On the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Philippine Islands: V. The genus Odontomachus Latreille, 1804. Author Sorger, D. M. Author Zettel, H. text Myrmecological News 2011 14 141 163 http://antbase.org/ants/publications/23311/23311.pdf journal article 23311 Odontomachus malignus species group Diagnosis: Palp formula 4, 4. Head short, posteriorly with pair of tubercles. Mandibles long with long and sharp api- cal and subapical teeth. Antennae relatively short. Meso- soma not depressed. Pronotum with delicate sculpture. Pet- iole comparatively small and low. Diversity and distribution: This group contains only one species, O. malignus from the western Pacific area. Notes: Brown (1976) included O. malignus in the O. infandus species group, mainly because of its mandibular structures. However, the short head, short scape, and com- paratively high and stout mesosoma differ considerably from both the O. infandus and the O. rixosus species group. The combination of morphological characters and the un- ique biology justify the erection of a separate species group.