New species-group taxa of Glossoscolex (Clitellata: Glossoscolecidae) from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Author Bartz, Marie L. C. Author James, Samuel W. Author Steffen, Gerusa P. K. Author Antoniolli, Zaida Author Steffen, Ricardo B. Author Brown, George G. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-10-05 4496 1 548 561 journal article 29242 10.11646/zootaxa.4496.1.42 895f6990-113a-4193-a279-7dfbcd8be850 1175-5326 1447025 F0E7B997-D3E2-45F9-9DB8-1CE60196FEC3 GlossosColex (GlossosColex) sp.1 ( Figure 3A,B ) Material examined. COFM BRRS0028 one adult, amputee. Type locality. Near a creek, next to a natiVe grassland in Minas do Camaquã , CaçapaVa do Sul , Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil , 29°39'36.9''S 54°30'09.5''O , 161 masl . 0 5 December 2010 , G.P.K. Steffen & R.B. Steffen colls. Description. Body diameter 5.5 mm at x, 6.1 mm at clitellum, 4.6 mm at xxx. Body cylindrical and slightly flattened. Setae closely paired throughout; setal formula aa:ab:bc:cd:dd = 5.6:0.2:1:0.1:4.7. Preclitellar setae not Visible. Prostomium zygolobic. Color rosy, clitellum slightly broWnish. OVipores not Visible; male pores 3 mm apart on xVii Within slits in paired eleVated porophores; clitellum annular, xV–xxV ( Fig. 3A,B ). Nephropores just aboVe b. Septa 6/7–10/11 equally thick and muscular, septa 13/14/15/16 highly expanded With a circumesophageal barrier to make a sac, knobby outside and fuzzy inside. Alimentary canal With cylindrical gizzard in Vi; esophagus With high cheVron-patterned lamellae Vii–xi, ValVular in xii, intestinal origin xiii; typhlosole origin xxiii, simple lamina xxiii–xxVi, zig-zag With Ventral edge bent oVer to form pockets xxVii–xxxVi, after xxxVii gradually becoming simple lamina. Calciferous glands paired xii, composite-tubular type , heart shaped, pedunculated; blood Vessels to gland include large branch of dorsal Vessel to approximate center of each gland, tWo coalescing Vessels from Ventral gland margin to extra-esophageal Vessel. Holonephric, Vesiculate; ducts to body Wall near leVel of B. Vascular system With Ventral trunk, single dorsal trunk, lateral Vessels in Vii–ix, latero-esophageal hearts in x– xi, last pair (xi) free. Extra-esophageal Vessel from pharyngeal glands, along Ventral-lateral face of gizzard, esophagus back to calciferous glands; supraesophageal Vessel in x–xi. OVaries, oVarian funnels free in xiii; spermathecae absent. Male sexual system metandric, testes and funnels in single midVentral subesophageal sac in xi; seminal Vesicles absent; Vasa deferentia long, looped from xi, form “S” on body Wall in route to Ventrolateral outside of large reniform muscular copulatory bulbs; bulbs extend oVer xV– xViii. Copulatory bulbs With thin muscular outer layer, dense, delicate corrugated glandular inner surface With small lumen leading to male pore at approximate center of bulb connection to body Wall; no transVerse muscle bands crossing oVer bulbs. Remarks. The single specimen, here named Glossoscolex (Glossoscolex) sp. 1, most probably represents a neW species. It Will be named When more material has become aVailable and the characters described here haVe been confirmed. G . ( G .) sp.1 belongs to the Glossoscolex (Glossoscolex) truncatus Rosa, 1895 group as defined in Cordero (1943) and Righi (1978) , With male pores in xVii and clitellum beginning behind the male pores. Glossoscolex (G.) sp.1 is close to G. (G.) truncatus considering the form of the clitellum, the diameter of the body and the form of the copulatory bulbs. The main differences betWeen G. (G.) sp.1 and G. (G.) truncatus (as representatiVe of the Whole truncatus species group) are as folloWs, With the characteristics of the latter in parentheses: clitellum extension xV–xxV (xVi–xxV), hearts of xi free (hearts of xi enclosed in testis sacs), testis sacs single midVentral subesophageal (testis sacs circumesophageal), septa 12/13/14 highly expanded (no such deVelopment in septa 12/13/14 ), seminal Vesicle absent (present and tubular elongated) ( Table 1 ). The lack of seminal Vesicles is unique Within the knoWn species of the truncatus -group, and this species also has an unusual setal arrangement, With the aa distance greater than the dd. Other species and subspecies described here haVe large aa distances, With some approaching the dd Value but not exceeding it as in the present case.