E. Giesbert)(LACM: ADP58594); Heredia, 1m , Estacíon La Selva, Puerto Viejo, 3.0 km S, 50­150m , 83°59'W 10°27'N , April, (INBIO­OET: CRI002­268518), M/10/388, Bosque primario, 1m , November, (INBIO­OET: CRI002­232086), FVK/32/09, Virola koschnyi , 1f, January, (INBIO­ OET: CRI002­724110), at light, L/00/666, 1f, Puerto Viejo, 3.0 km S, Finca La Selva, 84°01'W 10°26'N , June, (H. A. Hespenheide )(HAH: ADP76792), 1m , April, (H. A. Hespenheide )(HAH: ADP5095); Limón, 1f, R.B. Hitoy Cerere, Estacíon Hitoy Cerere, Send. Espavel, 200M, LN 400750,570200, June, (W. Arana)( INBIO : INB0003167631). Specific epithet. The specific epithet, turrialba , is used as a noun in apposition based on the town Turrialba in Cartago Province, in reference to the type locality. Notes. This species is widespread in Costa Rica from sea level to 1100 meters altitude, in both dry and wet forest.