Revision of the Nearctic Species of the Shore-Fly Genus Scatophila Becker (Diptera: Ephydridae) Author Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz 0000-0003-2163-0143 Institute of Biology, Opole University, ul. Oleska 22, 45 - 052 Opole, Poland zatwar @ uni. opole. pl; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2163 - 0143 Author Mathis, Wayne N. 0000-0003-2163-0143 Institute of Biology, Opole University, ul. Oleska 22, 45 - 052 Opole, Poland zatwar @ uni. opole. pl; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2163 - 0143 & Department of Entomology, PO BOX 37012, MRC 169, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012, USA mathisw @ si. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5012 - 1762 & Institute of Biology, Opole University, ul. Oleska 22, 45 - 052 Opole, Poland zatwar @ uni. opole. pl; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2163 - 0143 text Zootaxa 2024 2024-07-30 5487 1 1 100 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5487.1.1 1175-5334 13210771 50AC1672-FC20-4502-8D8A-4BCAE95F719B 2. Scatophila exilis Cresson Figs. 9–10 , 14–15 , 18–21 Scatophila exilis Cresson 1935: 366 .— Sturtevant and Wheeler 1954: 192 [review].— Wirth 1965: 758 [ Nearctic catalog].— Zatwarnicki 1987: 292 [checklist].— Zatwarnicki and Mathis 1994: 362 [phylogeny, contaminata group].— Mathis and Zatwarnicki 1995: 283 [world catalog]. Description.—This species, which is a member of the contaminata group, is distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: This is a generally small, dark-colored species, blackish brown with some small gray areas; small shore flies, body length to 1.40–1.55 mm . FIGURES 11–13 . Male terminalia of Scatophila contaminata (Stenhammar) . 11. Epandrium and cerci, posterior view. 12. Internal male terminalia (gonite, phallapodeme, aedeagus, neohypandrium), ventral view. 13. Same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm. Head ( Figs. 14–15 ): Mesofrons generally dark brown with some gray spots along anterior margin; face of and female about equal, projected slightly but not concave or flattened; face covered by metallic microtomentum; gena short, gena-to-eye ratio 0.16–0.20. Thorax ( Figs. 9–10 ): Mesonotum ( Fig. 10 ) mostly dark brown but with some, small gray areas; scutellum dark brown, some specimens with apex gray; a prescutellar pair of acrostichal setae usually well developed, subequal to length of ocellar setae. Wing ( Fig. 9 ) with conspicuous spots; costal vein ratio 025–0.29; M 1 vein ratio 0.61–0.64; knob of halter darkened, faintly whitish brown. Legs mostly dark colored, femora with some light investment of gray microtomentum; male midfemur lacking row of spine-like setulae along posteroventral margin; tarsi black. Abdomen: Tergites blackish. Male terminalia ( Figs. 18–20 ): Epandrium in posterior view ( Fig. 18 ) nearly as wide as high, dorsal margin rounded, lateral margins slightly wider at midheight, ventral margin broadly truncate, width of truncate ventral margin greater than width of cercal opening; cercal opening comparatively large, width almost equal to height, height of cercal opening equal to 0.70 epandrial height; cerci in posterior view ( Fig. 18 ) large, hemispherical; aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 20 ) comparatively short, length only slightly longer than height, moderately rounded basally, posterior margin narrowed to a triangular point, dorsal margin shallowly excavated, cavity slightly longer than width of opening, in ventral view ( Fig. 19 ) ovate, lateral margins shallowly curved; ventral aedeagal process lacking; phallapodeme in lateral view ( Fig. 20 ) elongate, narrow, parallel sided, distinctly elbowed, apical process shorter than ventral process, in ventral view ( Fig. 19 ) with T-shaped crossbar, nearly straight, lateral extensions parallel sided, medial process nearly parallel sided, only slightly longer than crossbar; postgonite in lateral view ( Fig. 20 ) generally V-shaped, dorsal arm or extension irregularly rectangular with posteroventral corner slightly produced, posterior ¼ narrowed, forming a thumb-like process that bears a short nipple-like point, apical process bearing setulae, ventral arm narrow, elongate, almost parallel sided, in ventral view ( Fig. 19 ) with posterior processes generally narrow, thumb-like, apices extended slightly laterally; neohypandrium in lateral view ( Fig. 20 ) elongated, narrow, shallowly sinuous. FIGURES 14–17 . Head of Scatophila . 14. S. exilis Cresson , latero-oblique view. 15. Same, lateral view. 16. Scatophila angusta sp. nov. , latero-oblique view. 17. Same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.2 mm. Type Material.—The holotype male of Scatophila exilis Cresson is labeled “Boulder Co. [“Co.” crossed out by two crosshatch marks] Colo./ W. E. Watkins Coll. [handwritten]/Type No. 51297 U. S. N. M. [number handwritten; red]/TYPE No. 51297 Scatophila EXILIS E. T. Cresson, Jr. [number and species name handwritten; red].” The holotype is double mounted (glued to a narrow triangle), is in excellent condition, and is deposited in the USNM (51297). Other Specimens Examined.— CANADA . BRITISH COLUMBIA. Kamloops ( 50°40'N , 129°19.1’W : alkali lake), 2 Jul 1968 , W. W. Wirth ( 1♂ , 2♀ ; USNM ) . MANITOBA . Treesbank ( 49°38.1'N , 99°36.3'W ), 6 May 1916 ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . SASKATCHEWAN . Saskatoon ( 52°07'N , 106°38.6'W ), 28 Jul 1955 , W. W. Wirth ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . FIGURES 18–20 . Male terminalia of Scatophila exilis Cresson. 18. Epandrium and cerci, posterior view. 19. Internal male terminalia (gonite, phallapodeme, aedeagus, neohypandrium), ventral view. 20. Same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1. MEXICO . BAJA CALIFORNIA : Rosarito ( 32°21.9'N , 117°02.8'W ), 22 Mar 1950 , G. Lindsley ( 2♂ ; USNM ). Misión de San Miguel ( 32°05.6'N , 116°51.1'W ), 22 Mar 1950 , G. Lindsley ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . UNITED STATES . ARIZONA. Cochise : Ramsey Canyon ( 31°26.8'N , 110°18.4'W ), 15 Jun 1951 , A. H. Sturtevant ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . CALIFORNIA . Los Angeles : Claremont ( 34°07.9'N , 117°44.4'W ), 3 Mar 1950 , A. H. Sturtevant ( 1♂ ; USNM ) ; Dark Canyon ( 34°08.6'N , 118°20.4'W ), 16 Jul 1951 , A. H. Sturtevant ( 1♀ ; USNM ) ; Pasadena ( 34°09.4'N , 118°07.9'W ), 7 Mar–24 Apr 1950 , A. H. Sturtevant ( 3♂ , 2♀ ; USNM ) ; Rio Hondo ( 33°55.9'N , 118°10.5'W ), 13 Apr 1950 , A. H. Sturtevant ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . Rosemead ( 34°04'N , 118°05'W ), 17 Mar 1950 , G. Lindsley ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . Orange : Corona del Mar ( 33°35.9'N , 117°52.4'W ), 25 Mar 1946 , A. L. Melander ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . Riverside : Lake Hemet ( 33°39.7'N , 116°42.4'W ), 30 Jun 1965 , R . E. Orth ( 1♂ ; USNM ) ; Temecula ( 33°29.2'N , 117°08.6'W ), 25 May 1965 , T . W. Fisher ( 1♀ ; USNM ) ; Tucolota Creek ( 9 km W Sage River ; 33°32.5'N , 116°42.4'W ), 1 Jul 1963 , E. I Schlinger ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . San Bernardino : Helendale ( 34°44.6'N , 117°19.5'W ), 18 May 1955 , W. R . Richards ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . San Diego : Jacumba Springs ( 32°37'N , 116°11.3'W ), 28 Jun 1917 , J. M Aldrich ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . San Francisco : San Francisco ( 37°47.3'N , 122°29.7'W ), 1 Aug 1915 , A. L. Melander ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . Santa Barbara : Montecito ( 34°26.2'N , 119°37.9'W ; glass house), 28 Mar 1933 ( 1♂ , 2♀ ; USNM ) . Yolo : Davis ( 38°32.7'N , 121°44.1'W ), 5 May 1953 , J. C. Hall ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . COLORADO . Boulder : Boulder ( 40°0.9'N , 105°16.2'W ), W. E. Watkins ( 3♀ ; USNM ) . NEVADA . Lincoln : Crystal Springs ( 37°31.9'N , 115°14'W ), 21 Jun 1953 , A. B. Gurney ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . NEW MEXICO . Eddy : Black River (near Rattlesnake Springs; 32°05.2'N , 104°28.3'W ; 1110 m ), 11 Aug 2007 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♀ ; USNM ). Taos : Rio Grande ( 36°24.4'N , 105°34.4'W ), 6 Jun 1953 , W. W. Wirth ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . NORTH DAKOTA . Bowman : Bowman-Haley Dam and Reservoir ( 45°59.5'N , 103°15.4'W ; 840 m ), 19 Jun 2008 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . Burke : Powers Lake ( 48°33.7'N , 102°38.8'W ), 8 Jun 1969 , W. W. Wirth ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . Mountrail : White Lake ( 46°28.5'N , 103°13.1'W ), 8 Jun 1969 , W. W. Wirth ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma: Oklahoma City ( 35°28.9'N , 97°30.5'W ), 21 Mar 1944 ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . OREGON. Baker: Goose Creek ( 35 km E Baker City ; 44°49.2'N , 117°27.79'W ; 825 m ), 7 Jun 2006 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♂ , 1♀ ; USNM ) . Harney : 29 Jun 1958 , A. B. Gurney ( 2♂ , 2♀ ; USNM ) ; Page Springs Campground , Blitzen River ( 42°47'N , 118°51'W ; 1300 m ), 6 Aug 2005 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♀ ; USNM ) ; Pike Creek ( 42°34.5'N , 118°31.7'W ; 1320 m ), 7 Aug 2005 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♀ ; USNM ) ; Steens Mountain , Fish Lake Campground ( 42°44.3'N , 118°38.7'W ; 2250 m ), 6 Aug 2005 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . Klamath : South of Worden ( 42°02.7'N , 121°51.9'W ), 1 Jul 1945 , P. W. Oman ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . SOUTH DAKOTA . Lawrence : Deadwood ( 3.2 km E; 44°23.1'N , 103°41.2'W ; 1440 m ), 17 Jun 2008 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♀ ; USNM ) . TEXAS . Lubbock : Buffalo Spring Lake ( 33°31.6'N , 101°42.3'W ), 27 Apr 1969 , J. M. Tenorio ( 2♀ ; USNM ) . UTAH . Grand : Thompson Springs ( 9 km N; 39°02.3'N , 109°43.4'W ; 1740 m ), 1–16 Aug 2007 , 2008, D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . Salt Lake : Butterfield Canyon ( 40°29.2'N , 112°08.2'W ; 1890 m ), 14 May 2007 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . Utah : Thistle ( 40°0.4'N , 111°29.7'W ; 1530 m ), 11 May 2007 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♂ ; USNM ) . WASHINGTON . Adams : Othello ( 3.2 km W; 46°50'N , 119°14'W ), 23 Jul 1992 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 4♂ , 3♀ ; USNM ) . Franklin : Port of Pasco ( 46°12.6'N , 119°02.9'W ; 100 m ), 6 Jun 2006 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 6♂ , 3♀ ; USNM ) ; Ringold (NW Pasco : 46°30.4'N , 119°15.3'W ), 2–10 Jul 1988 , 1998, D. and W. N. Mathis ( 1♂ , 1♀ ; USNM ) . Grant : Crab Creek ( 4.8 km E Beverly ; 46°50'N , 119°52'W ), 30 May 2006 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 2♂ , 2♀ ; USNM ) ; O’Sullivan Dam ( 46°59'N , 119°17.4'W ), 23 May 1954 , M. T . James ( 2♀ ; USNM ) ; Soap Lake ( 47°23.5'N , 119°29.1'W ), 30 May 2006 , D. and W. N. Mathis ( 4♂ , 2♀ ; USNM ) . Type Locality.— United States . Colorado . Boulder : Boulder ( 44°00.9'N , 105°16.2'W ) . Distribution ( Fig. 21 ).— Nearctic : Canada ( British Columbia , Manitoba , Saskatchewan ), Mexico ( Baja California ), United States ( Arizona , California , Colorado , Nevada , New Mexico , North Dakota , Oklahoma , Oregon , South Dakota , Texas , Utah , Washington ). Remarks.—This species is placed in the contaminata group. The distribution of this species is primarily in western North America. Sturtevant and Wheeler (1954: 192) noted that a specimen from Oklahoma was labeled “Greenhouse; damaging verbena.” FIGURE 21 . Distribution map of Scatophila exilis Cresson. The despecta Group Diagnosis.—Face mediolaterally bears upturned seta. Mid-tibiae of males with posteroventral row of spinulae. Epandrium elongate, contracted apically, its distal margin incised medially forming two lateral lobate processes ( Figs. 27 , 34 ); neohypandrium reduced; postgonite elongate; proximal margin of postgonite convex; distal process relatively long (1/3 of total length), tapered and with several dorsal setae; ventral processes fused to each other, but separated from the main part of postgonite; aedeagus without ventral process, in dorsal view ovate in outline, in lateral view proximal portion narrowly tapered and ventral margin semicircular; distal margin of the dorsal aedeagal opening broadly round with a collar directed outward; phallapodeme in lateral view straight, in dorsal view with apex as a broadened triangle ( Figs. 28–29 , 35–36 ). Nearctic species included in the despecta group are: Scatophila angusta sp. nov. , and S. variabilis Cresson.