The lanternfly genus Penthicodes: key to the species and review of the “ Ereosoma group ” with two new species and one new subspecies (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae) Author Constant, Jerome text Zootaxa 2010 2523 1 26 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.196336 cb567f94-9c12-419b-8b16-f0d84c0caf17 1175-5326 196336 Penthicodes celebica n. sp. Figs. 7 A–E, 18 A–D, 24. Etymology. The species is named after its patria typica , Celebes (Sulawesi, Indonesia ). Material examined: Indonesia , Sulawesi : holotype ɞ: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Indonesia , S. Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo, 2008, achat Syamsul Alam, I.G.: 31.172] ( RBINS ) coordinates: 3°00'S 120°12'E Paratypes : 2 ɞ, 7 Ψ: same data as holotype ( RBINS ); 9 ɞ, 11 Ψ: [Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Indonesia , S Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo, iv.2008 , I.G.: 31.318] ( RBINS , 1 ɞ: BMNH ); 1 ɞ: [ Indonesia , S.W. Sulawesi, Puncak Palopo, X–XI.1996 , Tajuddin] [Coll. Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam] [ Penthicodes spec. det. C.A. Schulz, 2007] ( ZMAN ); 1 Ψ: [Ned. Indië , W. Celebes, 1500m , Sidaonta Paloe, vi.1937 , J.M.A. v. Groenendael] [ Penthicodes spec. det. C.A. Schulz, 2007] ( ZMAN ) coordinates: 1°18’S 119°57’E ; [ Indonesia , Sulawesi Selatan, Rd Rantepao- Palopo, 9.v. 2004 , 500m, G. Withaar] [ Penthicodes spec. det. C.A. Schulz, 2007] ( ZMAN ) coordinates: 2°59'S 119°54'E ; 1 Ψ: [ Indonesia : Sulawesi, Soroako, 9.x.1993 , disturbed rain forest] [ 2°35’30”S 121°22’30”E , M.J. & J.P. Duffels, at light] [ Penthicodes spec. det. C.A. Schulz, 2007] ( ZMAN ). Diagnostic characters: ( 1 ) tegmina with white patch only along sutural margin on nodal line of crossveins (Fig. 7A); ( 2 ) legs I and II dark brown, rarely with slightly paler rings (Fig. 7E); ( 3 ) black-brown markings of tegmina irregular, also on membrane (Fig. 7A); ( 4 ) disc of hind wings red and with 3–5 round black spots, at least 2 with central white spot, and 0–2 small white spots (Fig. 7A); ( 5 ) abdominal tergites red, rarely dark brown in middle (Fig. 7A). Description. LT: ɞ (n = 12): 26.3 mm (24.8–27.7); Ψ (n = 19): 27.9 mm (26.2–29.4). Wingspan: ɞ (n = 2): 47.7 mm (46.4–49.1); Ψ (n = 8): 52.8 mm (50.3–57.0). Head : eyes included, slightly more than half as broad as thorax (Fig. 7B); dark olivaceous-brown with antennae and apex of clypeus black (Figs. 7B, C); vertex much broader posteriorly than anteriorly, with anterior margin strongly emarginate and lateral margins carinate; posterior half with 2 strong impressions separated by median carina, anterior half with 2 semicircular humps (Fig. 7B); frons longer than broad, punctured and wrinkled, with strong peridiscal carina and slightly marked median carina on superior half (Fig. 7C); obsolete cephalic process hooked and flattened on dorsal part of head (Fig. 7B); clypeus longer than frons, medially carinate (Fig. 7C); labium reaching apex of abdomen, black-brown with yellow ring on penultimate segment (Fig. 7E); ratio BV/LV = 5; BF/LF = 1. Thorax : (Fig. 7B) dark olivaceous-brown, sometimes mesonotum slightly tinged with red; pronotum wrinkled with anterior margin carinate and strongly bisinuate, and posterior margin strongly and angulously emarginate medially; strong median carina with deeply impressed point on each side; mesonotum with median carina not reaching apex posteriorly and curved peridiscal carinae; disc wrinkled and with slightly impressed point at postero-lateral angle; ratio BT/LP+LM = 1.14; LP/LM = 0.52. Tegmina : (Fig. 7A) olivaceous-brown with irregular black-brown markings; usually 3–4 larger spots along costal margin and 1 at apico-sutural angle; white spot along sutural margin at nodal line of cross-veins; costal margin slightly curved; apical margin obliquely rounded; sutural margin sinuate; maximal breadth near nodal line; ratio LTg/BTg = 2.5. Hind wings : (Fig. 7A) slightly broader than tegmina; bright red with band along sutural margin and apical 1/3 black; red area rarely turning to bright orange-red apically; 3–4 large and 1–2 small black spots on basosutural half of disc, usually 2–3 larger ones with small white spot in middle; 0–2 small white spots on apicocostal half of disc; irregular grey-white markings on apical 1/3, often confluent. Legs : (Figs 7A, E) black-brown; rarely femora and tibiae I and II with slightly marked paler, brown rings; tibiae III with 5–6 lateral and 7 apical spines. Abdomen : red dorsally, sometimes tinged with brown in middle (Fig. 7A); black ventrally (Fig. 7E). Male genitalia : anal tube short, thick and broad, with subbasal hump dorsally in lateral view and lateral margins strongly rounded in dorsal view ( Figs. 18A–C ); subtriangular in posterior view ( Fig. 18B ); pygofer with hind margin bisinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 18A ), broader slightly above middle in postero-ventral view ( Fig. 18D ); gonostyli roundly pointed apically in lateral view, with dorsal margin broadly rounded and ventral margin bisinuate ( Fig. 18A ), contiguous in postero-ventral view, and with teeth projecting latero-ventrally in postero-ventral view ( Fig. 18D ). Distribution ( Fig. 24 ): Sulawesi.