Review of the West Indian species of Efferia Coquillett (Diptera: Asilidae): Part 1. Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Cuba, and Jamaica Author Scarbrough, Aubrey G. Visiting Scholar, Department of Entomology University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85741 Author Perez-Gelabert, Daniel E. Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012 text Insecta Mundi 2008 2008-10-10 2008 49 1 29 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5169958 1942-1354 5169958 Efferia insula n. sp. Fig.1 , 4d, 33-35 Description. Male. Body black, 16.3-17.6 mm , wing 11.0- 11.1 mm . Head : Yellowish-gray tomentose, mostly yellowish vestiture. Mystax with 3-6 stout black bristles just below antennae. Palpi and proboscis entirely yellowish setose. Flagellum and pedicel narrowly brownish-yellow basally; scape sparsely yellow setose ventrally. Frons mixed black and yellowish setose. Ocellar tubercle black setose, 2 setae as long as scape. Occiput with stout postocular bristles dorsally, 3-5 black. Thorax : Yellow or yellowish-gray tomentose. Pronotal vestiture yellowish, bristles stout. Scutum blackish, postalar and immediate area reddish; yellow tomentose anteriorly, yellowish-gray laterally, grayish posteriorly; vestiture black, setae bristly, anterior scutal setae about 1/2 as long as scape; lateral bristles stout, long; 2-3 posterior dorsocentrals about as stout as lateral bristles. Scutellum yellowish-gray tomentose, mostly yellow mixed with black or mostly black setose, setae as long as scape; 2-3 stout marginal bristles, usually black, one reddish. Pleura yellowish-gray tomentose, vestiture mostly yellowish, anepisternum usually brownish posteriorly. Halter knob reddish, shaft dull yellow. Figure 30-32. Male terminalia of Efferia hinei n. sp. , Wing : Costal dilation absent; cells yellowish, lateral views; 30. intact terminalia; 31. gonostylus; 32a- costal cell brownish-yellow; costa yellowish setose b. phallus with aedeagus, aedeagal tubes, and phallic basally; veins reddish or brownish-red. Cell r 4 ob- flanges. lique, just beyond cell d; recurrent vein absent or at most 1/2 diameter of cell basally. Crossvein r-m near apical 1/3 of cell d, slightly longer than Cu+A 1 . Legs : Mostly pale yellowish setae and bristles; femora with sparse black setae apically; metathoracic femora with usually 1-2 black bristles ventrally and dorsoapically. Tibiae yellow, narrow apices blackish, 1 basal and usually 2-3 black bristles apically. Tarsi reddish or blackish-red, tarsomeres progressively dark with apical tarsomere darkest; prothoracic tarsi palest; setae and bristles black except 4 yellow bristles on prothoracic and mesothoracic tarsi, metathoracic tarsi sometimes with 1-2 yellow bristles. Abdomen : Black basally, reddish apically. Tergites 2-5 mostly brownish or blackish tomentose dor- sally, apical 1/4 yellowish. Tergite 1 and wide sides and apical corners of 2-5 yellowish-gray tomentose, long, yellowish setae on tergites 1-3 laterally. Tergites 2-3 with sparse brown setae medially, 4-5 and 8 brown setose dorsally. Sternites 1-7 white tomentose, white setose; setae long and erect on sternites 1-3; setae much shorter beyond except moderately long along apical margin of sternites 7-8. Terminalia (Fig. 33-35): Reddish or blackish-red, black setose, slightly swollen apically, about 1/3 wider than middle. Epandrium twice as long as wide, notched dorsally, large flange dorsoposteriorly. Gonostylus pointed apically, slightly wider preapically; setulae simple, short, only slightly longer posteriorly. Phallus slender laterally, flange narrow, not strongly produced; aedeagus minute, angled about 90 degrees. Gonocoxite short, apex just before apical 1/3, gradually tapered on apical 1/2 to pointed apex anteriorly; setae moderately dense, long posteriorly, shorter ventrally. Female. Body 14.1-17.9 mm ; wing 10.6-10.8 mm . Head: Scape entirely, frons mostly black setose; 4 black postocular bristles dorsally. Thorax : Anterior scutal setae about 1/2 as long as scape. Scutellum mostly yellow setose, sparse black setae, setae about a long as scape; 2 stout, black marginal bristles; anepisternum and katepisternum golden-yellow tomentose; pleura with setae yellow. Wing : Vein R 4 recurrent vein longer than cell basally. Legs : Femoral bristles yellow, 1 black bristle on metathoracic femora ventrally. Prothoracic and mesothoracic tarsi with 4 yellow bristles. Abdomen : Tergites 1- 7 mostly brown tomentose dorsally, wide sides and apical margins yellowish-gray or yellow tomentose, setae mostly yellow, sparse black medially on terg- ites 2-4, mostly black setae beyond. Sternites 1-7 yellowish-gray or whitish tomentose, whitish or yellowish setose, setae long, erect on 1-3. Terminalia : Black, base slightly reddish dorsally, 4.0 mm, about a long as segments 5-7, at middle 1/8 as wide as long; cercus slightly less than 1/2 as long as tergite 9. Spermatheca oval, only slightly longer than wide (Fig. 4d). Types . CUBA : Cuba : W.I. / Camaguey [ province ] / Oct’42 / D. G. Hall ( holotype m, USNM ). Paratypes : 29.x.1929 / P. D. Saunders ~ S.W. Bromley collection ( 1 m , USNM); 28.x.1929 / P.D. Saunders ~ S.W. Bromley collection ( 1 m , USNM); 29.x.1929 / P.D. Saunders ~ Soledad [ Cienfuegos province ] Cuba ~ S.W. Bromley collection (1 f, USNM); Ocujal coast / South of Tur- / quino Pk. [ Santiago de Cuba province ] Cuba ~ / J. Acuña ( 1 m , 1 f, USNM); Vilches Potrero / Soledad Cienfuegos / Cuba 9.ix.1930 / Richard Dow ~ Erax rufitibia Macq. Figure 33-35. Male terminalia of Efferia insula n. sp. , Det. S.W. Bromley 1932 ( 1 m , MCZC). lateral views; 33. intact terminalia; 34. gonostylus; 35a- Distribution . Cuba , Camaguey , Cienfuegos , b. phallus with aedeagus, aedeagal tubes, and phallic Santiago de Cuba provinces; October-November. flanges. Etymology . Latin insula , genitive, ‘an island’, referring to the type locality, Cuba . Remark . Efferia insula is distinguished by the characters in the key and combined characters of the terminalia (Fig. 33-35). Additionally, it is further distinguished from Ef. brunnescens in the entirely pale setae of the palpi, shorter ocellar and scutellar setae, latter being about as long as scape, entirely or mostly pale bristles below the femora, and 1-4 yellow bristles on the tarsi. Thus far females are indistinguishable from those of Ef. brunnescens and Ef. pina .