Bathyal Mollusca from the cold-water coral biotope of Santa Maria di Leuca (Apulian margin, southern Italy) Author Negri, Mauro Pietro Author Corselli, Cesare text Zootaxa 2016 4186 1 1 97 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4186.1.1 5b97cddd-5284-4a6b-8693-898864fb4711 1175-5326 165288 029B675F-776C-4CD6-9992-FA05AEADFA7B Putzeysia wiseri ( Calcara , 1842 ) Fig. 12 h–j Trochus wiseri Calcara , 1842 (p. 14). Trochus wiseri Calcara—Jeffreys 1883 [b] (p. 105). Putzeysia wiseri Calacara [ sic ]— Tryon 1889 (p. 413, pl. 57, fig. 43). Calliostoma ( ? Putzeysia ) wiseri ( Calcara, 1841 ) Ghisotti & Melone 1971 (p. 65, fig. 10.30). Calliostoma wiseri ( Calcara ) Di Geronimo & Panetta 1973 (p. 74, pl. 1, fig. 1); Di Geronimo & Li Gioi 1980 (pl. 1, figs. 1– 2). Trochus wiseri Calcara, 1842 Guidastri et al. 1984 (p. 126, figs. 1–15). Calliostoma wiseri ( Calcara , 1841 ) Poppe & Goto 1991 (p. 75, pl. 6, fig. 10). Putzeysia wiseri ( Calcara, 1842 ) Giannuzzi-Savelli et al. 1994 (p. 84, fig. 263); Repetto et al. 2005 (p. 89, top right fig.); Portalatina 2008 (p. 155, fig. 4A); Mastrototaro et al. 2010 (fig. 5 c). Diagnostic characters . Trochiform shell; umbilical chink closed by parietal callus in most specimens; rounded prosocline aperture; thin, prosocline collabral riblets and superimposed spiral cords; spiral cords increasing in number by intercalation during growth; nodules at the intersections of riblets and spiral cords; strongest spiral cord suprasutural forming the periphery. Protoconch: low, consisting of 1.25 whorls; diameter about 310 µm; surface finely granulated; transition to the teleoconch marked by a simple, slightly everted lip. Occurrence . Box-corer samples BC04 ( 1 specimen ), BC05 (2), BC11 (1), BC22 (1), BC66 (7), BC67 (7), BC68 (2), BC70 (2), BC71 (59), BC72 (21); cores BC05 (1), BC21 (1), BC72 (3). Maximum height: 5.5 mm . Distribution and habitat . Putzeysia wiseri is distributed from the NE Atlantic to the Mediterranean, dwelling on coralline or muddy bottoms between 150 and 3000 m depth, but being more frequent in association with deep water corals in the 500–2000 m interval; it is possibly a cold-water species relict on deep water corals ( Ghisotti & Melone 1971 ; Guidastri et al. 1984 ; Poppe & Goto 1991 ; Ratmeyer et al. 2004 ). It has been regarded to represent an exclusive characteristic element of the VP (bathyal mud) biocoenosis (Di Geronimo 1979[a]) and an associated element of the CB (deep-sea white corals) biocoenosis ( Guidastri et al. 1984 ). In the Santa Maria di Leuca CWC biotope, it was found on living colonies of Madrepora oculata (Mastrototaro et al. 2010) , being common in coral rubble and solitary coral thanatofacies (Rosso et al. 2010). Fossil record. Pliocene (doubtful) of Sicily ( Guidastri et al. 1984 ); Pleistocene of central and southern Italy ( Di Geronimo 1979[a]; Di Geronimo & Li Gioi 1980 ; Guidastri et al. 1984 ; Di Geronimo & Bellagamba 1985 ; Di Geronimo & La Perna 1997; Di Geronimo et al. 2005 ). The species was originally described by Calcara (1842) on fossil material from Sicily ; other authors (Ghisotti & Melone 1 971; Guidastri et al. 1984 ) recorded it from the same sediments as Trochus gemmulatus .