Lectotypifications and a new combination in Eugenia sect. Racemosae (Myrtaceae) Author Mazine, Fiorella F. Universidade Federal de São Carlos, campus Sorocaba, Rod. João Leme dos Santos km 110, 18052 - 780, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil. Author Abstract, Vinicius Castro Souza text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-04-21 205 3 157 167 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.205.3.3 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.205.3.3 1179-3163 13639705 10. Eugenia macahensis O. Berg (1859: 589) . Type :— BRAZIL . Rio de Janeiro , in silvis fruticetisque prope Macahé , Riedel s.n. ( syntypes LE !; lectotype designated here LE ! ( LE00007415 ); isolectotypes G !, K !, LE !, P !) . Notes:—Three sheets of Eugenia macahensis ( Riedel s.n. ) have been found in LE ; the one with a more detailed label is chosen to be the lectotype . Distribution:— Eugenia macahensis occurs in Atlantic Rainforest in Rio de Janeiro and northern São Paulo state .