The Genus Bertolonia (Melastomataceae) In The State Of Bahia, Brazil Author Bisewski, Gessica C. A. 0000-0002-4357-8449 gebisewski @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4357 - 8449 Author Bacci, Lucas F. 0000-0001-5825-9216 Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA & lucasfbacci @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5825 - 9216 Author Amorim, André M. 0000-0003-0712-3321 Herbário CEPEC, Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau, Postal Code 07, Itabuna, Bahia, 45600 - 970, Brazil & Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Bahia, 45622 - 900, Brazil & amorim. uesc @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0712 - 3321 Author Goldenberg, Renato 0000-0002-7047-6720 renato. goldenberg @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7047 - 6720 text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-05-31 548 2 153 183 journal article 61599 10.11646/phytotaxa.548.2.3 25e22166-d222-4d60-a981-4cf1bc25d4bd 1179-3163 6597678 15. Bertolonia vitoriana Bacci & Michelangeli (in Bacci et al . 2018: 788 ). Figures 10d , 19 . Herbs 20–40 cm tall, terrestrial, seldom epiphytic. Stem 1–3 mm wide, quadrangular or rounded, densely glandulosepunctate (trichomes less than 0.1 mm long). Leaves opposite; petioles 0.6–5.3 cm long, quadrangular, moderately to densely glandulose-punctate; blades 6.8–14.2 × 3.3–7 cm , flat, seldom slightly undulate, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, base widely rounded or narrowly rounded, apex acute, margins denticulate, sparsely ciliate, adaxial surface dark green, sparsely glandulose-punctate (trichomes less than 0.1 mm long, brownish), abaxial surface vinaceous, sparsely glandulose-punctate (trichomes less than 0.1 mm long, brownish), main veins 3, plus two pairs that do not reach the leaf apex, suprabasal. Inflorescences terminal, pseudo-lateral when old, 5.5–9.5 cm long ( 6–11 cm long in infructescences), branches moderately glandulose-punctate when young, glabrous when old. Bracts 1.3–1.7 mm long, elliptic, apex acute, margins eciliate, both surfaces glandulose-punctate; bracteoles 0.9–1 mm long, elliptic, seldom obovate, apex acute, both surfaces glandulose-punctate. Hypanthium 2.1–2.6 × 1.3–2 mm , obconic, glandulose-punctate. Sepals ovate, apex acute, margins entire, eciliate, both surfaces glandulose-punctate. Petals 7–9.5 × 4.5–7 mm long, white, elliptic, base cuneate, apex acute, margins entire, eciliate, both surfaces papillose, otherwise glabrous. Stamens 4.2–6.1 mm long; filaments 1.6–3.5 mm long; anthers 2.1–2.7 mm long, yellow, lanceolate, slightly undulate; pore rounded, non-thickened margins, introrse; connective shortly prolonged (less than 0.4 mm ), dorsally thickened. Style 3–6 mm long, curved, glabrous. Fruits 0.5–0.6 × 0.7–0.9 cm . Seeds reniform. FIGURE 19. Bertolonia vitoriana . A. Fertile branch. B. Trichomes on the petiole. C. Leaf base, abaxial surface. D. Short-stalked glandular trichomes on the abaxial leaf surface. E. Inflorescence. F. Hypanthium and calyx, abaxial surface. G. Petals apex. H. Stamen, lateral (left) and dorsal (right) views, note the introrse pore on lateral view. I. Ovary and style. [A, B, D, E, I: Borges 338 ; C: Amorim 7201 ; F: Reginato 1277 ; G: Amorim 6559; H : Amorim 4408 ]. Examined material:BRAZIL . Bahia : Camacan, Alves-Araújo 1194 ( UFP !); Amorim 4408 ( CEPEC !, NY ); Amorim 6659 ( CEPEC !); Amorim 7201 ( CEPEC !); Bacci 208 ( CEPEC !, UEC ); Borges 338 ( CEPEC !, NY , UPCB !); Fiaschi 2868 ( CEPEC !, NY , SPF ); Goldenberg 832 ( CEPEC !, UPCB !); Lopes 419 ( CEPEC !); Marinho 820 ( CEPEC !); Perdiz 414 ( CEPEC !, RB ); Reginato 210 ( CEPEC !, UPCB !); Reginato 1266 ( RB !); Reginato 1277 ( NY , RB !); Santos, T.S. 366 ( UESC !); Thomas 13781 ( CEPEC !, NY ); Thomas 14200 ( CEPEC !, NY ). Conservation Status: The species has been collected several times in only one locality in the municipality of Camacan, in the “Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Serra Bonita”. Bertolonia vitoriana has an EOO of 3 km ² and AOO of 1 km ², and should be classified as “Critically Endangered” (CR), following IUCN (2017) categories. Notes: Bertolonia vitoriana is endemic to Bahia , occurring in montane rainforests ( Fig. 13g ), on shaded and moist slopes. Collected with flowers from November to January, and fruits from November to April and June. Bertolonia vitoriana can be distinguished by the stem, petioles, leaf blades and hypanthium only glandulose-punctate, leaves with flat surfaces and the suprabasal inner pair of veins, and flowers with white petals and yellow anthers. Bertolonia vitoriana is similar to B. bullata . For more details see the notes under B. bullata in Bacci et al . (2018) and Table 1 .