A new species of Brachysiderus Waterhouse, 1881 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae) from Maranhão State, Brazil Author Grossi, Paschoal Coelho Author Grossi, Everardo José text Zootaxa 2005 1054 25 29 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170073 a264bf74-a625-4ea9-a290-e34d1bce7500 1175­5326 170073 Key to subgenera and species of Brachysiderus Waterhouse (modified from Endrödi, 1985 ) 1.­ Body flattened, brownish­yellow with black spots on elytra and pronotum; eye canthus in males produced into a small forward and upward directed horn. Male protarsi strongly thickened, inner claw on its under edge with strong tooth. Female head with 2 transverse tubercles ....................................... Subgenus Brachysiderus Waterhouse …2 1’­ Body convex, dorsally reddish to darkish­brown, eye canthus simple or somewhat projected outside. Male protarsi not thickened. Female head without tubercles. Subgenus Minisiderus Endrödi ..................................................................................................... 3 2.­ Head of males with long, upturned, bifurcated horn. Elytra finely reticulated, shiny, strongly and densely punctate. Northwestern Brazil and Eastern Peru ........................... ........................................................................................ quadrimaculatus Waterhouse 2’­ Head of males with long, forward­directed, bifurcated horn, with a middle­apical acute process. Elytra strongly reticulated, oily, more sparsely and finely punctate than previous species. Western Ecuador , Western Peru and Bolivia ................. tridentiger (Prell) 3.­ Protibiae externally tridentate ....................................................................................... 4 3’­ Protibiae externally quadridentate................................................................................. 6 4 ­ Male conjoint frontal horn basis much narrower than head, anterior angle of eye canthus acute and slightly upturned, frons smooth. Apical margin of pronotum strongly lobed at middle, posterior margin nearly straight. Pygidium without setae. Elytra sparsely punctate. Brazil (Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais) .......... paranensis Arrow. 4’­ Male conjoint frontal horn basis more wide than half of head, eye canthus simple and not upturned, frons punctate. Elytra densely punctate. Pygidium with many small setae ....................................................................................................................................... 5 5 ­ Horns triangular in cross section, frons with transverse process. Pronotal tubercles large and pointed forward, pronotum strongly punctured on disc. Paramera slightly curved with outer edges straight. Female unknown. Brazil (Maranhão) ........................ ................................................................................ mielkeorum Grossi & Grossi n. sp. 5’­ Horns flattened, frons simple, without transversal process, strongly punctured. Pronotal tubercles small, pointed upwards, disc with sparse punctures. Paramera strongly curved with abrupt straightening on apex. Brazil (Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Distrito Federal) .................................................................................. minicola Ohaus. 6­ Protibial teeth unequally spaced from each other, 2 apical and 2 basal pairs placed far from each other. Pronotum of male with erect small horn at mid­apical margin with a fovea behind, that of female with traces of 2 tubercles without a fovea. Elytra finely reticulated, more finely so than pronotum, irregularly punctate, with traces of double rows. Pygidium smooth and shiny, in female densely punctate. Paramera slightly assymetrical, outer edge rounded, apices sharp. Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goiás)...................... ................................................................................................. matogrossensis Ohaus. 6’­ The four protibial teeth placed equidistant from each other, basal tooth small and acuminate. Pronotum behind apical margin with 2 small tubercles, without a fovea. Paramera broad, asymmetrical, outer edge of apices toothed. Female unknown. Brazil (Goiás).................................................................................................. goyanus Ohaus.