Review of the types of Indo-Pacific Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris Author Albano, Paolo G. Department of Animal Conservation and Public Engagement, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, 80121 Naples (Italy) and Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A- 1090 Vienna (Austria) pgalbano @ gmail. com (corresponding author) Author Franco, Davide Di Author Azzarone, Michele Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A- 1090 Vienna (Austria) davide. di-franco @ senckenberg. de mikeal. mikeal @ gmail. com Author J., Piet A. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden (The hannco. bakker @ Author Bakker Netherlands) @ naturalis. nl Author Sabelli, Bruno Museo di Zoologia dell’Università di Bologna, via Selmi 3, 40126 Bologna (Italy) bruno. sabelli @ unibo. it text Zoosystema 2023 2023-01-20 45 2 13 106 journal article 10.5252/zoosystema2023v45a2 1638-9387 7569742 Triforis ( Viriola ) intergranosa Hervier, 1898 ( Fig. 17 ) Triforis ( Viriola ) intergranosa Hervier, 1898: 266 , illustrated by Hervier (1899 : pl. 17, fig. 12). TYPE LOCALITY. — Lifou, New Caledonia . TYPE MATERIAL . — Syntype . New Caledonia MNHN-IM-2000-1314; 1 specimen ; from type locality. ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. — T. sinistrorsa , elongato-subulata, acuminata, solida, alba, maculis rufocastaneis marmorata. Anfractus 18- 20; embryonales 5 subrotundi, carinati, striati; intermedii concavi, sutura indistincta, subcrenulata discreti, carinis 2 laevibus, acutè prominentibus instructi. Carinarum interstitia clathrata et lira intermedia minore, gemmifera, ornata, striolis minutissimis intercurrentibus. Ultimus anfractus infernè subcomplanatus, sexliratus, liris prima et tertia cariniferis, acutis, caeteris gemmiferis. Canalis brevis, semiclausus, obliquè recurvus, lutescens. Apertura subrotunda, infrà suturam internè canalifera, in ore suturalis canalis fissurata. Columella arcuata, fulvescens . Labrum columellae, ad ortum canalis basalis, junctum, rotundè prominens. — Long. 8-9 mill.; diam. max. 2.25-2.50 mill. FIG. 16. — Triforis (Mastonia ) fulvescens Hervier, 1898 , Lifou, New Caledonia: A , original figure in Hervier (1898) ; B -H , K -M , syntype, MNHN-IM-2000-1501; front ( B , C ), side ( D , E ), back ( F ), apex ( G , H ), peristome ( K , L ), microsculpture ( M ); I , J , original labels. Scale bars: B-F, 1 mm; G, H, M, 0.2 mm; K, L, 0.4 mm. Hab. Insula Lifou, Vidi 5 specimina, à R. P. Goubin, S. M., collecta. TRANSLATION OF THE LATIN TEXT. — Sinistral shell, subulateelongated, acute, solid, white, marbled with red-brownish spots. Whorls are about 18-20; the embryonic whorls are five, slightly rounded, carinated and striated; intermediate whorls are concave, separated by an indistinct and moderately crenulated suture, with two protruding, acute and smooth keels. Interspaces between the keels are cancellated, sculptured with really small striae and the intermediate spiral cord is smaller, adorned by tubercles. The last whorl is flattened below, with six spiral cords, first and third cord acute and carinated, other cords are tubercled. Siphon is short, partially closed, obliquely curved, yellowish. Slightly rounded aperture, internally bearing a channel under the suture, fissured over the edge of the suture. Arched columella, brownish. The columellar lip is roundly protruding and joined to the beginning of the siphon. — Length 8-9 mm ; maximum diameter 2.25-2.50 mm . Locality: Lifou Island. I saw 5 specimens collected by R. P. Goubin. DIAGNOSIS. — Shell cyrtoconoid. Syntype 5.9 mm high.Teleoconch of c. 9.5 whorls. Three spiral cords present, the second appearing on the third whorl. First and third cords smooth. Second cord ornamented by small tubercles. Spiral microsculpture of fine threads. Base with two additional cords of which the first tubercled and the second a fine cord. Teleoconch with brown blotches on a white background. Tubercles of the second cord white. Protoconch absent in the syntype .