A new species of Deutonura (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae) from Algeria, with revised diagnosis of the genus and key to western Palaearctic species Author Deharveng, Louis Author Mouloud, Salah Ait Author Bedos, Anne text Zootaxa 2015 4000 4 464 472 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4000.4.5 602adb17-b59d-4304-bbd9-760e268c7313 1175-5326 240772 276D54CE-2D01-48D4-9A4B-8190A71246BA Description of Deutonura adriani sp. nov. Figs 1 , 2 ; Tab. 1 Type material. Holotype female on slide, Algeria , Wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou, Aghrib, Ath Djennad massif, below Boumessaoud, 650m , soil in strongly disturbed cork-oak forest, 21/02/2002 , Salah Ait Mouloud leg. (sample ALG- AM-BMDA6). Paratypes : one female on slide, same data (sample ALG-AM-BMDA3); one female and one male on slides, same data (sample ALG-AM-BMDD5); four juveniles on slide, Wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou, near Aghrib, 750m , soil in cork-oak forest, 30/05/2003 , Salah Ait Mouloud leg. (sample ALGtizi-AGRB4); ibid, one juvenile on slide (sample ALG-AGRA6). Type material deposited in MNHN ( holotype and 3 paratypes ) and UMMTO (5 paratypes ). Non-type material. One male and two female on slides, Algeria , Wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou, Tassaft, Darna, Iguerssel, 08/03/2011 , Tullgren/Berlese extraction, Salah Ait Mouloud leg (ALG-AM11-DarnaA). One male juvenile, same data (ALG-AM11-DarnaN). Derivatio nominis. The species is dedicated to our colleague and friend Adrian Smolis, for his invaluable contributions to the knowledge of Palaearctic Neanurinae . FIGURE 1. Deutonura adriani sp. nov. , type material. A, dorsal view; B, left antenna, dorsal view; C, labium and ventral chaetae Vi of head; D, tibiotarsus of leg I; E, abdomen in ventral view. TABLE 1. Chaetotaxy of Deutonura adriani sp. nov. A—Cephalic chaetotaxy. Chaetal group Tubercle Number of chaetae Type of chaetae Chaetae CL yes 4 Mc G Ml F AF yes 10 Mc A,C,D,E Ml B Oc yes 3 Mc Oca,Ocp Ml Ocm Di + De yes 4 Mc Di 2, De 2 Ml Di 1, De 1 DL yes 6 Mc DL3, DL4 Ml DL1, DL5 mic to Mc DL2, DL6 L+So yes 8 Ml L2, L4,So1 Mc So 3 to 6 mic L3 Ventral side of head: Vi=6, Ve=11 Antenna: Ant. I, II with 7, 12 chaetae. Ant.III with 17 ordinary chaetae, 5 S-chaetae (AIIIO), 5 ve, 4 vc, 4 vi and 4 d. Ant. IV dorsally with the complete set of chaetae (or, 8 S, i, 12 mou, 3 brs, Fig. 1 B) Ant. IV ventrally with the complete set of chaetae (3 brs, 2 iv ; ap: 8 bs, 5 miA; ca: 2 bs, 3 miA; cm: 3 bs, 1 miA; cp: 8 miA, 1 brs) B—Postcephalic chaetotaxy Description . Body length (without antennae) 1–1.4 mm. Habitus stocky. Body colour: pale, mottled grey. All dorsal tubercles developed ( Fig. 1 A). Dorsal chaetae differentiated in short and long macrochaetae, thick, weakly and sparsely serrated, subcylindrical, rounded apically, narrowly sheathed, except the lateral ones which are pointed, thinner and not sheathed ( Figs 1 A, 2A). Most dorsal chaetae integrated in elementary tubercles. Each elementary tubercle constituted of 10 to 18 secondary granules (4–9 for the smaller ones) grouped on low papillae ( Fig. 2 A). Pseudopores: one ventrally on antennal basis, 1+1 anterior between tubercles Di and De from Th. II to Abd. IV.
Di De DL L Scx2 Cx Tr Fe Ti
Th.I 1 2 1 - 0 3 6 13 19
Th.II 3 2+S 3+S+ms 3 2 7 6 12 19
Th.III 3 3+S 3+S 3 2 8 6 11 18
Abd.I 2 3+S 2 3 VT: 4+4
Abd.II 2 3+S 2 3 Ve: 5 (Ve1 present)
Abd.III 2 3+S 2 4 Fu: 6–8mes, 0mic Ve: 5–6
Abd.IV 2 2+S 3 7 Ve: 8 VL: 4
Abd.V [3+3] ............7+S.............. 1 Ag: 3+3 VL: 1
Abd.VI -------------------7---------------- Ve: 13–14 An: 2–3mic
Head. Antennae shorter than head. Antennal segment IV with feebly trilobed apical bulb. Chaetal pattern of Ant. III and IV identical to the standard one ( Fig. 1 B, Tab. 1 ). Eyes: 2+2, subequal, pigmented in dark-violet, small (diameter of anterior omma: diameter of Ocm socket=1.5). Labrum long, distally truncated-rounded, ending in a row of about 8–10 minute denticles, with ventral sclerifications as arches ( Fig. 1 C). Labral formula?/2,4 (prelabral chaetae not seen). Labium elongate, with 4 basal (E,F,G,f), 3 distal (A,C,D) and 4 lateral chaetae ( Fig. 1 C). Mandible tridentate, thin. Maxilla styliform. Head chaetotaxy and tubercles as in Fig. 1 A and Tab. 1 ; tubercles Di and De fused and shift laterally on head ( Di 1- Di 1/ Di 1- De 2= 3.6–5.3, N=6); no granular area on AF; chaeta O absent. Elementary tubercles EE absent on tubercle AF; one elementary tubercle between chaetae A on head ( Fig. 2 A). FIGURE 2. Deutonura adriani sp. nov. , specimen from Darna. A, antenno-frontal tubercle of head; B, tubercle (Di+Di) of Abd. V. Post-cephalic segments and appendages. Dorsal chaetotaxy of tergites as in Fig. 1 A and Tab.1 . Tubercles Di and De individualised and separated on Th. I. Chaeta De 3 free on Abd. I, free at least asymetrically on Abd. II, free or in the tubercle De on Abd. III. On Abd. V, tubercle ( Di + Di ) with 3+3 chaetae Di ; ratios Di 1/ Di 2 in adults=3.4 to 6.0 (Aghrib, N=6) or 2.3 to 3.4 (Darna, N=4) ( Figs 1 A, 2B); chaeta Di 3 varies from microchaeta ( Fig. 2 B) to very short macrochaeta. Leg chaetotaxy as in Fig. 1 D and Tab. 1 ; claw untoothed. Ventral chaetotaxy of abdomen as in Fig. 1 E and Tab. 1 . No ventral modified chaetae in male.
Discussion. The Deutonura sp. that was recorded by Ait Mouloud et al. (2007) from the surroundings of Tizi- Ouzou has been found to be Deutonura adriani sp. nov. The new species is morphologically similar to Deutonura deficiens deficiens from southwestern France , from which it differs by chaeta De 3 free on Abd. I and II (included in the tubercle De in D. d. deficiens ) and tubercle ( Di + Di ) on Abd.V more or less bilobed. The new species seems to be widespread in both pristine and disturbed forest soils of the region. The specimens from Darna in the Djurdjura that we examined were identical to the type material of Aghrib for all characters, except on Abd. V where the ratio Di 1/ Di 2 was smaller.