Taxonomic revision of the Western Hemisphere checkered beetle genus Priocera KIRBY (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae) Author Opitz, Weston text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2021 52 2 1145 1255 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5038854 0253-116X 5038854 Priocera cinctiventris ( CHEVROLAT 1843) ( Figs 35 , 89 , 120 ) Clerus cinctiventris CHEVROLAT 1843: 32 . LECTOTYPE : Gender not known. Herein designated. A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d ( Fig. 89 ): In addition to the holotype , I examined 130 specimens from: Brazil : Estado do Paraná : Iguazu , 18-XII-1999 , R. Foerster ; Umuarama , 11-X-1980 , A. Yamamoto ; Estado do Santa Catarina , Nova Teutonia , 28-XII-1927 , Fritz Plaumann ; idem, 4-XI-1938 , Fritz Plaumann ; idem, 14-X-1952 , Fritz Plaumann ; idem, 7-I- 1954 , Fritz Plaumann ; idem, Corupa ,?- XI-1948 , Hansa Humbolt ; Iberama , Wiggenhauser’s Forest , 3-I-1993 , beating in the Atlantic Forest , 200 m , J. & E. Beierl ; Estado do Minas Gerais , Vicosa , Mata de Paraiso , 6-10-I-1995 , Steve Lingafelter ; Mar de Hespanha , 14-XI-1910 , J. F. Zikán ; Pedra Azul ,?- XII-1970 , F. M. Oliveira ; Estado do Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro ,?-X-?, collector not noted ; idem, 3-XII-1954 , Fritz Plaumann ; idem,?- II-1974 , 300- 500 m , Fritz Plaumann ; Teresópolis ,?- II-1962 , K. E.Hüdepohl ; Estado do Bahia , Encruzilhada , 6-XI- 1974 , 960 m, M.Alvarenga ; Santa Rita , collection date not noted, F. Sahlberg ; Estado do Sâo Paulo , Sâo Paulo , 17-XII-1959 , J. Halik ; Cantareira , 21-XII-1961 , J. Halik ; Morumbi ,?-I-?, B. Pohl ; Ilha Santo Amaro , Santos , 3-IV-1916 , G. E. Bryant ; Val. du Rio Pardo ,?- XII-1898 , E. Gounelle ; Estado do Rio Grande do Sul , Derrubadas , Parque Est. Turvo , 29-X-2002 , A. Barcellos ; Estrella Velha , B de Itaúba , 22-X-1998 , L. Maura. Paraguay : Departamento de Alto Paraná , Hohenau , 7-XII-1935 , H. Jacob ; Departamento Central , Luque ,?- II-1956 , collector not noted. Argentina : Provincia de Misiones , Iguazu , 10-XI-1986 , R. Foerster. Specimens are deposited in: AMNH , CMNH , FMNH , FSCA , JNRC , MCNZ , RGCM , USNM , WFBM , and WOPC . Type locality: Brasilia, D. A. Pompon (MNHN). CORPORAAL 1950: 99 . It is not known how many specimens were available to Chevrolat, and he did not select a holotype , therefore, I invoke Recommendation 73F of the ICZN (1999) and designate a lectotype for this nominal species. D i a g n o s i s: Forebody black, one arcuate fascia at middle that extends from epipleural margin to humeral margin, one short transverse marking that traverses sutural margin, elytral apex testaceous; abdomen bicolored, visible sternites I testaceous, other visible sternites brown, except lower portion of pronotum and pronotal collar testaceous; antennae, pterothorax, and legs testaceous; elytra tricolored, basal 1/2 testaceous, apical half mostly black, each elytron with 2 white fasciae. R e d e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 6.5 mm ; width 1.3 mm . Form: As in Fig. 120 . Head: Frons wrinkled, frons wider than length of antennal pedicel; EW/FW 25/17. Thorax: Pronotum slightly wrinkled at sides, coarsely punctate at middle, with 2 tumescenses, PW/PL 111/100; elytra with basal tumescence, disc depressed at middle, sculptured with striate, asetiferous punctures that extend slightly beyond elytral basal 1/2, elytral apex rounded (EL/EW 390/85); metathoracic femur gradually increasing in diameter to femoral apex. Abdomen: Aedeagus as in Fig. 35. V a r i a t i o n: Size: Length 4.0-7.0 mm; width 1.0-2.0 mm. Other than body size, the available specimens are quite homogeneous. N a t u r a l h i s t o r y: Specimens were collected from October through February, at altitudes that range from 200 to 960 m . N o t e s: The lectotype was examined, but the description is based on a homotype specimen.