Description of the mature larva of Hydrothassa fairmairei (Brisout) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) and key to the larvae of the genus
Baselga, Andrés
Novoa, Francisco
journal article
Hydrothassa (Hydrothassa) fairmairei
(Brisout, 1866)
, mature larva
Figs. 1–6
Material examined.
. A Coruña, Oroso, Sigüeiro, (UTM 29TNH4457),
250 m
5 May 2004
, 2 mature larvae; Lugo, Sierra de Xistral, Abadín, Valdeinfernos (UTM 29TPH2109),
600 m
17 July 2002
, 9 mature larvae.
Habitus as in
Fig. 1
. Length: 5.7–6.6 mm. Body eruciform, moderately convex and slightly arched in preserved specimens. Inter-tubercular plates and tubercles concolor, red brown in dorsal region, light brown in ventral region.
Hypognathous, well sclerotized. Color red brown. Epicranial suture well developed and long, frontal arms distinct, V-shaped and almost straight (
Fig. 2
). Endocarina present, extending to clypeus. Vertex bearing 3 pairs of setae (
). Frons with 3 pairs of setae (f3, f4, f6). Antennae short and well sclerotized, three-segmented: first joint highly transverse, bearing 4 placoid sensilla (only 2 visible in frontal view,
Fig. 3
); second joint 1.5 times longer than wide, bearing a large conical membranous sensillum and 6 minute setae; distal joint narrow, bottle-shaped, with membranous apex bearing 5 highly minute setae (central one three times larger than the others) and 1 placoid sensillum (not visible in frontal view). Stemmata arranged in two groups, 1 pair located below the base of antenna and 2 pairs behind the antenna. Clypeus with 2 pairs of setae.
Labrum (
Fig. 2
) bearing 1 pair of placoid sensilla and 2 pairs of setae on upper surface, one near middle, the other near lateral sides; anterior border with a median wide U-shaped notch and 3 stout setae on each side. Mandibles symmetrical, 4-toothed, bearing 2 setae on external face and 1 placoid sensillum on dorsal side. Maxillae (
Fig. 4
): cardo transverse, without setae; stipes elongate, with 2 large setae near base of maxillary palp; mala bearing 9–11 setae on internal margin and apex, basal setae longer than apical ones; maxillary palpi 4- segmented, first joint almost as long as wide, bearing 2 long setae basally in ventral side and a placoid sensillum in dorsal side (not visible in
Fig. 4
), second joint transverse with 1 minute seta on external side, third joint longer than wide with 1 seta and 1 placoid sensillum on internal face, and two setae on external side, and fourth joint conical with 1 minute seta on internal face and membranous apex bearing 9–11 highly minute setae. Labium (
Fig. 4
) with postmentum membranous, bearing 3 pairs of setae, anterolateral one very short; prementum with 4 pairs, 2 posterior and 2 anterior to labial palpi, one of the former much longer than the others; labial palpi 2-segmented, first joint transverse, distal joint conical with membranous apex bearing 8–9 highly minute setae.
Tubercles poorly delimited. Prothorax with tubercles D (dorsal), DL (dorsolateral) and EP (epipleural) fused together in a pronotal sclerite (
Fig. 6
), pronotum (D-DL-EP) bearing 9 pairs of primary setae along with 1 pair of shorter setae and 3 pairs of extremely minute ones; tubercle P (pleural) with 1 setae; ventral region with midventral tubercle ES (eusternal) separated in two halves, each one fused with tubercle SS (sternellar). Each fused tubercle SS-ES bears 2 setae. Meso- and metathorax with 4 tubercles on each side of dorsal region: Dai-Dae (dorsal anterior interior and dorsal anterior exterior fused together, bearing 1 seta), Dpi-Dpe (dorsal posterior interior and dorsal posterior exterior fused together, 1 seta), DLai-DLpi (dorsolateral anterior interior and dorsolateral posterior interior fused together, 1 long seta and 2 smaller ones), and DLae-DLpe (dorsolateral anterior exterior and dorsolateral posterior exterior fused together, 3 setae, one of them extremely minute) enclosing the eversible gland; epipleural region with 2 tubercles, EPa (epipleural anterior, 1 seta) and EPp (epipleural posterior, 1 seta); mesothoracic spiracle very close to EPa tubercle; P tubercle bearing 1 seta; SS well developed, bearing 1 seta; ES tubercle bearing a pair of setae.
All pairs similar in size; trochantin (
) located in front of P tubercle (
Fig. 6
), bearing 2 extremely minute setae in anterior half; prothoracic trochantin also with 1 larger seta in postero-ventral angle; coxa 1.5 times longer than wide in lateral view (
Fig. 5
), with 3 large setae on dorsal face and 3–4 shorter ones in lateral declivities; trochanter triangular, with 2 setae on each side, 5 placoid sensilla near coxal articulation on anterior side and 2 on posterior side; femur wider apically than basally in lateral view, with 2 setae dorsally, 3 ones on each lateral declivity and 1 placoid sensillum on anterior side; tibio-tarsus twice longer than wide, bearing 4 setae dorsally, 1 on each side and 1 ventrally; unguis wide basally, curved apically, bearing 1 seta on lower side.
Segments 1–6 with only 2 large tubercles on each side of dorsal region (
Fig. 6
): Dpi-Dpe (2 setae, one of them minute) and DLae-DLpe (2 setae, one of them minute) enclosing the eversible gland; Dai-Dae and DLai-DLpi lacking; epipleural region with tubercle EP bearing 2 setae; spiracle located between EP and DLae- DLpe tubercles; P tubercle with 2 setae, one of them minute (lacking in segment 1); sternal region presents the following tubercles: SS (3 setae, excepting segment 1 with only 2 setae), ES (1 pair of setae). Segment 7–9 with tubercles SS and ES fused together; segment 8 and 9 also with dorsal and dorsolateral tubercles fused together; segment 10 forming anal pseudopod.
Hydrothassa fairmairei
, mature larva from Valdeinfernos. (2) Head, frontal view. (3) Antenna, frontal view. (4) Maxillae and labium, ventral view. (5) Leg, lateral view. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.
Distribution and ecology.
Hydrothassa fairmairei
is an Iberian endemic distributed in the northern half of the peninsula reaching central mountains of
to the south (
Marseul, 1883
; Petitpierre, 1981;
Petitpierre & Doguet, 1981
; Garc ί a-Ocejo,
et al.
, 1992; Garc ί a-Ocejo & Gurrea, 1995;
Baselga & Novoa, 2000a
Vives, 2000
Baselga & Novoa, 2006
), reaching also
Oliveira, 1893
) and the French Pyrenees to the north (Tempẻre, 1971). The recorded host plants are
belonging to the genera
L. and
Caltha palustris
L. (
Baselga & Novoa, 2000a and other personal observations in Galicia, unpublished
Ranunculus aquatilis
L. (Garc ί a- Ocejo & Gurrea, 1995). We have also collected this species on other species of
(unpublished) especially
Ranunculus repens
L., including the larvae described in this paper.